A Question To Answer - What Causes A Child to be A Spoilt Brat

in #life7 years ago

This is an open discussion to all steemians. I have been wondering for a while now what actually makes one child obedient and another disobedient whiles they live in the same house with similar trainings. Is it the fault of parents, friends or peers that lead to this situation? Is it liberal treatment, poor parenting or any single cause that leads to this unwanted and disheartening attitude.

In My Hometown With My Granny

Every child is unique but fundamentally the same. Why then do we all behave differently? This is the taught that stroke me as i was driving my parent to my home town. I have had this question stuck in my head for several years with no absolute answer but it kept resonating with circumstances. This time round, my parents were talking about how a family friend failed to bring up their ward in a rightful manner. They uniformly agreed to the fact that it is the fault of the parents.

Does it solely depend on our parents?

I couldnt accept the fact because many people had poor parenting yet they turned out fine as good wards. I have a friend whose parents quit marriage at the age of 12 (the period where peer pressure influence is at its peak ). He was left to cater for himself as both parents refused to take responsibility. He was actually the best student in our class. The break-up and subsequent poor parental care neither affected his studies nor moral life. Probably, i couldnt see the results of the break-up well but he is still in school studying to become a medical doctor as i speak. I know you must have someone with a similar issue as this is quite common in our usual life. The situation therefore partly disproves the fact that poor parenting is the cause of disobedience and bad behaviour of a ward. Moreover, i know a Pastor's Son who is as stubborn as a church rat. Does that mean his parents didnt bring him up well. I will say no. Probably he was brought up in a manner which should and must ensure that he becomes a good Christian and good ward. So what must have led to this unfortunate turn out of events?

Hmm. I leave it to you to bring out your ideas.

Phototcredits : ShemenPhotography


I think you're digging into my archives. 😂
That's my story. I just don't know why some wards go wayward. But I think that for my case, I was just restrained by God from going wayward. Your forensics are on point. Some are raised in Christian home but they behave uncharacteristically. Some people too couldn't get such good parenting experience but they live like angels. It's all by grace. In face Hitler wasn't an anomaly, we are all capable of doing even worst. Without the restraining hand of God, we are all dangerous people. Thanks for the post @tj4real

Thanks for the submission. I could decipher from your submission that it's by Grace that's y some children go wayward whiles others do not. Then why are some people graced and others not. It's rather unfortunate if so that some are more privileged than others.

Well, there's something about God that my my mind cannot fathom. Imagine God saying this

And he said, "I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name 'The LORD.' And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. (Exodus 33:19, ESV). He is God and He does what pleases him. It's hard to understand such things but He's doing all for His glory.

Maybe the most stubborn child is going to be used by God massively. Who knows? Paul said he was the greatest of all sinners. But see how God changed him instantly for his service.

I think it is a combination of external factors such as society, parenting, social environment, and of one's genetic disposition. We all have tendencies to certain behaviours and dormant genes that may or may not be activated depending on our environment.

Although some things may be up to chance I truly believe solid parenting (and now I don't mean "goodwilled" parenting because one might have good intentions but cause negative behaviour nonetheless) is the most important key for a good childhood.

Otherwise, if you're into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around! :)

Giving everything at once to a kid makes it disobedient I think. A minor should try to do things for himself and not be served all the time...

What an amazing post. I so love it

What is your view then on the matter. Because there is a question to answer

The guy is a spammer
Hey tj
I believe that everyone is the captain of his own fate and the master of his own soul. God loves us too much to put our destinies in the hands of another fellow man. Although the environment plays a major role in upbringing. The environment will not make any choice for anyone

But when humans are still at the infancy stage. They don't make choices for themselves. At this stage the parental and environmental factors will make choices for the child. Choices like where to live, nutrition, education, morality are made by the environment. The child just copies and paste.

Therefore every child is the product of his/her environment

That was the thought that came to mind as i pondered over the question. If we are captains of our own fate and the master of our own soul, why would someone choose to be bad over being good? I guess it all boils down to preference. I generally prefer the latter to the former. Thanks for your submission.

Mainly parent is illiterate defiantly child will be disobedience and bad behavior because of poor family & illiterate instruction.

i think it both the child and parents, sometimes some parents are too strict, others to are too calm and both make the children try to take certain decisions when they have the free time, and I think it the choices the child makes during those free times, no-one intends to make bad choices but sometimes we want to explore and experience things for ourselves and we find ourselves where we are not suppose to, doing things we are suppose to,
All the same I think it just the grace of God that makes one good