Spread your feet, as long as yours sheet

in #lifeskill3 years ago
  • Spread your feet, as long as yours
    sheet. The longer the quilt, the more legs should be spread. That is, the expenditure should be less than your income, not more. Living life in debt is not pleasant.* When a person does a job, or does business, then his income is high. Then he spends with open arms, all right. But when he retires i.e. retires, or leaves the business, then his income decreases in old age. Then he should also reduce his expenses, otherwise he will be unhappy. when income exceedsYes, then a person can eat and drink, travel, travel abroad, expensive clothes, expensive cars and give gifts to each other, etc. Everything can be expensive, and many people do too. But when the person leaves the business or retires from the job, then his income will not remain the same. Then they should give up old hobbies, or cut them down. Then your work should be done in few things only. If the person used to buy 6 things earlier. So now buy 3 things. Earlier used to buy expensive car clothes etc., then now middle levelBuy car clothes etc. Because pension is only about half of salary. Therefore, keeping in mind the amount of his income, pension etc., spend less than that. * While earning money, doing business job, at a young age, so much money should be gradually accumulated, that after retirement, you can bear all your expenses yourself, and do not have to spread hands in front of others. Do not expect wealth from your children in old age. * While doing business, job etc. one should not even dream of becoming rich or millionaire billionaire overnight.Because for this then the person has to adopt many types of wrong methods, which are unconstitutional. There is no point in earning such money. Neither does peace come from him, nor does there be happiness and prosperity in the family. Therefore, while doing business, job etc., one should do his work with complete honesty, intelligence and hard work. So that gradually enough money can be accumulated to meet your needs. That is, let your present life (youth) also go on happily, and for your future (old age) also four paise is deposited.Go go Some examples of the expenses that will have to be incurred in the future in old age - food, clothes and house expenses. Employee expenses. Some inflation will also increase. Children will also have to give some gifts from time to time. Traveling somewhere with friends will have to sit and drink, maybe a program of foreign trips with friends can also be made. He also needs money. There may also be patients in old age. TB can also be a major disease like heart attack, cancer etc. He may also have to undergo an operation etc. After OperationMedicines may also have to be taken regularly for life. Donations will also have to be made in the promotion of some Vedic religion, etc. For all these expenses, money should be deposited gradually at a young age. So earn money honestly. And deposit as much as possible some for future also. Spend only according to limited income or pension in old age. For peace of mind in old age, do meditation of God, self-study and satsang of Vedic scholars. Do exercise for physical health. This will be beneficial for you.

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