The Difficulty Of Starting AFresh.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

New beginnings are the hardest. You think I'm wrong? Then try leaving where you stay to travel to a completely different place with completely different people.

Oh! Maybe that is easy. Try leaving a relationship you have had for years to begin afresh with a new person.

Or even try disposing of that long cherished awesome shoe that you have outgrown and refused to give out. Try disposing it and replacing it with a new shoe.

You see? These things are hard to do. Let me then reiterate that new beginnings are the hardest.

I started a new job yesterday. No one knew me. I knew no one. I saw new faces, new buildings, new files. Then came new rules, new job descriptions and a new timetable.

It sure was hard trying to keep up. New names mumbles here and there. My head spinning from the jammed new set of information.

People introducing themselves when I knew apparently that I'd be needing a reintroduction.

New hugs were exchanged. New smiles and laughter too. A new crush for the week and my new hair for the kill.

I thought about how hard it was for me to leave my old job. My old friends. My old files. My desk and my favorite spot in the office- the lounge chair.

I cried some when I left. Cried a few more when I got home. But when morning came, all the tears had dried away and a new dawn was before me.

It was with a burst of excitement that I resumed my new job. A huge smile. That was excitement for me.

I got to work and was not disappointed. My new beginning was going to be the start of something great.

I thought about Fatima and felt sad. She had returned to the job she had once left behind .

It's easier to start over with new people than to start over with the same person.

Have you tried reviving a relationship with a former lover who broke your heart or who you caught cheating on you? Or tried to start all over with a best friend (or ex-bestfriend) who stole your shine and your girl friend too?

New beginnings birth new things. Endeavour to take the chance and make it worth the while.

                                 - Chizaram Opara



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