here is how can you avoid pessimism in 7 steps

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I got you ! you are a pessimist , aren’t you ?! i bet you are the types who thinks the world would be better if don’t exist , and every problem you have you thinks always it’s your fault !
isn’t it !! if yes you are a pessimist .
I have good news and bad news for you , let’s start with the bad one , everything you thing in your mind becomes true and reality , if you think everything will go wrong , thing WILL go wrong . for example , if you think your relationship with your partner will go wrong , it will be wrong , and the good new all of what is happening is not permanent and nothing is permanent , but you don’t have to stay pessimist , you can change .
that’s a metaphorical way to say that you can simply avoid pessimism , by the way .

here’s only seven steps on how can you avoid it :

1. go for what fears you the most

( afraid to be alone ? isolate yourself , this is the most easy, effective and powerful way to realize your fears are just mental constructs).

2. talk to your future self

: talk with a imaginary person for example you in 7 year .

3. indiscriminately help someone

(do a small act like helping somebody )

4. paint a new context

( If it’s yourself that makes you feel limited , just paint a new self )

5. take a long run

(The underlying principle in this approach is that you're pushing your limits, you’re actually creating an escape route . But you’re not doing in your head, you’re doing it outside, in the real life)

6. ask for support

( Yes, you’re in trouble and there’s no reason to be ashamed for that. Go ahead, talk about your problems, expose your difficulties. One of the most common sources of pessimism is ISOLATION )

7. keep an eye on the opening windows

( At the bottom line this approach means you should accept and trust. Wherever there’s acceptance and trust, pessimism is not possible. It simply cannot survive in this environment. Accept that life is full of possibilities and trust that you’ll be able to jump on every new opportunity)