Are You Thinking About Giving Up?

in #life8 years ago

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I used to be an idiot. One day several years ago I was hanging out in an Irish pub to watch the game and drink a beer. Across the bar was sitting a very beautiful girl that I could almost swear that she was looking at me. Either that or she likes darts, at least that’s what I thought since there was a dart board behind me.

So I decided to talk to her, I didn’t know if she liked me or not, so I decided that there was only one way to find out. I decided that fear gets you nothing and that shame was grossly overrated. So I chugged some Irish courage and walked towards her.

Halfway across the bar this thought crossed my mind: “Wait, what am I gonna say?”

I told you I was an idiot.

Immediately, all kinds of stupid pick-up lines started pouring into my brain and I started pushing them away. Then all of the sudden, the doubts started to settle in: Maybe she really likes darts, maybe I remind her of someone, or maybe she just thought she knows me from somewhere.

But I ran out of steps, and before I could think of something, I found myself in front of her, and I thought of nothing better to say than this: “Do I know you from somewhere?”

Yep, like a total moron!

“You gotta have to do better than that!" She said to me.

Shame might be overrated, but it’s painful nonetheless. So I told myself that these things happens to the best of us, and I was just about to walk away and she said: “That’s it? You’re gonna give up?”

What? I said to her.

“Is that all you have?”

“Well, it was either that or what’s your favorite dinosaur?”

She smiled…

Giving Up

Giving up has got to be the number one constant presence on people’s death beds everywhere. In fact, if I was the devil I would toss that fork away, turn the oven down and just start reminding people of all the dreams that they gave up.

That’s the cruelest thing in the world.

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Across the pages of the timeless best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich” reads the story of a successful car salesman who in the midst of the gold rush decided to sell everything and buy a gold mine. Can’t go wrong, right?

At first he was doing ok, more than ok, he was making more money that he’d even seen in his entire life. That mine turned out to be the richest mine in Colorado. But then one day, all of the sudden, the golden goose was no longer dropping eggs.

They drilled and drilled but they were no longer able to find the vein, and just like that his dreams were collapsing before his very eyes.

At the first sign of struggle, his entire family that warned him about buying that gold mine in the first place were first first to put pressure on him. After all, anything new can be scary, so they started reminding him how they warned him about changing careers, about how he should have just sticked to what he knew.

After all the Darbys are salesmen and nothing but salesmen. Or so they said.

One cannot help but wonder, how’s that work exactly? So if the Darbys were clock-smiths then every time a new male is born in the family, a laser descends from the sky granting him clock-smithing abilities? And removing all other skills from his repertoire? Is that how it works?

So if there’s a Darby that decides to change his career and become… say, a milkman? Should we start looking for paternity tests?

But I’m digressing. Anyways, his entire family urged him to sell immediately, and sooner than later he succumbed to the pressure and he sold his mine on cents on the dollar.

Worse than that, he sold all the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home.

Three Feet from Gold

As it turns out, our friend was not familiar with “fault lines”, a common phenomena in Gold mines. Basically it goes like this: Gold - fault line - motherlode.

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But here’s the kicker, the gentlemen who bought the equipment was sharp as a serpent's tooth. What he did is that he called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating.

The calculations later proved that he vein would be found just three feet from where the Darbys had stopped drilling.

And just like that, the junkman became a millionaire and the Darby’s well… That’s why the call it the kicker, because you can’t stop kicking yourself.

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Tell me if this story sounds familiar, you log on every day, you do your best work but still can't see your post moving up the trending page. Maybe your posts are not paying off as you expected, at least not yet. So maybe you start thinking about quitting.

But what if this is just the beginning? What if steemit is right now at the same stages Bitcoin was back in 2011? Can you imagine the potential? And more importantly, are you sure that you wanna miss on it just yet?

Don’t Be Like Darby

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“Every day of my life, I get somewhere between five and twenty emails from people who want to quit.

