What is our greatest ability as humans?

in #lifehack10 months ago

Imagine you are the void.

There is nothing around but you, the seemingly empty space. For the sake of this story, let us suppose time exists. You do not know how many countless millennia and eons have past since you became conscious. All you are aware of is your very existence in this complete darkness. However, you do not know loneliness; rather, what have you have is your immense curiosity.


So out of curiosity, you decide to play.

I mean, why not? You notice that you are able to extend your awareness and focus on different locations of space. Interesting. You grow excited and wonder what else can you do. You begin to play more with your focus, shifting your attention rapidly and slowly in any directions: left, right, up, down, inward, outward, and in all ways dimensionally possible.

You witnessed the very fabric of space can be manipulated and morphed through your focus and desire.

And through all of this playing with your awareness and pushing your capabilities to discover what is possible, you eventually went on to create universes, planetary bodies, laws dictating the mechanics of everything, and life. You create life.

Sounds amazing, right? I illustate this story to let you know that you also possess this miraculous, creative power. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are an extension of that very awareness that is eternal and inside of you lies the fundamental power of creation.

We tap into this ability all the time, co-creating our reality whether we are conscious of it or not.

To be precise, this creative power is composed of two elements:

The Power of Attention.
The Power of Intention.

The way I personally describe them is this:

Attention: It moves energy. Where attention is placed, energy moves to that location. Think of it as the area of focus. 👁️‍🗨️

Intention: It applies energy. Where intention is placed, energy is manipulated at the location. It is the application of desire to effect change upon the area of focus. 🔃

They are often used together but can be practiced separately.

How-to practice attention:

  1. Shift your awareness (attention) to outside of your mind.
  2. See how long you can hold it for.
  3. Steadily shift your focus to different parts of your body such as your head or toes as long as your attention is outside the mind.
  4. When thoughts creep up and you pay them attention, start again.

That is it! It is quite simple and if you can do it playfully, it can be fun and challenging. This practice is a form of meditation and can be done anywhere, anytime (when you are watching TV, listening to music, washing dishes, driving, etc.)

The practice of attention gives us:

  • Increased focus
  • Ability to silent the mind (and therefore increase emotional control)
  • Ability to heal wounds (if you have a cut or headache, set your awareness to it and your injury will heal faster)
  • Increased mental clarity and tranquility
  • Self knowledge and truth

The defining difference between getting that which we desire rapidly or slowly depends on how structured and organized our mind is, our mental power, and our laser focus in life. The power of attention is the most basic and powerful ability humans possess to achieve anything and everything in life.

Okay, now with the Power of Intention. I consider it to be a higher form of power but still on the level of basic. It requires attention and desire.

How-to practice intention:

1] Luminous sparkle

  • Imagine a luminous ghostly sparkle swirling counterclockwise or clockwise slightly above the surface of your head.
  • Make sure it is very close to your head. You should feel the tingling sensation on the surface of your head.
  • Maintain this concentration for as long as possible.


2] Energy balls

  • Another method is to open up your palms while in a seated position and imagine two balls of energy forming above them.
  • As you spin the energy balls, imagine them growing in size.
  • Imagine their tangibility and try to feel the various sensation from them as much as possible, including warmth, - pressure, solidness, brightness, etc. Feel their love. Feel their sound and smell as well if any.

3] Actualizing a parallel timeline:

  • Take out a piece of paper and write out about your ideal self.
  • Write about your imaginary personality, achievements, possessions.
  • Write in it way that your imaginary self already possesses all of it, so write in present tense.
  • Use powerful verbs and adjectives, but choose ones that make you feel it is real and empowering.
  • Did you feel good writing it? Now take this piece of paper, post it on your wall and everyday, meditate on it.
  • Imagine that you are all of that already. Make the imagination as real as possible by feeling the various sensations, such as smell, taste, touch, sight, sound.
  • Imagine as concretely as possible what you are feeling, what your environment looks like, the voice of your friends cheering you on, how proud you feel.

This technique is known as imprinting the subconscious mind and it is known that physical reality reflects the subconscious mind.

Screenshot from 2024-05-14 14-18-18.png

I gave multiple examples on how to practice the Power of Intention.
The practice of intention gives us:

  • The ability to apply our innate psychic powers
  • Increased sensitivity and control of energy (chi, prana, etc.)
  • Increased frequency and therefore spiritual elevation
  • Improved mental powers (sometimes known as mana)
  • Ability to manifest desires
  • Abilities, such as telekinesis, fireball, chi manipulation, and healing. (I think this is precisely what Yeshua used to heal sick people, by using the Power of Intention to visualize healing).

There you have it. Everything we have in our life is the summation of the choices we have made thus far. All of this is made possible due to the power of attention and intention. With poor skill level, we run the risk of letting the egoic mind live life for us. With high skill level, we bring the power back to us and live the life we want.

Both attention and intention requires consistent practice. I personally have made it part of my lifestyle habit so I do it daily recently and have seen results in one month of consistent practice. What I noticed is how I have become a magnet to people, animals, and events. As for things like fireball or telekinesis, haha, I wonder how many years of practice the yogis took to reach such heights.

As with all things in life, the only way we can know if something works is through intuition and direct experience. So, if you want change in life, if you have desire, which you do, then own your power and practice often.

The Power of Attention and Intention is our birthright and they are the greatest ability we have as humans.


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