You Can't Handle the Change!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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You’re in a room full of people, you don’t remember how it started but the conversation somehow turns to the future of cryptocurrencies. Should I invest? Is it too late? Do you think cryptos can replace Fiat in the future?

Out of nowhere, someone starts to yell: “It will never happen!”.

Funny how it always comes from the loudest voices who usually are not very akin to analytical arguments nor rational interpretations, but rather emotionally fueled repetitions of prepackaged populist lines.

In this case it was this one:

“It’s just a phase, no one will change the way how they do business. Deal with it!”

Oh God! Here we go again.

You the drill: “This is just a phase”… “People will never change the way they do things”... “People have been using gold for centuries”... Etc.

Yeah, well people have been using candles for centuries too… You think to yourself

But you don’t say anything, anything at all. Because you on the other hand, you remember.

Requiem for a Déjà Vu

You are still there, in the middle of a heated conversation whose temperature is only set to increase, though luckily for you, you’re only present in body as your mind starts to wonder around in the boulevard of forgotten memories.

You start to remember how many times you’ve heard the exact same things from the exact same people who are bound to keep falling for the exact same trap:

The always misleading, always inaccurate populist narrative.

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But as far as you’re concerned, all those heated arguments are now merely blurred noise that is dissipating as the stroll continues down memory lane.

You look around the room and your eye lands on the most vocal person of all. You really can’t miss him, with his angry reddened face and tense eyebrows, along with some ridiculously exaggerated facial expressions and way over the top gesticulation.

All you can decode from the noise is this: “This will never happen!”.

His head is actively shaking from right to left, and so is his plausible thumb.


Yes, having an argument and ‘techno-fliring’ at the same time. His head and thumb are engaged in some kind of strangely choreographed left-right movement.

You remember how merely a few years ago he was laughing off the invention and so did she, your other friend across the room.

And now look at them, funny how times change.

A few years earlier when the invention just came out, she was convinced that online dating was meant for just a few outcasts who were unable to get a date on their own.

Fast forward to mass adoption and there you have it: From vocal critic to avid user. Metamorphosis complete.

Invention, it has that effect on people.

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You take a walk and around the room while people are still arguing. You decide head for balcony. Across the street your see your old neighbors from the fourth waiting for something with a smartphone on their hand.

You realize that they’re calling an Uber and again… You remember.

You remember how everyone around you was laughing off the idea that such a thing would ever take place in our society let alone replace the current system.

“People will NEVER trust a stranger and get in their cars.”

Isn’t that what they all said?

You remember how you tried to explain that change is part of life, that these inventions are born out of necessity, and it’s because the cab licences were too damn expensive that it would require a lifetime to pay that perfectly avoidable debt which above all, was caused by the ridiculous incompetence of the central planners.

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But your arguments mostly drew blank stares. You were just wasting your time from the beginning but you didn’t know it.

The game was over before it has even began, because back then, you’ve miss-read the game entirely.

Though now, for the first time, you’re starting to learn the nature of the game, and that’s because…

You start to remember.

... To be Continued.

Image Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4


It's hard for most people to imagine things they've never seen. Like imagining life on distant planets and what forms could it take.

Haha that maybe even easier to imagine, with all the demons and folk monsters people create :P But you're right, people struggle to accept anything new.

Haha love that line! Pandora does go back in the box!

Ha, some very good examples. Tinder especially was ridiculously scoffed at!

Haha yeah it was! Oh there's a lot of examples even e-commerce.. Every new system receiving the same response at first.

I guess it's part of the process.

It is indeed, I am sure I saw an amusing graph on it once I will try to find it!


Hahahah, yeah that looks like the one! The trough of sorrow always made me chuckle!

Thanks @sneak! This is awesome.

Oh please let me know if you do!

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change ;) isn't it buddy

Every change, specially the big ones, have resistance from those who like comfortable environments.
There was a time in which the church prosecuted (to say the least) anyone with a relevant scientific breakthrough.
"Wait, what? The Earth is NOT the center of the UNIVERSE? Hahahaha, that will never happen."
I lived in Chile, one of the most seismic countries in the world. I've realized that people are afraid of earthquakes because when the ground shakes, they realize the land, that thing they though was stable, starts shaking! So the brain enters in state of shock, cause literally their brains can't handle change.
If you see people getting infuriated (emotional, with no specific or rational reasoning behind it) with something like crypto, it's because they are afraid of it. And if they are afraid of it, i'ts because they see it as a threat to their stability. They know it will somehow change the way we relate with each other. Deep down they know it's a complete and utter game-changer.

I think you nailed it! They only fear it because they perceive it as a threat to their stability, which in the list of priorities the brain for many ranks as top priority.

Thanks for the awesome comment by the way!

People who are "Average" about 90%... will always say “This will never happen!” LOL

Haha always!


Unfortunately these are the very people that go around spreading whatever misconceptions they have and guess what? People believe them, they tend to be influential. But then again, why take advice from somebody who's not successful? People tend to do that, they will take advice from the uncle, from the Aunt, about investment advice (as an example) and then wonder why they are still where they are financially. Same applies to cryptocurrency stereotypes, Bitcoin has died so many times :) but it's still here.

Oh yeah, you completely nailed it!

I often wonder about that, sometimes I joke about it... I tell them "Would you take sex-advice from a virgin?" Haha but in finance it seems logical :P

Hahaha I love it!

i keep on asking myself sometimes is it to late but at last i need to kick off things and it work as usual :) BTW thanks for this post very nicely written it was

In the blockchain sector it's way to early, but other sectors are different, like coal mining for example, no one uses coal.. The important thing is feeling comfortable with being an early adopter. Thanks for the nice comment!

It's a general rule that dumb people have the loudest voices. Whenever I hear a loud voice that is resisting change, I keep my head down and keep on moving forward because it's no use arguing with them.

Yeah it's like they want to compensate their lack of reasoning with a surplus of high voice :P

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