“Seek To Become Like Little Children.” | Wander - Sophia Musik

in #lightworker7 years ago

Seeking to be like children is helpful in the long time of life yet many of us get stuck in a place were nothing is as it seem and everything needs to be done quickly. Make your days like a game to pass the time just right. Do your best to make everyday good even if you are sick. Joy is the energy we have within us and being to happy will never make us any more tried. The inner truth of our minds is that we are meant to wander.

Wander Sophia Musik

Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Seek To Become Like Little Children.”

The Beloved One: “‘Except ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the Kingdom Of Heaven’ was the injunction of your Master Jesus, when He walked the earth more that 2000 years ago. This saying, my child, has been grossly misunderstood and never seriously put into practice.

“This simply means to have a trusting, happy faith in the loving over-care of your heavenly Parents, like a well-balanced child trusts its earth parents, who safeguard and provide for their mental, emotional and physical well-being.

“The spiritual nature of a child ought never to be forced into the adult system of beliefs with its do’s and don’ts. Children by their very nature will naturally develop a trusting faith-filled relationship with the Creator God, according to the example set before them by their parents.

“A child learns by example and does not seek to know the future, as it intuitively knows that this will come to pass, as sure as day follows night. It is learning to trust and have faith that this is so, as it daily accepts this outworking of the natural laws laid down in nature by the design of the Creators.

“To seek to know the future is to rob faith of its sweet reward. ‘According to your faith, it shall be done unto you,’ said Jesus, when He healed the people, when actually it was their personal faith which accomplished their healing.

“Seek to become like a little child that is filled with glad expectations, and does not question its parents loving over-care.

“Do become more carefree and know that all is well. Become less critical and judgmental. Be open and friendly towards all.

“Learn from the example of the Master, who was never in a hurry and had an uplifting word of encouragement for all he met in his travels.”

I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.


Pretty good one Sir

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Spot on!

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