They’re usually coming to me as a last resort. They want me to convince them to stick it out. Often times they’ve been at it for something like eight or nine months. Or maybe they want me to validate that their instinct is correct, that they should quit.

But that’s not what I’m going to tell them.

Because in the grand scheme of things, eight or nine months is nothing. Even a year is nothing.

Nothing happens overnight.” - Gary Vaynerchuk


I'm one of the people thinking of giveup.
Thanks for sharing this picture.

This is also the picture that I thought of whilst reading this :)

I agree with you,try and try until you succeed.

Haha I like Steve Carell!

Awesome depiction @inertia!

The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own

Dont give up , stay calm and keep drinking:)


i like your posts! started following you and upvoted you with 4$
follow me if you like my posts !

Haha thank you for following me! And the fact that you like my posts means a lot to me so thank you!

Some nice posts you have! :)

#noregrets !!! #YOLO !!!

Sorry couldnt help it. Good post and thanks :)

Haha! It's true... Grazie mille! :)

Your story is exactly what I feel about trending!
But I have passionate interest what happened next with that girl and you? )

Haha everybody seems to be wondering about the same thing :) She's an awesome girl... but that was a long time ago as I mentioned in the beginning.

Never ever give up
Never hold the empty cup
Always push onward again and again
Bite your lip as you take it on the chin

Life is an adventure certainly you see
Without adversity where would you be
To overcome that in our way
Is the most obvious play

Life is a game and you duck the shot
For only with practice you get hot

Some are born with silver spoon in mouth
But even for them things can turn south

Listen not to envy or hostility
Show us your mind and truly be free

You're a poet! Great stuff!

Consistently and patience seems to be very importsnt in any motivational speaker repertoire. I finally understood this the hard way: from many failures.

Good post. Truly motivational as was designed.
I would add:
"What you have to lose if you stay and try again ? You can do something else also: try to be your best yourself and expect nothing. Do it for yourself. Do it because you like doing this: writing, searching, communicating. This can be more valueble on the long run than money because you are self developing. And this is priceless.
Just enjoy the ride. You'll see where will get you.'

Thanks, man

Awesome addendum! What do you have to lose? Might as well enjoy the ride :)

My Go To Pickup Line


Just something to break the ice

I also struggle with the confidence needed to make a move and second guess myself and wind up talking myself out of meeting a cool person or trying something new. I agree and from the older people I have learned from in my life, they wish they had done more things instead of being afraid to try. "Think and Grow Rich" is a very good example of people giving up on their dreams and not seeing them out to fruition. It's time for me to gain the confidence and knowledge to live up to my full potential and take each day as a challenge to further my growth in this world. As always great job @the-alien. (I bet the darts girl liked pterodactyls anyway, I love your humor)

Hey! Thanks for the support and nice words once again!

I'm glad you liked it! It seemed like this one was a follow up to yesterday in a way.. But also I wanted to encourage people a little bit, and give a hand, pull my weight a little bit.

I'm happy about the reception and that I can contribute... And by the way, confidence is only a product of small wins :) Get a few wins in your pocket, and you'll be happier, or surround yourself with people who support you. That should be enough :)

Thanks once again!

Yes I am on a good path with some great people whom I feel can add value to each other at the same time. Keep it up. Have yet to be disappointed by one of your posts

But it's so much easier to just give up, right ?

As the great Shia Labeouf famously said:

"If you are tired of starting over, stop giving up !"

I like how I always post motivation comment and posts etc. And when it comes to me I give up SO easily it's not even funny. lol.

This is an amazing quote! I've never heard it before, thanks for sharing!

How about small victories? Hack your own brain :) Put small plans everyday, 2 to 4 minutes give yourself small tasks that you know that you can achieve, this way you train your brain that it's an achiever. :) and you'll get more comfortable with not giving up. :)

I hope this helps!

Yeah, I've heard of that , but I can never stick to it . It's way to easy to give up. But thanks, I'll try some more :)

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