Without creativity there is no pleasure

in #life8 years ago

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When asked the Bessel van der Kolk, clinical renowned researcher and Trauma Psychology field, that care should have a caregiver to himself, he said: The same as we have with the children: take care of your food, your sleep and allow they play at will. But what really play and have fun?

A prank is fun when we are fully delivered to it: there is no fear in expressing themselves, because the imagination is free of criticism because you do not need the reality for that may exist. There is pleasure in self-expression when we are not being judged, either for ourselves when we're alone, either in the presence of others.

When we have fun, we not cut ourselves off from our inner reality as it is the foundation of who we are, but external reality becomes flexible to adapt to our imagination. We can talk to her without worrying about a pre determined result. It's like painting, dancing, humming, whistling or tapping spontaneously: creativity comes effortlessly. I do that when knit or crochet do. Still do not know what will happen, but it's fun. I'll be going behind the shapes and spots that arise as the piece grows. Then turns a vest, a hat or a bag. It's a way to relax the mind at the present time soon. While we let ourselves be carried away by the feeling of pleasure, there is something that allows it to continue. But when we come to evaluate what we are feeling, it vanishes.

Without pleasure no creativity, and without creativity there is no pleasure. Although we are decades contaminated by a culture that seeks pleasure as the goal of life, we still have difficulty to feel it. There is a spell against the sorcerer: must produce goods and then be able to consume them soon. If you want to buy something that gives me pleasure must first work effectively, this is starting to produce.

When our work allows some creativity, we are happy to do it. But if we are concerned with setting the final result, we will have little or no pleasure. That's why accomplishing goals is so exhausting. We are conditioned to postpone the pleasure on behalf of a greater pleasure in the future. Good to know tolerate frustrations. But if we live only to support life, something is not right. If we live only to meet external goals, when the salary into the account will be already involved with the next target to meet. In this way, we are always looking for something that promises us in the future, give us more pleasure.

It is important to highlight an important issue: we must not confuse pleasure with happiness . The pleasure is a sensory experience of well-being; happiness is the state of mind with which we deal with this feeling. For this reason, the pleasure does not guarantee happiness, because this depends on the meaning and function that we assign to it. If we assign to pleasure the goal of our happiness will not give us as well as the pleasure in itself is temporary and therefore is not able to sustain our happiness. Lama Michel Rinpoche explains: happiness is a state of true well-being where the person does not want anything to be different from what is living. It is a sincere 'fine', that we feel when we stop fighting against the world. When i am happy i am happy, i feel good with myself and with the world around me. Happiness is a state in which you are not in conflict with absolutely nothing. In this sense, it is a true well-being. While the nature of pleasure is dissatisfaction, the nature of happiness is the satisfaction.

There is nothing wrong with having pleasure if we can deal with it. It is simple: just to feel it. As Lama Michel Rinpoche says the Great Love: The well-being constant arises from the ability to recognize our inner satisfaction. In Tibetan, the word for satisfaction is tsog-schen. The idea is not to want more than we have, because we already have enough. We can even more; however, there is no need, we are already satisfied.

We can join the effort to creativity. For example, we can follow objective goals and we relate creatively with whom we work. Be satisfied with our goals and achievements and take pleasure in creating because we are who we are: this seems to be a good equation to deal with the burden of life.

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