Three hacks to have a positive influence on people

in #lifestyle7 years ago

Hello guys!

Today I just want to talk to you about some hacks I read a few months ago and that I try to apply every day.

#1 Smile

I begin with something that may seem quite logical. But even if that makes sense to everybody, only a few people practice that hack every day, while the people who smile more often tend to manage, sell, teach others more easily and with more efficiency. They also have the tendency to be happier.

Smiling has also an influence on the way our voice sounds. In the formation process in phone companies, it is recommended to the employees to smile when they pick up the phone because the smile is heard in the voice. In that way, they are more efficient when they communicate with people about selling products or whatever.

You need to make the test: smile to every person you meet: in the street, at your job, and even with people you are more familiar with, in your family,... Because even these person are maybe not used to see you with a big smile on your face. And believe me, it can have a great impact on the way they behave with you! Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it, and even if they have had a really bad day, your smile can brighten their day, and help them realize that all is not hopeless, that there is joy in the world.

And maybe it can seem weird, but just the fact to smile will make you instantly happier. It will help you think that you are happy, and here the mind can have a great influence on your well-being.

#2 Listen to what others have to say

My second hack to have an influence on others is to listen to what they say. You have to ask questions about what they say, give the impression that you are truly interested in what they say and in that way, encourage him/her to go on.

To go further, when you speak to someone, it is better if you give him your complete and exclusive attention. Stop doing what you do to listen to what others have to say can truly make a difference! People will really feel themselves interesting and loved. And to come back on what I write on a past article, people are most interested in them. Make them speak about themselves will also help you build a conversation and make them feel good about you. You have to ask questions about his life, about what he does in life,...

"To be interesting, you have to be interested"

When you know what their passion is, do not hesitate to ask a lot of questions about it, to let them talk about it as much as he wishes. You'll just have to listen and the miracle will take place.

#3 Make others feel important

And how can you make that? Simply by trying to make their day better, to give them free compliments,... Everyone wants to be respected and loved by the people around them. When you talk to them, the good thing to do is to make them feel like their passion and centers of interest totally worth it.

At some precise moments of their lives, everyone feels a little down and feels like their lives are a flat line, nothing great, nothing bad. One feels like they don't matter at the moment, and just the littlest thing can make this mood change: a compliment, something unexpected... And imagine if you are the basis of this mood change, you will probably have a good influence on this person.

You can also make others feel important by contacting them frequently, ask for news, ask questions about what's new in their lives,...

I hope you'll arrive to apply these simple hacks on your everyday life, you will probably see some changes quite rapidly!


It goes to the proverb saying, "BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER". Negative attracts negative, Positive attracts positive. It is your choice to be with Negative friends or to be with positive friends who are better than you that will lift you up. So there's no point of influencing positive to the
negative people, if they usually hang out with negative people. :)

Very powerful points indeed. Although a person may not always get positive feedback from doing these things, they will get good response most of the time, and it is worth it.

Hi my brother @jarendesta
Teach me to use better esteem and useful
In order to get more votes like you.
Thank you

Three very important lesson.With a smiling face you can achieve anything.Listening to others is also a very important because if you hear then it becomes vary easy to make a better decision.Third one if you make feel someone important then he will delivr his best.Thank's for sharing.

Nicely said it thanks for sharing an amazing post this is beautifully amazing

really!when with ppl trying to smile as much as we can really change a lot!always let others see ur ubhappy face,it sucks!

if u had a girlfriend,she must be very happy cuz u know how to make her feel that she is important instead of being an accessory.

This is very straight to the point. Most times it is when you smile and present yourself as a fun person to be with that others would respond to you in the same way. These are very good tips to hold a relationship firm.

Smile is the biggest weapon of them all :)
thanks for sharing it :D

smiling makes anyone day special just a little smile can make someone's day :)

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