Doing is not Heavy

in #life8 years ago

Doing is not heavy

The following combination of letters that have managed in many ways to form words are an attempt at captivating ideas that are all to willing to retreat into the ethereal plain without anchorage on to some kind of device designed to facilitate the above desire and need.
In this case it takes the form of a page, albeit a computerized one.

This page acts as that anchor, as will many pages that follow.

I apologise in advance for the apparent overuse of the word 'change'

Just thoughts……….

It is the imagination of the task ahead that weighs upon us

It is the not act of doing that is heavy but rather the thought of doing. That thought facilitates continued procrastination and a refusal to perform which in turn can grow in imaginary weight and magnify itself exponentially within the infinite confines of the mind

For instance, the idea of change itself can stop change before it comes into reality

It is all very well to intellectually understand what changes you could make in order to live a decidedly happier life, but when the thought of these changes alone, before any actual movement toward the goal occurs, stops you in your tracks, it is true to say that you have been defeated by an idea.

You have accepted an illusionary defeat based on a thought.

For example,

In a fleeting moment you consider how much healthier and happier you would be if you committed yourself to eating well and paying more attention to what you consume with the idea of increasing your energy and general well being.

In this moment of consideration a voice pipes up inside your head and it does what it does best. It repels this exciting and positive thought by telling you that you are ill equipped to make such a change. It doesn’t stop there either. It brings with it proof. It reminds you that healthy foods are a bit of a mystery to you, as are the recipes, the ingredients and the knowledge surrounding dietary changes of this kind. Imagine the habits you have to learn, the cooking styles, the parts of the supermarket you will have to explore for the first time. It goes on, as it always seems to, with a precise and predetermined list of blocks that stand in your way.

Quite rapidly the thought becomes of an increasingly complex size and weight and you begin to retreat from it.

All of this happens within a number of seconds and results in the comfort of stepping back into the zone you are accustomed to, along with your shopping list, which also now, no longer needs to change, and what a relief. It’s probably all for the best. After all, you did try but you just don’t have the capability. Perhaps leave it for another time. You are very busy after all.

How many thoughts have never been seen through to their end because of imagined difficulties, roadblocks and resignations?

How many times have you accepted an illusionary defeat based on invading and uncontrolled negative thoughts?

How many times has a freeing and positive thought been subverted into a negative cul-de-sac where it has been parked, abandoned and forgotten about?

Life, as most of us will feel, at one point or another, is capable of giving the impression that it is in fact heavy. We feel that we are often weighed down with commitments, routines, frustrations, feelings of our own and others and a myriad of other external and internal perceived complications.

To make changes under these conditions can be understandably difficult. Or is it the difficult environment that best facilitates the change?

I would agree with the latter with more heart, because it is the only answer that will actually relieve the weight. And sometimes we are unaware that we even carry weight regarding these subjects, but that is because we become experts at doing so.

Refusal to change is a refusal to let go and in turn it is a refusal to evolve, become happier and to achieve the thoughts, ideas, dreams and wishes that come to mind.

As with the change of diet that we touched on earlier, we apply the same internal battle or instantaneous defeat, to working out, starting the new business, writing that book, putting down the television controller and disconnecting from the phone.

It all seems too much. Change is a pain and far more of us are used to living with pain instead of the far healthier approach if using that pain to galvanise change. More than that, we become friends with pain. It becomes familiar and safe. We are so very strange, humans. Anyway, change requires effort and you’re already tired. Life seems to move along ok without all this change so why should you drag yourself around trying to be something that you’re not?

I would say that these ideas of change are in fact attempting to connect you to what you really are. That change is much easier if you actually do it rather than just think of it. My feeling is that the thinking of change is much heavier than the actual change itself. Why? Because the change itself is positive and therefore it releases weight. It connects you to your higher self and finally allows you to raise your vibration that little bit higher.

The longer we refuse to change, even subconsciously, the heavier the thought becomes. The reoccurring thoughts are the worst. They are not only heavy but also boring. You become unaffected by what began as a really positive thought and instead feel repulsed by it. Annoyed by it even, and eventually you push it back and stuff it into the area of your mind which is already weighed down by the other positive thoughts defeated by illusions of your very own design. This whole area becomes a no-go zone and an embarrassing exhibition of the you that could have been.

You know that I am right. How can I be so sure? Because you’re human. As am I. In this moment in time, in this appearance and on this world floating in space, you are human. And therefore, even on the smallest level, you have experienced ‘doing’ and you have celebrated it.

Whether it was making that phone call you didn’t want to make. Attending that meeting you were dreading. Talking to that friend about that problem. Whatever it may have been you have experienced making something out in you mind to be much worse, much more difficult and much more negative than it actually turned out to be.

In fact, you will have most likely experienced the opposite effect of actually feeling lighter after having faced the issue. Lighter because you let it go. You faced it, you did it, you said it, you walked through the door….. you did it!

And it was good. For that moment. But then, being human, and a creature of habit, you returned to what you were more familiar with……the not doing.

I am a master of procrastination. I could write a guide to perfecting the art of not doing. This is why I feel qualified to speak upon the subject.

Not doing weighs far more than doing. Repeatedly not doing becomes such a drag until you literally have the feeling that you are doing little more than dragging your body through life and that positive change has transformed into a negative reminder and thorn in your side.

The other thing that I know, you being human an all, is that you are capable of change. You are capable of instantaneous change.

It starts with that idea but quickly becomes something routed in reality and is fuelled by physical and mental action.

When it comes down to it. At the end of all things and if you are lucky enough to live in safety, have food and have shelter, you are capable of being the fullest version of yourself imaginable.

Your higher self is waiting and will continue to do so forever if needs be. Don’t make it wait. Take action, take control and DO