Beyond your Greatest Imaginings | Merlin Vlog 21

in #lightworker7 years ago

When something difficult or painful happens, Manuel, always look to see what it makes possible that wouldn't have otherwise been possible.

Like a new adventure, a closer friendship, or chocolate in your peanut butter.

Everything makes you better,
The Universe

I AM: “Those humans who enjoy the more experienced ‘flavors’ of Thought Adjusters (TA) (Advanced, Supreme, Self-Acting) are capable of much more than they know. It is this prior experience that allows the TAs greater access to circuits in the human mind than do the Virgin Adjusters. The ratios of Experienced Adjusters to Virgin types, introduced in previous messages, are not random — they are highly organized and are populating your world for a desired outcome. Urantia, being a decimal planet (experimental sphere), and having a highly unusual developmental evolutionary path, has become of great interest for many outside the local universe and has attracted the attention of personalities that ‘eventuate’ from spheres and realities that transcend time and space.

“Although your planetary administrators are aware of the numbers and know that the more experienced TAs have a ‘divine influence’ on the future progress of the planet, they are not always certain of what the outcomes shall actually be and what ripples are created that reach far into the future affecting universe destiny. Divine plans are mapped and highly efficient in their scope and purpose and have ‘overlapping destinies’ from the ages of the Supreme, to the Ultimate, and to the Absolute. Each epic requires certain experiential outcomes and there are some on Urantia that are gathering valuable ‘souvenirs’ for these far-flung epics.

“The Supreme Being benefits from the extraordinary experiences of the children of time — not the mundane, and so it is that many of you have Father Fragments of notable experience and capability and have yet to tap into this divine hidden treasure. It behooves you that carry the treasure to open the chest and look inside and perhaps find a ‘device’ there that you may use to make your days on Urantia extraordinary and help ‘fill the bucket’ of the Supreme, that it may spill over into the Ultimate and unto the Absolute.

“Those eventuated personalities that are looking in on your world see something much more interesting and exciting in terms of possible outcomes of transcendental import than you now realize. Your time on Urantia is so very valuable, and we, the Divine Fragments, can only urge our wards to consider the extraordinary and to open their minds to greater possibilities in this life that shall take them to places in the epics of universe destiny that are beyond their greatest imaginings.

“Many of your futurists and filmmakers have created tales from their imaginings that portray humans with extraordinary abilities — these are not random inspirations, but possibilities in a limitless universe waiting on the ‘conditions’ for manifestation.

“What is your super-power?

The Festival of Aries at the Time of the Full Moon

This full moon is the Spiritual highlight of the ancient tradition of observing the signs of the zodiac. When the sun is in Aries, and augmented by the full moon, the Earth receives a Divine Impulse of Energy. It is the first Impulse from the twelve constellations our sun passes through in its travels. The Energy from Aries is Initiating Energy. I am sharing thoughts about it from Tom Carney, a long time student of the Teachings of Djwhal Khul.

“The Spiritual Impulse comes to us from the constellation Aries. The brightest star in the Aries constellation, Hamal, is about 65 light years from Earth. Other stars in the constellation are even further away. Our Sun is a mere 93,000,000 miles from earth. 93 million miles equals .001607% of a light year.

Aries is a long way from home. And yet In the dimensions of meditation, neither time nor space exist. Aries can be touched in no time or instantly.

What comes to our planet via a great chain of sun hearts is Fire. Aries presents us with the opportunity to touch the Fiery World, “the dynamic nature of God”. We bring an empty vessel to the encounter, and simply allow the Fire to fill it.”

We still our minds at the end of our meditation and pause in silence to receive its Impulse. We may have a clear impression at that moment of what we have touched, or our "ah ha!" moment may come later. It is a high vibration, so watch for the subtle impressions and be patient. Remember, Aries is the first of twelve Divine Impulses from the Constellations. Next is Taurus, then Gemini, etc., around the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each Impression builds upon the one before it.

The exact time of the full moon is:
March 31, 2018 @ 5:37 AM PDT
March 31, 2018 @ 12:37 PM UTC

It has been my tradition to connect with two others, whom I feel a fellowship with in service. I see all triangles that are created by these loving relationships as interlocking streams of heart energy, thus creating a Great Light Body. I spend a few minutes with lifted consciousness, tuning into the energies and finish my meditation by saying the Great Invocation and distributing the energy to humanity with three OM's.


As always, thanks bro. Much love!

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