Modern Day Slavery

in #life7 years ago

A big thank you to everyone who replied to my post from yesterday, in which I asked for inspiration what to write about. I had some great requests and you know what? I'm going to try and cover them all. I see it as a personal challenge to write an interesting and informative post to you guys.

This request is from @euguma and he has asked me to write about Slavery. When he first made the suggestion I thought to myself 'that's a can of worms', whichever way I write about it, I'm going to piss people off. On the other hand, slavery is wrong, but it still exists in our day and age. So bringing the topic to the forefront again is not a bad thing.

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Before I kick off, let us remind ourselves with the help of WikiPedia what Slavery is:

'Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property.'

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Now many people in the day-to-day workforce might feel like they're treated like slaves, but this is not considered slavery as 'a slave is unable to withdraw unilaterally from such an arrangement and works without remuneration.' If you feel like you are being treated unfairly, most of us can raise the matter with a superior/union or they can look for another job. You have signed a contract, but you are able to get out of it, if you follow the conditions of a contract. Someone who is enslaved generally speaking does not have this option.

Slavery has been part of history as long as one person has been able to outmuscle the other. We even find evidences of this in the old testament and it still exists today.

Let me start off by saying that slavery is wrong, it's immoral, outdated and unethical. Having said that, I am convinced that most people in the western-society help encourage and maintain slavery in the world today. That was a very strong statement, but I honestly believe this. As long as there's money/profit to be made and people to be abused to reduce the cost of manufacturing, slavery will not be eradicated.

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Just think about where ALL the parts of your smartphone are made, where does your t-shirt come from, that cheap indoor decoration for your living room, where was it made? Be honest and can you say to yourself that you don't have anything at home that you can't explain where it came from?

I can't! I know my iPhone has parts from China that were fabricated under harsh circumstances in a country that does not take the value of a human life very seriously. I know I've bought T-shirts in the past from H&M that probably came from India where people did not really have a choice and earn about $140 a month! Where does your fruit and vegetables come from and are you certain it's all biological and sourced under humane conditions? Or what about that diamond you got for your engagement ...

But we can even look closer to home, human trafficking and forced prostitution are still a theme today. We all want to pat ourselves on the back and say these issues don't exist in the western world anymore, but these issues still exist today. Women from Eastern Europe are brought to the UK or other countries and forced to earn back the cost of their 'passage' through prostitution and what about the refugees from Africa or Mexico trying to improve their situation by fleeing north, acquiring the help of dubious people who take their money and then need more to help them cross the borders.

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If we as 'civilized' people really want to help and make a difference, make sure you know where you get your products from and that you are happy to buy those, knowing the circumstances they've been produced under? If possible, buy local food instead of imported, that way you also support the local economy, because I'm certain that your farmers don't have an easy life either. Look for the Fair Trade label, all fair trade products need to meet strict conditions.

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Below is a map of the world with what items were made where through slave labour. As it is pretty unclear to read, you can also find the link here, so you can have a closer look for yourself:

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This is the fair trade label, for those of you unfamiliair with it:

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Whether it's toys, coffee, clothing or your technology, supporting slavery is a choice, if you consciously look you can opt for products that were not made under slave conditions.

On a final note, this was a very nice opportunity to familiarize myself with a topic that I don't know much about and I challenge everyone to come up with more topics for me to write about.

Thank you,



Something of luck in one day, you will become a millionaire hhh

Luck is something everyone can use. Thanks, I wish you luck as well!

@wolfje, this is amazing...
You did justice to the topic beyond my expectations...
My idea of slavery never covered the products that we use but now it does, all thanks to you....
Do you mind if I write on the topic the way I know it to be in Africa?

I'm glad I did you justice and thank you for the inspiration. Off course you can write on the topic. The reactions have been overwhelming.

I am done with writing (1st episode though).
You could take a look at it here. I hope you like it.

Man. Are there any steemit charities we can upvote? That would be impressive.

No, not that I'm aware off.

This is one of the greatest injustice done to humans and its still here today

Absolutely and as long as international institutes remain focussed on one problem and ignore the others, this won't change. But I hope with my post to raise awareness and if more people start buying fair product we can force a change, step by step.

This is sad and alarming. 😞 But you know what, this teaches us, consumers, a lesson that we should always pay a just amount for all the goods and services we get. There's no harm in being fair to other people. But sad thing is that's what's lacking in our world today - justice and fairness.

Absolutely and as long as international institutes remain focussed on one problem and ignore the others, this won't change. But I hope with my post to raise awareness and if more people start buying fair product we can force a change, step by step.

Wow!!! Modern slavery. High handed government officials are still practicing slavery on it's crude form.... Imagine the Adams's case. That's slavery at it's raw form.

Absolutely and as long as international institutes remain focussed on one problem and ignore the others, this won't change. But I hope with my post to raise awareness and if more people start buying fair product we can force a change, step by step.

You know I used to say eyes were black and unopened back in the days but what about now? Seems strange that the wickeness of people is still so strong for slavery to still exist in this 21st century, what a wretched soul we humans are!..
Please let's #SayNoToSlavery as a tag. Thank you all

Absolutely, nothing has really changed.

Very interesting post thanks for the info worth a fallow and up vote definitely! Thanks can’t wait for more!

Thank you!

It's so pathetic when it's happening in 21st century. When the world leads modern life. We need to more emphasis about it.
Good post dear. You did well. i appreciate you. @wolfje

Thank you

Nice post and knowledgeable post keep it up i am waiting your next post

Thank you

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