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RE: My Predictions for 2017

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Your BTC predictions are interesting. $780 looks like a cork on a bottle of Champagne, so $1000 doesn't look like stretch at any time in 2017. As we look back from 2018, we may see a dramatic rise to $2000 or above, and then a correction BACK DOWN to $1000 at some point, which become the new floor. BTC replacing the dollar as the unofficial currency of choice in failed states and cases of hyperinflation sounds right, but probably still in its role as a store of value and exit valve. It may take longer for people to actually use it regularly in commerce. I don't think Venezuela or anyone else will be exporting oil for BTC, but I do expect to see more individual nations making petro deals in their own currencies - thus weakening the dollar... perhaps fatally for its role as a reserve currency (eventually). Probably won't complete the process in 2017, but the process will begin and accelerate. Watch Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil, (Iran?)... I think the big story for Ethereum in 2017 could be the emergence of Ethereum Classic as a viable platform for developers as they strengthen the ETC community and tweak the monetary policy. The ETH/ETC system will continue to be attacked, and will either become resilient or begin to fade. One prediction I make is that BTC gets a huge boost in 2017 from the approval at some point of the first BTC ETF (exchange traded fund). That would give investors an easy way to get exposure to hedge risk in financial assets, which will be volatile as asset bubbles explode.


Thanks mate. Brilliant comments and points. Yes I think I maybe jumped the gun on a few of the predictions like the petrodollar but I think it is on the horizon.

I am hoping that BTC does get beyond the $1K barrier again because it has been so long overdue. I agree that if it breaks it, it will likely be the new floor and certainly much higher prices are possible (even if only temporarily). Long term I thing we could see 10K or more but that is still a few years away I think.

Interesting thoughts on ETC/ETH. I agree it will be very much a make or break year for both.

I like your BTC ETF prediction - that is one I have heard before and I think even if it doesn't happen in 2017 it will happen the following year. Someone will do it.

Thank your for input:)

@thecryptofiend - plz check your account later tonight or tomorrow. I'm planning to drop a note about a small project I'm working on to create a "virtual whale".

OK will do. Are you going to dm or is it in a channel?