Stop Being A Fatty - Change Your Outlook For Happiness, Health & Wellbeing

Hello and welcome to my first post.

First off, I want to clear my username up. I am not a person who hates fat people, nor am I trying to change anyone's views on their body by force, nor am I about ridiculing anyone because of their size. Quite the opposite in fact. This is about me.

I've been unhappy with my body for years. I've never been fat fat but I have been bigger than I ever thought I would. In school I was always the skinny athletic one. Then I stopped sports and started drinking (plus I already had a big appetite from all the sports). Since then I've lost all the weight ( I smoked too much weed at uni and didn't eat a lot), put some back on and just sort of bounced about in weight.

Now I'm in my 30's (just) and am now a father to a beautiful girl and husband to an equally beautiful wife, I figured I needed to get my shit together.

The problem is I'm lazy.

I'm great at getting bursts of motivation and diving into something full steam, but the steam always dies out and I revert back to type. After a while I realised what was always happening and figured I needed a different approach.

So I've went the opposite to full steam, I'm all about the baby steps.

Small changes are easier to manage and sustain. Once they become the norm; you take the next step.

So why 'stopbeingafatty'?

Well, weight loss, health and over all happiness with my mind and body is one of two main goals that I have. The other goal isn't important to this narrative. I digress.

I've looked at my eating habits and realised that they are my main downfall. I like big portions, I like lots of types of foods and I can easily ignore the pain in my belly when I'm stuffed to enjoy the taste of amazing food in my mouth.

I started making changes to the sizes of portions and when I did fancy more than I should I would always (and still do) say to myself "Stop being a fatty"! It gets me in check.

So to sum up, this blog is for me, but it is also for like minded individuals who know their own faults but try to much at once.

Unhappy with your body? Unhappy with the way/what you eat? Want to improve yourself but can't find the motivation or guidance?

Well, listen to my ramblings and see where I go, try my ideas for yourself and see if you to can stop being a fatty.


Alright, I'll take a listen. :)

Thanks @jenncapestany for reading.

I've just posted another blog you may or may not enjoy! Check it out on my page @stopbeingafatty.

Okay, gimme a sec. I'll go take a look!

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