Bacteria is everywhere... are you prepared ? Listen as LooTz enlightens you to the world living under your skin.

in #life8 years ago

Down at the end of this blog you will find a podcast done by Lootz. He will explain some of the benefits of Bacteria.

Lootz comes across as someone that loves to help people, he obviously loves to read and learn. I think it is remarkable that he has learnt all these medical and biological science information by himself even though he is an engineer by profession. He has a strong calm voice that shows that he knows what he is saying. His voice is also confident which shows that has researched the topic properly. Obviously he has a brilliant mind considering that he did the whole podcast straight from his head without having to consult any sources or reading material. He did all these while driving, that is amazing. He also seems to have quite a number of conspiracy theories, but all in all it looks like he is a genuine good guy.

The podcast talks about our daily lifestyle and the way it has affected our health, sometimes we are too careful with our lifestyles, so much that we lose some important and positive components of our body in the process of ridding ourselves of bacteria. We use too many things that scrub away useful bacteria away from our skin, things like soap and shampoo. We also drink chlorinated water that kills useful bacteria inside us. According to him, even in the bible, they only used essential oils because they know soaps are dangerous.

Bacteria are very important and friendly and are not as bad as we are made to believe. True, there are bad ones, but there are also good ones. The organisms we have to look out for are the parasites. Parasites are dangerous to our bodies and exist in most people, especially obese people because they love fats. The way to get rid of them is to create an alkaline environment on our skin, this way; they will die a natural death. Eating vegetables instead of meat and fish will create this alkaline environment needed to get rid of these organisms.

Parasites and bad bacteria, like most other organisms are always looking to procreate and multiply. To get rid of them, you have to get them out in a friendly way; anything different from this could be counter-productive. If you try to hurt them when forcing them out, they will hurt you too.

It is important to clean your system of these parasites regularly so that they don’t build up and cause you problems.

Good bacteria are needed in the body and should be kept in; steps should be taken to ensure that while parasites and bad bacteria are being ejected; good ones are being preserved. Steps to preserve and acquire these good bacteria are discussed in the next paragraphs.

Probiotics are pills or materials that help us attract and keep good bacteria. The probiotics sold in the market are good and can be utilised with other materials to make them better. Most of the information that come with these pills should be ignored, what is important is the number of strings.

When you are looking for good probiotics, you should look out for the strings, particularly multiple strings. There are so many strings out there that haven’t been classified and so many that can be good for you.


Get a lot of bottles, preferably those with clamps as cover, bottles you can drink from and flies can’t get in. Clean the bottles, but not with soap, use white vinegar because soap will kill the good bacteria, lemon can also do the job. Fill the bottle with halfway with water, don’t use tap water because it is chlorinated and will kill the bacteria. Use clean water like reverse osmosis water or distilled water. Distilled water will clean about 99.9% of the water so it is better. After doing these, throw in your favourite fruits, some like to add some sugar but that can make it too strong and the contents of the bottle may explode. Ensure that these fruits are organic and not ones that have been sprayed with chemicals. After the fruits, throw in the probiotic pills and the leave the solution for a couple of days to ferment.

If you can’t get the probiotic pills, you can ferment your own cabbage, try to grow your own vegetables if you can. If you grow your own vegetables, you would notice a film on the leaves; this film protects these plants and will protect you too. Mix cabbage with broccoli and some fruits and ferment them, they will have positive effects on your body.

There is also a fibre inside those vegetables that the bacteria find a home in and they can procreate even more.

In conclusion, free yourself and stop going through life scared. Play with the soil, play with your dog and stop washing your hands every time.


The podcast you will listen at the end of this blog is very enlightening and from my point of view, it serves its purpose which in my opinion is to call the attention of people to the fact that bacteria are not all bad. Although it has to be clarified that Bacteria can be as dangerous and harmful as it can be positive. So while Lootz’s speech showed us the advantages of bacteria, this write-up is to balance it and make people understand what bacteria are like generally.

The first question we need to answer is what are bacteria? Bacteria are very little organisms that usually contain a single cell and don’t have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that is contained in plants and that helps them in the production of food. Bacteria re so little that they are the second smallest organisms on the planet, after viruses. Bacterium is the singular form of bacteria.

Bacteria can be divided into three different groups; these classifications are based on the way they are shaped: bacillus (rod shaped), Spirochete (spiral), and coccus (spherical). They can also be classified by how they respond to oxygen: aerobic bacteria can’t survive without oxygen; anaerobic bacteria can’t survive around oxygen. Bacteria that don’t need oxygen but are better around it are called facultative anaerobes.

Most people call bacteria germs, and they are known as very small organisms that can be very dangerous to the human body and can make us sick. Bacteria are very complex and strong organisms that can survive and live in any habitat including hot water and even icy environments.

Although some bacteria have some positive uses and are beneficial to the body, a lot of them are very harmful and can hurt us a lot. You should try to avoid these kinds of bacteria as much as you can by keeping your environment as hygienic as possible. When these kinds of bacteria come in contact with or enter the human body, they reproduce and release toxic substances that can have damaging effects on the body. Other harmful effects of bacteria include but are limited to the following:

1 They damage soil fertility. Bacteria like micrococcus denitrificans and thiobacillus, denitrificans can reduce soil fertility by their activities.

2 They can be responsible for food poisoning.

3 They can be responsible for food going bad.



oh really thank you thank you so your advise

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