Gather the Fruits of the Spirit | Merlin 28

in #lightworker6 years ago

Your very thoughts are the key. You can do it, Manuel. Whatever you want, you can have it. Just think it, feel it, and vaguely move towards it. And with persistence, tipping points will be reached, critical mass formed, and the most outlandish serendipities arranged.

The world you now live in was created this very way, and through "thinking" you perpetuate the celebration. You are a nonstop creating machine; a manifesting maestro. You are pure "cause."

And for now, it's still virtually a secret: Your very thoughts are the key.

Infinite love,
The Universe

nd bears can't really hurt you. You live in a world of smoke and mirrors where there's only the illusion that you could somehow become less than the greatest you've ever imagined yourself to be.

And it's this very image, the highest from within you, that’s summoned your boldest dreams, daring you into the light with their promised rewards and drawing you through the very fears that have kept you from it.

Slayer of dragons. Matador of all time and space. Rightful heir to heaven on earth. Don't be afraid. Not even a little.

The Universe

The Scribe: “To live a fair and righteous life is like climbing a mountain the very pinnacle of which you are to reach at the very end of your days on this earth. There is a good and healthy reward for lazily sauntering up the eastern slope of your mountain. It is this eastern side where you can climb at a leisurely pace, almost unobservedly gaining in height by just a 1 in 20 rise. This eastern side of the mountain is the easiest side and suits the father or mother who will provide for their spouse and teach the children what is right and leave the neighbors in peace.

“To live a difficult yet righteous life is like climbing that mountain from the northern slope which is exhausting, quite steep and boulder strewn. There is time to catch one’s breath by sitting on a boulder, but the north face is a cold life’s journey. The southern slope of our mountain is similarly steep but the entire way up is through thick jungle-like ground cover. Moreover, it is a hot and tiring path to your life’s journey. Of course it is your choice entirely if you are to take the northern or southern path up that mountain. North or south will suit the mother or father who will teach the children what is right, provide for them and the spouse and have time to spare to give to friends and neighbors alike, care for the sick and be teachers and healers.

“So very few are those who climb the western side of the mountain, for it has a near vertical cliff face, few hand- and footholds and it cannot be scaled without special gear and rope ladders in the fight with a wet and slippery rock-face and with a sharp wind whistling by. These are the achievers who will accept any temporary ‘punishment’ in their lives on terra firma to honor their Master Michael and ensure their future arrival at a much better place with all those they got to know during their long climbs up that steep wall to the top. Their sheer strength of will and endurance allows them to stay with the task, to heal the ills, to clear so many confused minds, to teach the undeniable truths, relate explicit beauty and unequivocal goodness and become the example for others through that tough climb to the top and to finally rest from their exhaustion.

“However, what extensive rewards will ever and again greet those who accepted the western approach, the short-term pain to be Michael’s servants, His trusted bellwethers in their short years, no sooner begun as to come to an end, on terra firma of a decimal planet.

“We entice you to seriously consider a break from the routine of ambling leisurely to the summit and taking on the western approach to be one of Michael’s apostles and have many follow you and Gather the everywhere-present Fruits of the Spirit.

“Such is the way, indeed; all must climb this mountain as your Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek, made clear to you.

“I greet you, My son. I am the Damascus Scribe. Talk with Me often.”

Thought Adjuster: “Throughout this age, fear has become one of the most destructive forces in your world. It is one of the sources of all the evils observed in this sphere. Those in the corridors of power, who conspire to keep the masses deceived and ignorant of their designs, act in such a way due to the influence of fear — the fear of losing what they think they possess.

“You can promote the ideals of peace and love among all human beings with all the might of your media, but as soon as something that shakes the false sense of security of some group occurs, the fears take hold and all logical and philanthropic behavior ceases immediately. Fear has such power that it can shock the mind into a state of semi-unconsciousness, where a person can forget her ideals, her customs and even her inhibitions in order to find again that sensation of being safe.

