
Ultracapacitors would seem to offer a different and potentially useful path. I have an ultra capacitor based high performance flashlight and its advantages over traditional batteries are amazing.

This is exactly the reason I have a charging cradle for my PS4 controllers as well as a Plug and Charge kit for Xbox One. It's a shame batteries don't gradually evolve with the rest of technology. You hear "incredible battery improvements" and "fully charged in a minute" all the time in the news, but it just takes too long until we see it in consumer products. I really hope higher capacity batteries and/or super fast charging takes off soon. Might even make smartphones a hell of a lot more powerful if manufacturers have to worry less about energy loss. Personally I can't stand those low-power 'U' processors in laptops, haha.

I once imagined if nuclear energy could use batteries in a device that we use everyday. We do not have to charge again until the device is damaged. Maybe in the future the technology can be realized.

I know it is stupid, but I am still scared of Nuclear. Granted it is the solution moving forward to solve our massive power demands, but having in my pocket would freak me the fuck out.

New tech will change all those battery industry revelation. Battery storage will be much smaller and easy to handle

Queue the Matrix. There are a lot of people who would contribute more to society as batteries anyway.

There's already a bed that extracts energy from your body while you lay down.

Face up or face down?

Face up, using up your body warmth and etc.... but there is already a bed or a project that uses the moments where you use the bed and produce the most energy... cof sexy time cof... and a rocking chair that produces electricity by harnessing the kinectic energy of the motion. Cool stuff. here's an article that mentions the last two if you're interested (it's not mine by the way)

Thats creepy

Want creepy? My son and I put out a new Funko Pop on each of our desks daily.
This is what he gave me for the day.


He got it in one of those random boxes. Hopefully some day he gets lost.

If we master the art of energy storage we can travel light years a giant leap for mankind on the offering .

Here we are, 50 years ago they said they flew to the moon. And now they still can’t make phone batteries without having to recharge them at least twice a day. Resteemed!

Great post. I didn't know Arduino had such high power consumption. Very interesting points. It's crazy how reserves deplete in energy storage banks within just 6 mos. That's insane.

Arduino isn't very high consumption, in fact, it is tiny and can be run off a watch battery for a long time. The problem is you almost always have something else attached that takes far more power, like LED's, motors, or displays.

Ok that makes more sense. I worked with Arduino a couple years ago in NanoRobotics at University and didn't recall have a power consumption issues. The attachments were a different story. Thanks for clearing that up @themarkymark & @isnochys

Depending on the model and what you want do with it.
It can run on a battery for a year.

Little Blue Bean I think can run over a year on a coin battery.
It's all the other stuff you add that sucks up the power.

Li-ion battery with graphene balls could be a deal changer, as they are allow fast charging (5x times faster) with high energy densities (Nature-article).

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