after all Londoncrypto currency show was finished tomorrow

That was a long day yesterday, but well worth the trip. Last weekend at #steemcampuk @redrica and @ultravioletmag were saying I should go to the show. I thought there would be a few Steemians there, but I was blown away by how many turned out.

@roelandp and @exyle made it over from the Netherlands. Here's @exyle with @stephenkendal, @allasyummyfood and @rea by the @promo-steem stand. This was the busiest area of the show. It's not a huge event. There were stands by various coin projects, people with mining rigs, exchanges and even some lawyers. There were three stages for the talks, but I didn't get to many.


@eroche came from Dublin for the day. Here he's showing @ultravioletmag the cool restaurant app he's working on that uses the Steem blockchain.



You have stolen my post and pictures. That is unacceptable behaviour here

Coin Marketplace

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BTC 61467.71
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51