Terrible story

in #life7 years ago

Hi to all.Yesterday I went to a dentist. Already everything is fine. I can sleep well, eat solid food, drink hot coffee and so on. It is good that we have developed medicine. I became interested in what people did 100 or 200 years ago when they had a toothache. Quite clearly, the text is not for the week.


The fact that the cause of caries is bacteria, the doctors get to know only at the end of the XVIII century. Before all from the farmer to the wise man of medicine, holy believed that the holes in the tooth maked worms. Which people breathe in with air. The pain arose when the worm moved or expanded the hole for posterity. Spellbound conspiracies, healing grasses and hot wax were remedy from the worms (the latter is more like torture).


For example, Kardanus, a German doctor of the 17th century, advised to sit opposite the moon, open his mouth and wait for healing. It took a long time to sit, several hours. Unfortunately, the sources did not save information about the fate of his patients ... However, it's still not harmful. Here Pliny the Elder in Ancient Rome recommended in the diseases of teeth in full to catch a frog, spit it in his mouth and read the spell. Whether this method helped from pain is also unknown.


The Roman scholar, Cornelius Celsus, appointed as a treatment, rinse and smoke healing of medicinal herbs. The Arabian physician Avicenna noted that the smoke should be from a mixture of onions, beetles and goat's fat. But the Roman had one more recipe: the patient was offered to take a laxative or make an enema ... Probably, it greatly distracted the patients, and they forgot about the toothache.
Different techniques were used to apply the dental seal. For poor people is filled up with molten wax or tin, while rich patients could afford gold and silver dental seals. After such methods of treatment of teeth most often had to be removed.
However, people believed that once the tooth was in the head, then the brain is connected with it somehow, it will be eradicated correctly - and everything, death on the spot.
By the way, the first drills appeared a thousand years before they were actively propagated. The first dental drill was found during the excavation of the Mergar - Pakistani burial, attributed to the Neolithic era. This drill is 9,000 years old.


In the seventeenth century, teeth pulled out at fairground. Executioner dressed in red clothes transformed the process of removing teeth into a real sight. As tools medieval "dentists" used huge tweezers, and instead of anesthesia - matyuki and slaps. In France in those days, the "dentist" Gilim was especially popular. People lined up in order to look at his "show". Before the beginning, the "dentist" performed a ritual dance with a drum, then placed the patient on a chair, in every way he called him and only then removed the tooth.
In the English city of Stockport, the auction house, "Omega Auctions," sold John Lennon's tooth, hammered by a caries. During the auction, the Canadian dentist Michael Zuk bought the tooth by phone, paying £ 19,500.
George Washington, who, by the time of his presidency, had lost all his teeth, but was very attentive to the health of the teeth of his horses. Every day, he checked their condition and quality of cleaning, delivering stables and veterinarians a lot of trouble
The world-renowned toothpaste manufacturer, Colgate-Palmolive, has faced an unexpected obstacle in promoting its products to Spanish-speaking countries. In translation from the Spanish "colgate" in the literal sense means - "go and hang".
The most expensive toothbrush in the world belongs to Mick Jagger. The famous singer she got as a present. And since the brush was made of pure 18-carat gold, its cost is estimated at about $ 4,000.

I hope you are not very scared. Thank you for attention. Good day for everyone and be healthy.

Image source: commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Dentistry_in_art


At least there are herbs for making pain not so strong and having some antibacterial properties )
Maybe they were known or became known if helped.

Yes. Of course there were people who knew the herbs and can help others. But also they were killed by the church as a witches.

Ok bro. Thanks