Sure what's it all about anyway???

What's it all about?

Sometimes things happen that make you ask questions of yourself. What's it all about? Why are we here? These sort of questions especially vibrate and reverberate around my head when someone close dies or gets very sick.

At these times, lifes little trivial annoyances suddenly pale in significance when compared to the gravity of the death or disease that has befallen someone close to you. The pettiness of some of the things which we allow to wind us up are suddenly exposed as wasteful and ungrateful and for a short time, we can forget them and appreciate the little things in life. The habitual and the banal which surround us daily unperturbed by the busy world around us.

The best things in life are actually free more times than not. Sharing a funny story with your son or daughter; sister or brother; friend or acquaintance. Breathing in the fresh air by the seaside, as your barefeet crunch the silky sand underfoot. Being the first person to walk on a snowy path or garden. Having an early morning cup of tea with your dog or cat or the wild birds, as they sing their harmonies into the ether.

Park your grudges

Offer your hand to that person you fell out with all those year ago, whether friend or family. Life is truly too short for that type of grudge holding. I'm quite lucky in so much as I like everyone really and always try to give peoole the benefit of the doubt. I have friends and colleagues though who have grudges or dislikes that can go back years or even decades in some cases. What's the point? If there is one thing I noticed over the years, it is that positivity attracts possitivity and negativity is no different. Surround yourself with positive and happy people as much as possible and try to be positive yourself. Try to always see the glass as half full.

Be nice to people

This one should come naturally, but we can all think of someone today or this week or this month who we were a little short with or perhaps downright rude to. Be it a cold caller or a jehovahs witness knocking on your door, do afford them some common courtesy and a smile, maybe ask them how their day is going. Just remember to be human. In this new fangled world of automation and convenience, the human touch and simply making time for people is so important.

It boils down to this really, don't be a prick to people, treat them as you'd like you and yours to be treated, with respect, dignity and decency. It'll cost you nothing.

That's it from me for now and just to mention the images above were sourced on, which are copyright free ©️

Thanks as always for stopping by.Peace Out



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