Happy is || bahagia

in #life7 years ago


The clock is still showing at 04:59 am, seen the mother room lights are still on, the sign means the mother is still not sleeping. Ali tried to look inside through the window. mother is still lying on her favorite rug, it is implied that the mother is always doing her habit of celibrating before the Creator, at a special time, at which times all prayer is granted, at which times all the oversight is forgiven, at which time we are all still asleep and lulled with dreams, -insan selected and would like to be who will maximize the time as best as possible. Not wanting to build a sleeping mother, Ali chose to sit on the porch. From a distance Sounds bike pedal Abu leman splitting the cool of the night before dawn. He is still so faithful to his noble duty although without the strings only the pleasure of ALLAH that he was looking clear from the figure and the glow of his face, from now until the ashes leman who always echoes the call to prayer when the time has come, The door of the house is open, Assalamu'alaikum Ali greeting the mother, while kissing the mother's hand, the mother is still silent Looking at Ali who now has grown up. I want kemeunasah to pray at dawn first said mother ,,, We leave together mom ,,, No happiest happiness can go with mother to meunasah ...

Jam masih menunjukan pukul 04.59 pagi, terlihat lampu kamar ibu masih menyala, pertanda berarti ibu masih belum tidur. Ali mencoba melihat kedalam melewati jendela. ibu masih terbaring diatas sajadah kesayangannya, tersirat bahwa ibu masih selalu melakukan kebiasaanya bermunajad dihadapan sang Pencipta, diwaktu istimewa, diwaktu dimana semua do'a dikabulkan, diwaktu dimana semua kekhilafan di ampunkan, diwaktu dimana semua kita masih terlelap dan terbuai dengan mimpi, hanya insan-insan yang terpilih dan mau saja yang akan memaksimalkan waktu tersebut sebaik mungkin.

Karena Tidak ingin membangun kan ibu yang sedang terlelap, Ali memilih untuk duduk -duduk diberanda. Dari jauh Terdengar kayuhan sepeda Abu leman membelah sejuknya udara malam menjelang subuh.
Ia masih begitu setia dengan tugas mulianya walau tanpa pamrih hanya ridha ALLAH yang ia cari terlihat jelas dari sosok dan pancaran wajahnya, dari dulu hingga sekarang abu leman yang selalu mengumandangkan azan bila waktu sholat telah tiba,

Pintu rumah terbuka, Assalamu'alaikum Ali memberi salam kepada ibu, sambil mencium tangan ibu, ibu masih terdiam Karena melihat Ali yang kini telah dewasa.
Ibu mau kemeunasah untuk shalat subuh dulu kata ibu,,,
Kita berangkat sama-sama ibu,,,
Tiada kebahagian yang terindah bisa berangkat bersama ibu menuju ke meunasah...

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