Overcoming Fear: Tips for Moving Beyond Limiting Beliefs

in #life2 years ago

When I started blogging, I was very skeptical about how successful it would be. In fact, I was terrified about what would happen if people didn't like me or liked my blog but didn't want to buy anything from me.

I was afraid to go out on stage or speak in front of large groups. I was afraid that the world would reject my ideas and that I would be rejected by my family. At one point, I remember being so overwhelmed by all the fear that I couldn't move forward.

It turns out that moving beyond limiting beliefs isn't that hard.

Overcoming limiting beliefs is a process.

Here's how it works:

You start with the belief that you can't do something.

Then you try it.

If it doesn't work, you don't give up, and instead you learn more about the belief that is preventing you from succeeding.

This happens over and over again until you finally succeed.

Here are some tips for overcoming fears:

  1. Don't get too attached to the outcome.

We live in a society that says "if you try, you can't fail." That's a lie. We all fail sometimes. It's not important how we get back up or what we accomplish after failing.

  1. Understand that limiting beliefs don't come from reality.

If you want to accomplish something big, then you need to start with a realistic goal. Don't dream of success. Instead, find what you can accomplish today and begin there. You may think that you can't accomplish something, but you are always accomplishing something.

  1. Start small.

Start with an action that you know you can accomplish. Then start with something smaller. Once you've overcome that challenge, keep going until you finally accomplish something.

  1. Don't give up.

Sometimes the process above sounds hard. That's because it is.

That's why most people never get past a certain point. But that point doesn't have to be permanent.

  1. Talk to people.

When you first start out, it's easy to be fearful and hesitant to talk to people. But once you get past that barrier, you will discover that people actually want to help you. People love helping others.

  1. Have fun.

Remember that limiting beliefs are not real. They are just excuses that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel bad about ourselves.

Once you get over the fear, you can let go of the limiting beliefs and enjoy life. You can change the world. And if you do, I promise you that your family will still love you.

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