The One Thing All The Smartest People Know

in #life7 years ago

If you think you are smart, intelligent or wise, then there is one thing that you understand that most don't. 

It doesn't matter how smart you think you are, if you don't understand this quote... you are not as smart as you think you are.

"The more you know, the more you know you don't know." - Aristotle 

It is so true. 

I think I am relatively smart, but wow, there is so much I don't know. Of course there are the things we don't know like the true history of our nation and what lies beyond our understanding of science, but there is more. Things like how people connect on an unconscious level and the importance of intuition.

Then there are all the things that I just don't know that other people incorporate in their daily lives. A great Steemit friend of mine, @topdog made an incredible post about a meal he made. Just the amount of things I learned in that one blog post about food and cooking is amazing. -  Sprouted Lentils Indian curry with garlic and turmeric

There is so much we don't know. So much I don't know and everyday I feel like I learn a ton of new things. But each day I learn more and more I realize how much is truly unknown to me. 

To me, that is inspiring.

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below.

To my followers, you are the answer to all my Steemit mysteries.


Yes, there are so many things to learn. First i only knew bitcoin, and then there was ethereum, now i am learning about ICOs

I can completely agree with the topic you are talking about, you can also see it in the universe. We know more and more about our solar system, but we really don't know much about our own earth what is beneath earth's surface.

You are right, Under the surface is a big mystery. So much we don't know. Thank you for reading and replying. You have a new follower.

you got that right...every-time I ask my son for 'tech' help he makes me feel like the dumbest woman on the planet lol...great post!

I can relate. My children are a constant source of unique perspectives and viewpoints. Thanks for reading and replying. You got a new follower.

No one is master of knowledge, where you think you are wise lo and behold you are fool so always learn from others

So very true. Thank you for reading and replying. I appreciate the feedback. You got a new follower. I love the I am who I am in you description btw.

It is a shame how much I don't know and don't care to know because I don't find value in it. I value people and their view of the world. The rest is just small talk to avoid awkward situations. Learning is a beautiful way of life. However, having knowledge without loving people is just a brain waiting to die.

You are so right. Love makes everything complete. Hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for reading. How have you been?

I have been doing better these past few days. work has picked up and consumes me all day, which leave less time for story writing. What is new in your world?

** Delusional **, someone who knows they know all they need to know. (my Definition, did not feel like breaking out the dictionary).

When we stop learning we stop living.

Anyone on steemit should know, (you are not as smart as you think you are), there is just a plethora of new thought provoking post made everyday that forces one to think if, they take the time to read.

life... long ... learning