Education opportunities for children living in the 3rd world

in #likercoin6 years ago

Liker mainly focuses on the core code of the Liker World which is created in Malta. You have to know that this is not a centralized organization that operates between headquarters and branch offices. The main target of Liker is to solve the unique educational problems of each of your region via the use of decentralized autonomous decentralized community between the local nodes that will be established in each region. Liker believes that solving your educational opportunities lies through learning.

Education opportunities for children living in the 3rd world 

Your compensation for the activities on the platform is again virtuous via educational donations.  Liker rewards that are provided through education will enable better opportunities by providing you with better opportunities especially to educated people who are thrown into the labor market.

The pilot project

Pope Francis paid a visit to the Philippines and had a chance to hear a very touching story from an orphaned girl. A lot of children are being abandoned by the biological parents that are what the girl said. The girl added that many orphans are exposed to crimes and face many bad things like prostitution and drug addiction. The true meaning of education aims at leading you to a better life. Liker World education platform will be able to bring educational opportunities and economic rewards to you as well as children by entering the labor market via the blockchain based compensation platform. Such an educational opportunity will prevent parents from bringing children into the market that exploits children outside the labor market. Liker seeks to provide you with equal and fairer education opportunities.

Child Labor especially to young girls

In countries like Filipinos, Laos, Cambodia and many other countries, young girls in non-monetary countries are being used to make money for foreigners. But they get a little money in return from the intermediaries after the deduction of the intermediary commission. Liker aims at solving this problem by using the blockchain based compensation training piloted project.

The compensation-based training on the blockchain

Liker plans to concentrate on the compensation education which runs on the blockchain by choosing one region continuously for one year. The Bank of Bangladesh which is known as Grameen aims at eradicating extreme poverty via letting the poor people lending money with no need of having collateral or guarantor, and this made the bank receive a Nobel Prize for its recognition.

The way forward in achieving the Project goals

By using the pilot project, Liker intends to be able to attract younger students from non-education blind countries to be involved in education. Liker seeks to present the future via education by changing the perception that all adults who drive you to younger students and earn money through them will be able to study and then make money.

Liker is a unique project that aims at solving all the economic problems that are facing our societies by using educational opportunities. Liker believes that through education it is very possible to eradicate poverty in regions that face extreme poverty and child labor. This will help in decreasing the rate of crime within society.

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