Thinking Everything ....

in #llife6 years ago

Continue from... (Everyone Love Their Home.....)

When I was suffering with heavy bleeding from my bladder, my son was around me and when medic people to my house he was scare and cry. But I cannot comfort him and I have to leave him with his nanny at home. My wife and my care giver follow with me to hospital. But no one can follow in emergency room and I need to stay alone.

A lot of hospital’s stuff are busy attending to all the urgent patients and they left me with only pressure monitor machine and monitor my blood pressure. My blood pressure was although high but not increase. So they just let me know that, we all are waiting for urologic to do surgery. As I said my previous post, after I had surgery they let me go home.

What I was thinking during waiting time, I can be attack by stroke and I can be worse. If I get stroke after my spine injury, I cannot live for long for sure. At the time I was worry about my son and wife. Then I found out that I really love them and I need them in my life. I want to be beside them until my last day. I still want to see how my son grow.


I want to be beside him as father although I am disable person. I still can show him that how much I love him and I still can guide him before he become independence. And also I want to grow old together with my wife and want to bring up our son together. And praying that I can go back my surgery without getting complication.


When they allow me to go home, they need patient’s owner to make signature and looking for my wife and allowed her to meet with me and discharge from the emergency room. My wife face was happy because we can go home. If I need to admit in hospital we need to pay a lot of money and also must be busy for everyone in house hold.

We all are very happy that we can go home and came back happily. My wife get contact for ambulance and arranged to came back home.

When I arrived my son was not yet sleep and I feel like I have been very bless to be home with my son again. When I saw my son, I forget all my pain and tiredness and I feel fresh again.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


I pray that your child will get well soon

thank you so much my brother.

I bless to health your son.

thank you so much bro, see you around.

Glad to hear that you were able to go home after your surgery. Yes, being home with your loved ones is better than staying in hospitable. Wishing you speedy recovery.

i wish every one healthy. see you around.

good writing , brother.

thank you so much my sister.

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see you around...

Nothing like love ones in this world isnt it?

love is inside us, we need to keep practice.

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