Exercise: more than just the appearance.

in #life7 years ago

Exercise: more than just the appearance.

It's weird, don't you think? We know that going to the gym will be tedious (at first) and that it will not be easy or the results won't be immediate but still every year we promise ourselves that we'll go.

enter image description here
Plot twist: He's highly conflicted about his underarm odor.

It's not like we have to be in perfect physical condition to survive. We do not have to go hunting to feed our family and the greatest physical effort we would make in our daily lives would be to climb some stairs or carry some bags. But even so, every time the year ends, we think about going to the gym or start a new diet.

Sure, there are people who have an overweight problem. Yes, I am talking about you, random guy eating Cheetos and CocaCola. But fortunately, most of us are not like that. We simply believe that "going to the gym" will be the answer to a more superficial question. Much more superficial: Will he see me more beautiful? Will she see me more handsome? Will my crush see me with other eyes? Will my sex life stop being as sporadic as the appearance of the comet Halley?

enter image description here
Who the fuck does this?

And for the fortune of those who go to the gym, the answer is: Yes... but your crush probably won't realize you exist ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

But while it is true that most of us go to the gym in search of a superficial improvement, I assure you that you will discover that it is much more than that.

Since I started going to the gym (a month or something) I will be honest, I have not seen a great physical change in my body but my mind is a whole new world.

enter image description here

Every morning I get up with more energy, I like to interact with other people a lot more than before, I found the perfect way to vent, I feel I can beat almost any challenge that life puts me through and all that while I see how each week I'm closer to get Jennifer Lawrence, if I were the last man on earth, more into me.

So while at first, I went to the gym in search of something superficial, I continue to go to maintain good mental health.

And you? What are you waiting for to change your life?

P.S. Hey guys what´s popping?, I took the images from Pixabay. So... any of you go to the gym? Are you a free man living the dream -eating Oreos and watching netflix- or a slave of society who get's laid?

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