Fear to be

in #life5 years ago

The scream ripped through the fog of delusion and delivered reality in all its terrible glory. Very little scares me. Very few things fill my mind and heart with dread, except this point. And every moment since.

That sound that drove a stake through my soul and created a wound of which will remain open forever, would never heal, never scab over and scar, it would be raw always. A tearing of illusion that took away all I was and replaced it in an instant with somebody I did not know, someone I cannot trust.

All that I had been violently snatched from me, a life stolen in the blink of an eye by something that did not know what it was doing. Or did it? Life's longing for itself, manipulating to infect my mind, infect my heart, force me into caring for something I was yet to understand. Force me into being something I did not understand or know if I could be. Some say it is difficult to change, I beg to differ. It just takes the right environment and a catalyst to ignite destruction.

Dropped into a world where I am not me and I do not know where I am but must act as a foreigner without knowledge, no guide, no pathway to follow. Alone in a land where every corner brings new pains, every face gets filled with potential horror and threat.

I put my finger into the open wound and press, feel the pain wash over me and absorb all I can. Since that point, I have spent my time learning working, pushing, developing and trying to work out just who this is that has replaced who I was. For I must know him to protect her, and I fear I am failing. Always failing.

Fear drives objective sanity over the brink and cascading into a void of monsters and demons, the ones that live inside awaiting thebreaking of their bonds, their chance to escape and run rampant. I must tie them down, I must bind them, I must not let them gain access. Force them into submission. Kill them.

That scream delivered responsibility, a promise to do all I can, bear all I can. A binding contract to place the body of whoever now occupies me in the way of harm and be punished and tortured daily if that is what it takes. I have learned I can do a lot, carry a lot, absorb it all.

What I must learn is that her life is her own, her mind, body and spirit is hers to use as she chooses, I have no jurisdiction there. I am a guide, a support, a shoulder but at some point, no matter what I do or how much I try, she will be on her own and I can do no more. From the moment her voice first rang and for every one since, I will live with the fear that I have not done enough.

And that scares me.

[ an original ]


And it should! lol. I have three, all adults now. You have no idea what you've gotten into! And it never ends. But love has amplified astronomically, so it's all worth it. Have fun! There is so much to enjoy.

Definitely going to be a fear filled journey :D

You will surprise yourself at those fearful moments, but mostly your child will be a source of great joy.

Beautifully written, wonderfully well expressed, unusually neatly packaged and gorgeously delivered. Your best poetry so far in tha blockchain my friend.

I'm still wondering why the fuck you didn't use the #poetry tag on this soulful deluge of majestic prose. :)

Doesn't poetry have to rhyme or something? :D

Well, precise rhyme is not necessary within the internal declamatory metric of my outlandish mind.

The prose used in your narrative was full of chained verses with Oxytones, Paroxytones and Proparoxytones that I clearly perceived that they came simultaneously and at unison from mind, soul and heart. What more poetry than that? eh? :)