
Your body decides what is good for it and what not.

Dislike is a mild form of fear, indeed. In this case the fear or putting something detrimental into your body. Sometimes it's rational, sometimes not.

I am quite aware of my feelings and I do not feel any fear of coffee. It is possible to understand situations and to freely choose without fear.
Are you afraid of turning left when you want to turn right?

That would depend a lot on what is on the left :)

You do not need to agree to the idea that fear and love are at the root of our behavior.

It's all about definitions, as I said.

My point is just that we learned to deny fear and that it comes in many forms and shapes and most of the time it is very subtle and we are not aware of it.

I simply disagree that fear is an omnipresent feeling response to that which is not preferred. Fear's cause is often in definitions and so if we have definitions that do not include anything that cause a fear response, then there's a good chance there will be no fear generated. Fear can be held in denial, yes - yet it is just as much a denial to say that 'fear is always present in response to that which is not preferred'.

Well, I wouldn't want to put it that way either. It is most certainly not a omnipresent feeling response to that which is not preferred...

Why would it be?

Even in the state of Love we can be indifferent to things, we must be, even!

In the model using the spectrum between fear and love dislike and hatred are on the side of fear, though,
if you parted it in half.

I get that you operate with a different model, friend. I pointed out where they had something in common: the importance of the heart and actively working on it.


Yes, I agree that we share important understandings. I am passionate about sharing understandings from the heart about the lost wisdom regarding free will because I know how needed it is now.

I will just reiterate that by placing fear as an opposite to love, you make fear a 'bad' thing. By placing dislike in a box along with fear (bad/negative) you actually negate the entire process of free will choice. If I have to choose between red grapes or white grapes, I can just choose purely based on a love of red grapes - with zero involvement of anything even remotely along the lines of a 'bad' emotion/thought that negates the choice of white grapes.

It can be necessary to process a lot of fear by allowing unconditional acceptance of all emotions before we can get really clear about what we are really feeling - so discussing these issues is always complex.

There is nothing wrong with fear. It is not a Bad thing.
But if we base our actions on (irrational) fears, that's when bad things usually happen.
This can be avoided by increasing our ability to love.

I agree that fear is a problem, I am just wanting to clarify that dislike does not require fear ;)

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