I Just Hit Two Months Sober!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Which is something I never thought I would say.

This post is going to let you guys into a personal aspect of my life. It is a serious topic, but it probably won't be presented in too serious of a manner. That just isn't who I am.

Since I was 18, I have been a pretty hard drinker. In my "prime", I used to drink Everclear straight from the bottle. (sorry, liver.) Left to my own devices and with alcohol in hand, I could easily finish a 1.75 liter in an evening because I have utterly no self control or moderation to speak of.

"Why is the rum always gone? What the hell is she doing?!"
~Anyone who left me alone for fucking 20 minutes


When drunk, I was prone to harassing things and documenting it. Poor Jensen, I treated him like a piece of meat.

So what made me a quitter after 10 years of destroying myself and damaging friendships in a vodka drenched whirlwind of fuckery? A visit from my sort-of cousin.
She is known to knock back quite a few drinks, and me, being the competitive dumbass that I am, decided "well, I am gonna keep up with her!".

Here we see mistake number one.

For two to three days, I can't really remember, I filled myself with high gravity beer, vodka, rum, kraken, assorted mini bottles. Who knows how many times I snuck off to vomit, and chased the taste out of my mouth with another shot. I was almost impressed with myself until I felt the hot breath of a deathly hangover on my neck.


I had been used to drinking a lot, since about 4 times a week I would get 6 cans of high gravity beer and knock those back while sitting home alone and wallowing in my own depression. Sending messages at 3am in the morning that I regret every. fucking. time. Getting messages back of "You're drunk again, aren't you?". That feeling of shame that boils into a frothy brew of indignation when I wrote back "NO!" and watched my spelling and slurring in case someone KNOWS-KNOWS.

I had evolved from an occasional drinker to a functioning alcoholic that hid it well.

And when my beautiful sort-of cousin came to town and I drank myself beyond sick and to the point that I threw up fucking BLOOD, I decided to reevaluate my life choices. After a week of not being able to eat without throwing up and my stomach twisting with fire, I swallowed my pride and went to the hospital. I was sure I had burst an ulcer. After some CT scan's and a rather rough butt fingering that lacked any romantic finesse, they arrived at the conclusion that I had damaged my stomach lining but nothing too serious.

Doctor: "So what did you do to cause this?"

"Oh, and we found an ovarian cyst. Probably need to get that checked out again."
~ Curt ER doctor

WEeeEEEEEEeeEELL... shit.

I headed home pumped with three bags of saline, a bag of medication, a rather sore chocolate starfish, a bruised ego, and a determination to change. My body is already deteriorating far faster than it should and plagued with illness still diagnosed, I really should stop making my amble to the grave into a running gait.

So here I am, at the precipice of two months without drinking. I had a little help from pain pills to get me through the rougher of the days, and I drink about a gallon of green tea a day. Aside from pissing like a race horse... I actually feel GOOD.

And I realized last night, that I don't really miss it. Without drinking, I have had more time to focus on my hobbies, to complete projects. To be PRODUCTIVE. To finally start a blog that so many people have pushed me to do but I never had the sense of self worth to follow through with. Until now.

Will I never drink again? That isn't really my goal. I want to be a person that can sit down, have two mixed drinks with polite company, and move on with my day. I don't want to be the sloppy, red headed fat girl begging for just "one more drink!" that I have been for 10 years.

Allow me to present the first project I started and finished as a sober woman.

Follow me for more funny stories, adventures into the macabre, and subversive old lady crafts!

*Cross stitch pattern by Epicstitchery on Etsy


I am very proud of you. You took charge of your life again and you made a tough choice. Things will get better as you go on. HUGS!

Thank you so much, @Korg! HUGS BACK!

Good for you girl! It isn't easy. I wish you luck. Also, is that Michonne in the cross stitch?

Thank you so much for the well wishes! And you're right, it isn't easy, but it hasn't been as hard as I thought it was going to be for me. I've heard people say you'll never make the change unless you're really ready, and I guess I finally was.
It IS Michonne! Michonne and her walker pets!


I have a dear friend who has just hit 8 weeks too so I am happy for you :)

Thank you @gummybadger! I woke up feeling a swell of pride and threw away the mini bottle of booze I've had sitting next to my bed as a reminder.
Tell your dear friend that I'm rooting for them and congratulations for me! You must be really proud of them!

Very proud, and it is so great to hear the confidence and clarity returning to his voice. the group sessions have really helped him overcome the hardest elements behind his drinking.

Does he sound like a completely different person?
I am so happy that your friend was able to take control and seek asylum with other people with the same goal in mind! Good on 'im! <3

Yeah a completely different person!

For your friend!

Congrats! Stay of course...:)

Thank you, thank you! I will!

Great Work, keep it up for your best health and wealth!

:* hugs

Thank you, thank you! I was actually able to have two beers the other night and call it quits!
I am pretty damn proud of myself, if I may toot my own horn.

Be careful, but with the proper willpower and restraint you can do it like that ;)

Awww. That's usually the case. We stop drinking alcohol for health reasons. But maybe you can drink moderately? If not then that's fine.

Hope everything is still well. :)

By the way, what does the kraken taste like?

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