in #lifestyle7 years ago

Good morning fellow steemians! Today i want to discuss the subject of Tolerance, or more recently the lack thereof.

It seems that in today's world we often hear people speak of tolerance, and how "we" should all need to be more tolerant. What does that mean though? does it mean we cast aside our own beliefs and ideals simply to include another's beliefs and ideals? or is it something else entirely. Is it at all possible that tolerance is nothing more than a word others use to make us feel bad for not believing as they do? or is it something we should all strive for?


As philosopher Sir Karl Popper once quoted in the picture above, one must defend tolerance against the intolerant, yet doesn't that make tolerance a sham, a false belief? I mean, if you have to silence the intolerant to preserve tolerance, does that in and of itself make you intolerant of the intolerant? I say this because we are seeing this happening today at an increasingly alarming rate. With Liberals protesting the free speech on college campuses by those of conservative values. Isn't that a form of intolerance itself coming from a group who claim to be tolerant ,and telling others they need to be more tolerant?


I say that because if you really believe in tolerance, and the freedom of thought than you must be willing to accept the right of those who believe differently than you to express their own thoughts and ideals equally. You cannot go around and preach to others the need for tolerance, when you yourself go around and display intolerance of others right to express their views and ideals. Being tolerant does not mean you have to agree with their views or beliefs, but it does mean you do not stand in their way of expressing their thoughts and beliefs. What it does make you is a hypocrite. How can you expect others to want to listen to what you have to say if you are not willing to listen to others? To be honest, it makes you worse than those you accuse of being intolerant. By silencing every voice but your own it makes you a dictator. Not necessarily in rule, but in thought and expression. When the only correct and tolerable beliefs and ideals are yours.


If you truely believe in tolerance one must first be tolerant and listen to others, and offer them the first extension of tolerance by allowing them to speak their mind, and express their views freely. You must recognize their freedom of speech....


Intolerance from the liberals is legion today; and is intended to stop the dabates that they are unable to win! If they require my respect for their beliefs; they must offer the same level of respect for MY beliefs!

Anything less is a irreversable step towards tyranny!


THAT is a trip I refuse to take with them!

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