How to Start Your Own Company + Become Location Independent / Work Remote Like I Do

in #life7 years ago (edited)

While coaching two people yesterday on how to do this, I figured I could also share some of my advice with you guys. I've been running my own company (a sole proprietorship) for one year now. It has become a full time job and offers 100% freedom to work from anywhere. If you want to do the same, here's my advice.


This is actually possible to do in a couple of days, with very little money invested. I would know, I've done it.
I think this might work best for someone selling services. But some of it might be applicable to selling products as well.
What do I do?
I help small companies with social media and digital marketing. I write newsletters, manage their Instagram and Facebook account, I make videos, I help them communicate online and I do social media courses for them. Most clients pay me a monthly price.

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(Working from Sweden)

  • Start before you're ready - you'll never be ready anyway

  • Register the sole proprietorship ASAP - the name is no big deal, you can call your company what ever on social media and on your website.

  • Have someone create a logo for you. Upworks and Fiverr are great websites for this. A fancy logo isn't going to get you clients, hard work will. I upgraded my logo later on, when I actually was making money.

  • Find a software that can send invoices and do most of the accounting/book keeping for you. I use in Norway. It's great. I do my own accounting in the software. It's very easy and I save so much money when I'm not using an accountant.

  • Buy a domain and set up an email at the domain. There are a million guides on how to do this online.

  • Set up a simple website on Wix or Squarespace. Simple is the keyword.

  • Create a Facebook page for the company, and an Instagram account if you need that. Add simple information and the URL of your website.

  • Set up an account on a website like Trello. It's free, Save all your links, passwords and everything else you need to remember about your company on a board there. Also write down tasks that you have to do here.

  • Pick a niche, a target group and also narrow your services down. Define what you do, and also what you don't do.
    I started out with "I can help any company with anything regarding marketing".
    That wasn't optimal. I now help small companies create content for social media, and manage the accounts.

  • Offer your service for free to a business for a month. It could be someone you know. The only criteria is that you're allowed to use their logo and name as a reference client.

  • While working for this customer, document it online. "Today I'm working with xxxx for a client." and post a picture. Let the world know what you can help businesses or people with.

  • Put a quote from the customer on your website, maybe even their logo if they allow it.

  • Invite friends and family to like your page. Create quality content on your Facebook page. Use video!

  • Not getting any customers yet? Take on another client for free or a ver limited price. Prepare to work hard in this phase.

  • Create ads on Facebook ( will show you how) and let the area where your target audience is know that you exist and that you offer what you offer.

  • Send an email to everyone in your network that owns or manage a company. Let them know what you now do and ask them if they are interested in a meeting.

@susanne (2).png
(Working from Chicago)

How to make your company location independent

*Buy a laptop if you don't have one

  • Let customers know that you will travel in the future, but assure them that it will not affect the quality of your work

  • If you are super flexible towards your customers, they are more likely to be flexible with where you work.

(Working from Las Vegas)

  • I don't have any lock-in contracts, so the customers are free to stop using my service anytime. They will be more open to you traveling if they know that they can drop you if you're not doing what you're supposed to

  • Set up a Slack account for communicating with customers, do your video meetings on and create a Google Drive folder for each customer and make a folder within it that you share with the client. This was you can both upload stuff to the folder and share stuff easily.

(Working from Australia)

  • Can you rent out your place on Airbnb while traveling? I did this when I went to the US for 30 days to work

  • Do you have a friend that's based in a nice location where you can visit? Then I'd recommend this for your first trip

  • Research the place you'd like to visit. Is it in a different time zone? Is the WIFI good there?

  • Can you combine this company and writing on Steemit? Steemit is brilliant for an extra income and you can write for Steemit anywhere. What would happen if you dedicated 3 hours ever day for Steemit?

  • Book your ticket! Visit local coffee shops, internet cafes or coworking spaces to get your work done

  • Enjoy your freedom

I really hope that this was helpful for you. And if you're scared to take the leap:

"Leap and the net will appear" - John Burroughs

You should also read these books:

If you'd like further help on how to start a company or become location independent, and if you have any questions - feel free to message me on



Thank you for the valuable information, which I feel fortunate to receive for free, grateful to you and to Steemit, because it unites us for this type of aid.

I am very interested in following all these steps, but I still have many doubts; therefore I will copy your writing to reread and analyze carefully.

Then I will ask you many questions, which I beg you can answer me.

First of all, Thanks. With Affection from Venezuela.

You get so much stuff done! I was seriously up until 2am watching YouTube videos about smart contracts and was so mad at myself because I was going down all these rabbit holes when I need to FOCUS!

Here is me.

For every one hour I Get stuff done, I waste there hours. Imaginge if I could be more efficient!! :/
I am reading a book called Essentialism right now. I think you should Read it too...

I'm trying to read a book called The Tipping Point but can't seem to finish because I'm so distracted with so many things.

I need 5 employees but can't afford them. Hahahah

Respect for the common sense approach and the execution! 👍

In the end it's all about doing and learning as you go along, while having the discipline to put in the work when no one's watching.

Great post Susanne, thanks for the advice :). What made you want to help companies with there social media and digital marketing?

I am lazy, so I just though «What do I already know How to do?»

Offering a month for free to be able to both abtain experience and references is genius!

Excellent guide! Many detailed and concrete steps. Your story is very inspiring. It's fun to follow along with you "living the dream" here.

I especially like how you got in the American spirit in your Chicago pic there haha. Some of my Norwegian friends are fond of commenting to me how much we like to fly the flag in the US. I'm not exactly a big flag-waver, but I can't exactly say they're wrong either...

Outstanding post, @susanne! In addition to providing great details as to how to get started, this is great insight into your work-life!

My youngest daughter was essentially doing this exact thing for a media company here in the states. She worked remotely and handled everything from content creation to social media engagement. She did a fantastic job, too!

Have you read "The Four Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss?? If not, you really should consider it. That book would speak loudly to what you're doing and how you are working remotely...


Hello, I am your follower # 2077.
I just read your previous post and now this one and I must admit that I am in love with your writing style.
About your proprietorship ideas, I would say they are very much awesome,
In third world countries like mine setting up a business is not that easy, especially in the presence of a system that is not very supportive to innovative new comers. A lot of dirty politics is involved.

That was a very concise and informative post, @susanne ! I have wondered how you are able to travel all over and still work, all while posting here on Steemit and smiling all the time. This could help out a lot of people who want to follow in your shoes. Real nice job of explaining everything!

Nice suggestion its hepful for me thankx and keep it up