Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (The Psychology Behind It)

in #life7 years ago


Disclaimer: There will be some spoilers here and the information is based on a deep level understanding of psychology and the human mind.

We should have known that Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle would be a far off shot from the original Jumanji movie staring Robin Williams. For starters, the original Jumanji was far from a comedy. Albeit, there were some funny moments, but the overall theme was more similar to that of Harry Potter, in that it was an adventure and fantasy film.

Jumanji 2

There were tons of unpleasant aspects surrounding the latest Jumanji, some things are blatant, while others are more subtitle but I will try to address the main issues at play. Some of things may be unrelatable and or incomprehensible as it takes a keen mind (third eye) and open eye (sharp mind) to understand the complexity involved.

It would be worth noting that it is widely believe by modern and ancient peoples that propaganda and mass manipulation and control are among the most dangerous exploits and perhaps even more dangerous than nuclear bombs. For a better understanding read the following article it may offer insight: http://www.rense.com/general63/traid.htm

#1 Biased Depictions

The first noticeable issue with this film is the depiction of African American peoples. The foundation of the film revolves around 4 children who are sent to after school detention for misbehavior. Two of the students sent to detention were girls (Bethany and Martha) and the other two students were boys (Spencer and Fridge). The film chooses to use a age old method of character formation which is in many way discriminative by nature to represents its ideas. The two boys were sent to detention after they were caught cheating on thier school work. The "smart white guy" (Spencer), was caught doing "the dumb black guys" (Fridge) school work. Spencer was helping Fridge because Fridge's grades were low and he was going to get kicked off of the football team. How many times has this been depicted and why does it continue to be the point of entertainment for the masses, to have the token black guy portrayed in a less than capable fashion.

Once in the detention the the children eventually found the jumanji game, which is now a board game, and got them selves suck into the Game. Once the children were in the game it they became the characters of the game. Spencer who was once the small smart white guy is now the brave and fearless Dr. Smolder played by Dwayne Johnson. Fridge the once large incapable football player is now the tiny weakling Mouse Finbar played by Kevin Heart. Bethany becomes Professor Sheldon Played by Jack Black and Martha becomes Ruby Roundhouse Played by actress Karen Gillan. Why do i give these description you may ask, well that's because this is what the movie depicts. To drive the point home see the chart below. Each player has a set of strengths and weaknesses.

Jumanjii Stregths and Weakneses Chart (1).PNG

Now analyze the above strengths and weakness. Everyone is pretty much amazing except for Kevin hart, who was the dumb football player outside of the game, and is now the small and weak Mouse Finbar. It is important to note also that Fridge chose to be Mouse Finbar. This is only because he misread the characters name as "Moose" when the actual spelling, pronunciation, and meaning was "Mouse". Another credit to him being intellectually challenged. How can strength be your weakness, well it is for Mouse. True to the nature of the high rates of obesity and diabetes that black people struggle with as a whole, one of his weaknesses is also cake to which in the movie he eats a piece and explodes (loses a life, each character has 3).

Yes I get it, it's a comedy but once again why is a dumb black person the zenith point of comedy and why are all the other characters portrayed as super heroes. Kevin Heart is pretty much, excuse the language, a bitch the entire movie. The move pretty goes, super hero moment Ruby, joke on Kevin Hart, super Hero moment Dr. Smolder, joke on Kevin Hart, Odd sexual moment Professor Sheldon, joke on Kevin Hart. There are a ton of angles through out the movie that demonstrates this sentiment. Might I add that Kevin Hart and Fridge where the only black people in the entire movie. Just watch the movie, go deep into your consciousness and see the slight of hand, subconscious manipulation, and subliminal suggestions that the film uses to create mass perspective and social norms.

Issue #2 Sexual Confusion

Sexual undertones are replete in newest Jumanji film. The most obvious case for this is the fact that one of the school girls that enters the Jumaji games enters as a male Jumanji character played by Jack Black. How about a scene for the children. A pissing scene with a woman in a mans body would be perfect. Bethany (played by actress Madison Ise) is the school girl who becomes the game character Professor "Shelly" Sheldon played by Jack Black. Bethany in a mans body (Jack Black's Body) needs to urinate and asks Mouse Finbar (Kevin Hart) to assist her as this is her first time urinating wit ha penis. Here we have a girl in a mans body, taking a piss in the woods with two other guys coaching her through the process or urinating with a penis. The scene does a lot for the imagination of our children as the conversation gives way the association of images in the mind to words spoken aloud. This is one of the most fundamental ways in which the mind works. When we read or hear words spoken allowed we recognize the words visually. Bethany does a great job painting a mental image of a penis using adverbs and nouns and adjectives to explain just what it's like to have a penis. This was awkward penis scene 1 of 2. Innocent at first but how does a young mind fit this into their consciousness. It's disturbing to say the least.

If that wasn't enough, how about awkward penis scene 2 of 2. Here we have Bethany once again in a mans body who is Jack Black as she developes a sexual attraction to Alex. I'm sure you see where this is going. Yes, the girl in the mans body likes Alex played by Nick Jonas who is a kid that got stuck in the video game early in the movie just as Alan, played by Robin Williams, did in the first Jumaji. To make a long story short, a hug induced boner (erection) was the perfect way for Jumanji to express it's sexual freedom of speech. Jack Black, after hugging Nick Jonas for saving his life has a penis erection. Once again how does the young mind fit this into their consciousness. They don't it's jsut subtly injected into the subconscious where social norms and perspectives of the world are formed.

Just a interesting point of view from we talk everything. What is Yall's take on it.

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