Treading New Paths | Merlin Vlog 20

in #lightworker7 years ago

What if, Manuel, you first got to decide how you'd like to feel - happy or sad, hurt or mad, approving or jealous - and then I had to go out and rearrange all the people and circumstances of your life to make it so?

You'd like that, huh?

You'd choose happy, eh?


Yeah, 'mon,
The Universe

The reason others think they need you, Manuel, is because they don't yet fully believe they already have all that it takes to have all that they want. So they pretend you hold the key.

And vice versa.

The Universe

Thought Adjuster: “Due to hereditary factors and genetics, you, as still imperfect creatures, have to deal with various levels of dysfunction. If you were personally ‘functional,’ you would be able to swiftly and adequately deal with external dysfunctions. You may not be able to instantly change them, but, at least, you would be able to prevent them from intruding on your personal space and disturbing the state of inner peace that is your true home base.

“You will never solve problems by the very means that caused the crises — by sticking to the old response parameters that have already been proved to be ineffective. You experience in your life recurring patterns of dysfunction. You are aware of their triggers, you are aware of the adversarial snowball effect they have on your life, and yet, you lack the necessary insight to ‘debunk’ them as they keep messing up your personal and relational life, in spite of your wishful thinking to resolve them once and for all.

“This is where I and your Guidance Team come in. We have the bird’s eye view that is much needed to objectively and wisely evaluate such scenarios, just as you can more easily provide sound advice to those with whom you are not so emotionally involved, as you have a more objective approach to their predicaments.

“Yet, as it pertains to your personal issues, you are frequently unable to distinguish the trees from the forest. Yours is to devise new creative ways to deal with these old dysfunctional patterns, as, very obviously, the same old same old won’t do the trick.

“What is the best approach? Again, the ‘Ask and you shall receive’ is fail-proof. As you ask Me or your Guidance Team, you are turning to those who are best qualified to help you and infuse your mind with new insights. By ‘Asking,’ you are moving away from your shortsightedness and the answers that will be forthcoming will be ‘from your inadequate emergency toolbox’. By asking — be it trusted friends or Higher Guidance — you are opening a channel through which new points of view will be forthcoming and present you with innovative response patterns that will break through the walls of painful dead-ends.

“Dear ones, what matters is that you are willing to change for the better. By setting such intentions, you will eventually draw into your field of vision that which is needed to be overcome once and for all and what was proved to be so detrimental to your overall wellbeing.

“It is not that you will cease to encounter similar trigger situations. Rather, you will address them in new and creative ways, thus finding the liberation you are seeking. By ‘responding’ differently, you will obtain a different outcome and the previously threatening cloud cover will lose its momentum and dissipate, without bursting into a mighty inner storm. The old patterns will become things of the past and your personal sense of freedom will increase tremendously. You will know how to deal with these emotional disturbances if they dare try to ‘kidnap’ you again.”

Mandurian: “Let me begin by stating that it is a privilege and a delight to work with a mortal such as you, but please try to keep your mercurial thoughts at bay.

“These are stirring times on this planet with the necessary upheavals, which are blamed on global warming. Allow me to say this about climate change: This planet is still young in her development in the early stages of her evolution and she must go through the travails of growth before she is completely balanced.

“However, you, as her inhabitants can do much to aid her in her development by being careful to leave only harmless footsteps wherever you go, and by not contributing to the chaos which is becoming alarmingly evident. Each person is responsible for their own behavior, by being kind and loving toward one another; and parents are responsible to teach this to their offspring.

“Most importantly, watch your thoughts, as thoughts have an energy vibration which can be truly beneficial or equally disastrous. It is of primary importance that you become more aware of how you think, why you think what you think and if there are thoughts which warrant to be improved upon . . . like those of resentment, anger, jealousy. You may make the list yourself as these are all very harmful to your own systems, especially the pernicious thought of getting even with someone. Those energies cause great harm to your systems and sooner or later find expression in personal discomfort.

“Ponder this message, please, for the medical profession usually looks only at the symptoms, hardly ever at the true causes of illness and discomfort; then tries to cure whatever ails a person with the customary drugs, whereas the Creator has lovingly provided natural cures for practically all ailments on the planet.

“Observe your thoughts for a while, as negative thoughts of emotional vibrations first show up in the meridians. The meridians are the energy lines in the body that feed all systems, which will eventually find its way into the physical system as blockages, which over time create havoc leading to discomfort anywhere in the bodily systems.

“The most important way to vibrant health is to have positive emotions, which is to love and forgive yourselves on a daily basis. This will naturally be so beneficial that you will automatically love and forgive others, because you will have become friends to yourselves.

“This all-around beneficial vibration could permeate the entire planet and help her in her evolution into greater stability. I realize that all this has been said before in one way or another, but it has not been practiced wholeheartedly at all by the majority of the people living upon this world.

“Be a courageous, child of God and attempt to live this way. Your mental, emotional and physical systems will greatly benefit, leading to increased spiritual growth for the soul, which is the purpose for living, thereby enhancing the evolutionary progress of the planet.”


Let us now be known as "Light Twerkers." We bubble while we raise the vibrations on the Mama Earth. And after all, nobody wines-up his sexy thickness quite like our boy Manny, an angel sent from above. #lighttwerker

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