8 Benefits of Meditation

in #life7 years ago

Ever wondered why people meditate? Whether it looks funny, counter-intuitive or just plain weird; it actually comes with an enormous amount of benefits. The benefits of meditation are physical and mental. The benefits of mediation provide a sense of clarity and tranquility when done correctly. When I engage in meditation, it's like a refuge wherever I am.

Meditation for me became a practice for the past year, and I truly feel like I have rewired my brain. Almost like an overall calm and focus with my daily life. It may sound out of left field for those who haven't tried it, but if you haven't; I strongly recommend you do after reading this post.

I used to think meditation was just for Monks and Yogis

Then I stumbled upon a book called Tools of Titans, written by Tim Ferriss. It's pretty much a huge amount of Tim Ferriss' interview with the most elite athletes, entrepreneurs and public figures. One thing I found to pop up quite often, is how many of them practice meditation. After noticing how many successful people raved about the benefits of meditation, I to take a deeper look.[activecampaign form=3]

So you might be wondering who are these famous people that meditate? To list a few:

  • Kobe Bryant
  • Michael Jordan
  • Russell Simons
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Richard Branson
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
These successful people is just a fraction of how many practice meditation, but I wanted to give you an idea. If it's not a coincidence, then why do the most successful people in the world meditate? Well, lets make science take the wheel on this one and show you the benefits of mediation and its effectiveness.

8 Benefits of Meditation

  1. Meditation provides Stress Reduction

Everyone has their own way of reducing stress and anxiety. Most of the time, it's not beneficial to you. Temporary relief such as smoking cigarettes, binge eating and prescription drugs side effects are usually the culprits. Luckily, meditation is a natural way to combat stress, and an effective one too. One study found that, "Reduction intervention based on mindfulness meditation can have long-term beneficial effects in the treatment of people diagnosed with anxiety disorders." Mediation has also been linked to even reduce the brain tissue density in areas connected to worrying and stress.

2. Meditating to Improve Focus

I think everyone would like a little focus boost in their life. It's the reason why coffee and other energy drinks are so popular. Focus products are a whole industry within itself, yet there is a natural remedy. There are different types of meditation, which include the following:

  • Transcendental Meditation
  • Vipassana
  • Tibetan Buddhist Meditation
  • Sufi Meditation
  • Hindu Meditation
  • Studies have found that they all improve focus. Research in one journal concluded that meditation improves cognition and mental performance..

    3. Meditation Improves Memory

    Have you ever got up to do something and as soon as you turn the corner you draw a blank? Meditation can help with that. A study conducted in the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston; it was concluded that regular meditation causes the cerebral cortex to thicken. I'm sure you're asking, well what does that even mean?

    According to the study, the thickening occurs because of the increase in size of the blood vessels and blood flow. The brain's outer cortex is important. It is responsible for functions such as concentration, learning and memory.

    4. Meditation Helps the Battle Addiction

    Everyone knows someone addicted to something. That's the sad reality. However; the benefits of meditation also include curbing those cravings that people sometimes suffer in resisting. This study is worth looking through on fighting alcohol relapse. If you or anyone you know is trying to break a bad habit or addiction, its worth looking into.

    5. Meditation Improves Cardiovascular Health

    Don't want to run? Try meditating. Just kidding, you should still have a cardio routine. Meditation has been found to also improve cardiovascular health. One study concluded, "Use of TM (Transcendental Meditation) for 16 weeks in CHD patients improved blood pressure and insulin resistance components of the metabolic syndrome as well as cardiac autonomic nervous system tone compared with a control group receiving health education."

    6. Meditation can Improve Relationships

    Mediation can improve the relationships you have with others. Furthermore; practicing it will also help your ability to empathize and correctly perceive the way others feel. This is because you'll feel more grounded and emotionally stable. As a result; It could also help prevent any negative influence that is presented to you.

    7. Meditation Improves Your Decision Making Skills

    This goes back to the beginning where I wrote about the most elite and their meditation habits. Top executives like Richard Branson have reported to use meditation. Leaning towards more mindfulness meditation and Transcendental, studies have shown that regular practice helps you make better decisions by improving brain function.

    8. Meditation Improves Happiness and Wellness.

    The whole goal is to feel balanced, content, and grounded, right? Well in this research study, "Participants completed measures of mindfulness, perceived stress, symptoms, and well- being at pre- and post-MBSR, and monitored their home practice time throughout the intervention. Results showed increases in mindfulness and well-being, and decreases in stress and symptoms."

    Are You Ready To Start Meditating?

    I think I've left you with enough information to digest for now. Take it upon yourself to do more research as this article is just scratching the surface. Hopefully by now you see just how powerful the benefits of meditation can be, and yet it's natural and free; which most alternatives can't claim.

    Start with just 15 minutes a day, and stay consistent with it. If you've had success or become successful, I'd love to hear your results!

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