Question of the Day - To Sit in the Front Passenger Seat or the Back Seat on an Uber/Lyft Ride? [lifestyle]

in #lifestyle6 years ago


- Where to Sit? -

The other night I was forced to use the Lyft service for a ride home, and no I was not drunk. I did not have a vehicle for the night, so I ultimately downloaded the app, signed up for service with my regular bank debit card. I then used the Lyft App on my iPhone to get a ride home.

When the car arrived, it was a nice newer Toyota 4 door sedan. Looking at the Lyft app, it showed the drivers car information, so I knew it was the right vehicle to get into. I approached the car but hesitated in opening the door. For a brief moment, I thought about opening the front passenger door and sitting in the front next to the driver.

A split second later I reached for the back door handle and sat in the back of the car. The driver greeted me, and proceeded to my destination. We chatted for a bit, the usual formalities of hello, how are you, how is your night going?
I answered, asked and replied but in the back of my head I still had that nagging question of whether I should have sat in the front or the back of the car.

I realize that in most all regular TAXI cab rides, the passenger sits in the rear of the vehicle, unless there are not enough seats and one of the passengers has to sit in the front passenger seat. Taxi cab rides are definitely more expensive, and for the most part, the Driver/passenger relationship has always been somewhat formal, with the passenger customarily always sitting in the back seat as in a Limousine with a chauffeur.

The Uber and Lyft ride services have somewhat changed the rules when it comes to paid passenger ride services. Taxi cabs now seem archaic and outdated, even old. This new concept in ride services is what makes me wonder about the seating situation. I felt somewhat pretentious talking to the driver from the back seat, only catching glimpses off his eyes through the rear view mirror to see if he heard what I had said. The driver was not a full time Lyft driver, but rather a student working part time in order to pay for and go to school. The driver's vehicle was a regular newer car and there was no partition between driver and passenger.

Next time I have to use one of these services, what should I do?

Should I sit in the front or the back? Or should I ask the driver what they prefer, because what if it is a member of the opposite sex?

Obviously if you are drunk, sh*tfaced and acting stupid, then yes by all means sit in the back, hell be grateful if they let you into the trunk.


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i always just sit in the back out of habit

Interesting topic, I dunno. Here in Slovenia i never sit in the back if I'm alone that is. Have a good weekend dude

Hello @kid4life Thanks for the input.... and Slovenia, isn't that where FLOTUS is from?
Anyhow, cool beans. Take care.

Sure thing. Yes she was actually living no more than 50 km away from my home, flotus sounds weird to me tho haha, had to double check haha

Okay mahh man, have a good one.

Wow, that is pretty close to home.....and yeah, FLOTUS is weird sounding.

If I'm riding alone I always sit in the front seat. I'm not sure why but it kinda feels rude or something to sit in the back. If I'm riding with other people however I actually prefer to sit in the back and not sit with the driver lol so that's kinda odd.

Lately I have had the worst uber experiences. I don't take uber that much but man my last 3 rides have been horrific like I literally thought I was gonna die. My girlfriends brotehr takes uber all the time and raves about it and jokes I must be bad luck because every ride we take together is bad.

I'm not even exaggerating my last ride from Chicago out to the suburbs about a 45 minute ride the lady was falling asleep the entier time head nodding, we kept having to scream at her, she almost crashed into a wall on the 290 and when we got on Route 83 not technically a highway but sort of a local highway I kid you not this lady fell completely asleep and stopped in the middle of this road which was 55mph. Fortunately it was like 430 am so nobody was out. My buddies girlfriend actually called the uber safety line and was like this lady should not be driving, not sure what ever came of it

@rulesforrebels That does sound like a horrible experience, and as for the front, I do agree about the odd feeling of being in the back. I didn't feel so much rude as pretentious, but I see others jump solo in the back like nothing, so who knows.

Pretentious thats the word I was looking for. Yeah with a Taxi driver I always sit in the back and I think they prefer it that way, I've actually had taxi drivers tell me to get out of the front seat and sit in the back. I think they are worried about robberies and I've actually been told its a law unless the back seat is full you are supposed to sit in the back at least in Chicago.

WIth uber drivers since it's normal everyday people and they aren't carrying cash I feel like you said its less formal and I feel like I'm the grey poupon guy very pretentious if I hop in the backseat.

I would prefer to sit on the back seat always.
But if uber driver is your bestie then prefer front seat. ;)

i think if driver is member of same sex then you should sit at front if not then you need to ask the driver first
well i love sitting at front

Thanks for the input @altafwani And that seat is sometimes even fought for... they call the seat "shotgun."

I think for women the back seat would make more sense, while men out of priority loves seating in the front, not me, I love the back seat like a king

Oh yeah, of course in different countries, passengers are sitting in different ways, but we are accustomed to sit with the rear, you can ask the driver that you would be comfortable with him. Thank you @streetstyle

Interesting question. I never thought about it. But the more I like to ride in front

I personaly like to sit in the front seat. ;-)My suggestion is that she asked first for permission to the driver..

If driver is the member of same sex then prefer front seat.

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