“Fear is what causes wars. Those countries that consider others to be enemies are constantly working to prevent their enemies from growing and becoming stronger. Many efforts are invested by the western nations to prevent advances in the domain of nuclear power in many other countries. This would mean to have ‘enemies’ at their same level and this would make them lose their advantage of those who selfishly pretend to monopolize the advances in science and technology. For the western nations all the other countries who think a different way or have different religions and different traditions are considered to be strange, dangerous and not deserving of trust. Similarly, those countries who are kept marginalized by the more powerful nations in this world do not trust in the western countries either. Thus the differences and the separation are preserved, even when only a moment of reflection would show how false and irrelevant those apparent differences really are.

“It is fear that makes possible the control of the masses. Many of the worst crimes of history have occurred because of the use of fear to shift public opinion toward a course of action that benefited only a few. This still happens in this world and it will continue to happen until each and every human being discovers within their own selves that in reality there is nothing to fear. Once everyone is able to see the presence of the God of all creation inside themselves and when every soul has felt the security of being a child of this Father of love, human beings will know that life rests in the hands of the Father and there is nothing that can take this life away and their right to progress in spirit. Even if this world is blown into pieces those who live with their trust placed in their Father would endure for eternity, if they have sustained this desire within their hearts. And this is the greatest and truest sense of security that a human being can experience.”

God said:
Happy Days are here again! Hum this song, and see how you feel. The sky's the limit. In fact, not even the sky has a limit. There is no ceiling on the sky.

Why not Happy Days? Where is it written that life is ever to be less than happy? Nonsense.

Not to be nostalgic, Beloved, yet today is a one-time offer and will not come again. This is just one aspect from which to look at Today.

Today is an occasion. It is an occasion for happiness. There are no limits on how happy you can be. Take My Hand. Accompany Me to where all the happiness in the world lies. Here is happiness right smack in front of you where I AM! Here is the door to open. See the hand-painted sign tacked on the door. Here, the sign says Happiness. I painted the sign My Self. I also painted your name on it in Golden Letters. Isn't this enough to make you happy today?

This is a personal invitation from Me to you. Come right up. Come right here in front of Me.

Happiness for you could be reading a good book. Happiness could be taking your children to the zoo. Happiness could be another day named Happiness tomorrow. Be your own Well-Wisher. Get a good start.

Of course, happiness doesn't have to come from what you do. Anything less than happiness isn't your True State. There is a vibration within you that echoes happiness. Let's call happiness your DNA as happy as can be today. This is your happy hopping DNA today, enlivened with a thousand blessings from God. Here I am. Come here. Take your rightful place by the sign that says Happiness Today, and enter Eternity.

Here's something to consider. There is also the concept that there is only one day that exists in Truth, and it is this One Today spreading out its wings before you ready to take flight with you.

Of course, in Our minds, there is the Rising Sun and the Setting Sun, this one Sun that brings you Light and Love. Okay, then, in Truth, there is only Today. This is the only day ever, and it is the Best Day ever, this one day before you. This is it, even as you may have a sense of déjà vu.

Of course, there is also the theory of time that time does not exist whatsoever. We can adapt Our theory to look like One Continuous Day that strolls along. This Today is here for you right now. If time is not, it must also mean then that time doesn't shift. There can be Light Day and Night. Why not? What cannot be?

You, a Soul, are born to Earth where Life is like a marvelous fruit bowl in front of you.

You are born to Earth to do somersaults so your Heart soars.

3 cheers for the world, I say. 3 cheers for you. Hurrah! Hurrah! There is no last Hurrah. There is no first Hurrah. The whole Universe is made of Hurrahs all at once. There is nothing else that exists but Hurrahs and Upsidaisy!

There are no humps to get over. There are no traffic jams. There is no stress or strain. There are safe passages. Angels abound and lead the way over hill and dale. Smiles and laughter abound. Love is seen and heard. You see yourself mirrored in everything you look at, and you look good. I relish the joy I see in your face, joy that sings Hallelujah in honor of life. Joy surrounding Us truly as One. Forever We are joined in Happiness in this moment. This, just this, Happiness!


The post is very good 👍

Nice. Nice.

Is this from cicada?

28:46 "Sometime's I'm just normal as fuck"

ROFLMAO Dude..Your the best. I love your Merlin Vlogs, keem em coming bro.

Much love,

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