Easy Tips For a Better Morning

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Don't get me wrong I hate mornings. what's your plan for the day how are you going to get through the rest of the day? How are you going to make your start of the day the best it can be? Well here are a few tips to help you make it the best!


Set aside a few minutes from getting ready in the morning, you should put these extra minutes into good use for your body and go for a walk, meditate or even sip on some green tea and read a book. you'll be connecting with yourself by doing this and you will feel much better about your day.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day it's a well known fact. Keeping a healthy, nutritious breakfast will add the right fuel to your body to keep you energized.

Be Playful

Work and a daily routine can require a lot of discipline and planned action. But this can be changed with a playful spirit, remember seriousness does not ensure success. You will be surprised where hard work with a playful mind will take you!


I do definitely have a morning ritual, and I find it quite important in setting the "tone" for the day... but I tend to prefer a slow start. Beautiful photograph, by the way!

thanks for the read. I just followed your blog after reading a post of yours!:)

"Seriousness does not ensure success"! Agree with you) People often do not realize this.