The hospital says four million Povisa losses with the new concert

in #losses8 years ago

Hospital bills Povisa not go. The new concert with Sergas, by serving a large part of the population of Vigo, has meant that the hospital into the red. The general meeting of shareholders Salamanca Street Hospital, held less than two weeks ago, approved the accounts for 2015, which the company declares a loss of around four million euros, according to medical sources.

A spokesman for Povisa, asked about the issue, it confirms that the losses are about four million. To reach them offers two main causes, and both have to do with the new concert with the Galician Health. On the one hand, the Sergas has not allowed Povisa have all the reference population could (139,000 patients) and must take into account that the Sergas pays a fee for each patient who is in charge. Moreover, again according to the official version, the concert with Sergas "Povisa imposed on the obligation to provide certain services that were not agreed." The same source does not detail what they are.

Povisa concert with Sergas entered into force on 1 September 2014. Thus, 2015 was its first full year. With this system, the population of the municipalities of O Morrazo and O Val Miñor, and also of Vigo assigned to certain health centers can choose to have your referral hospital in Povisa or the Hospital Universitario de Vigo (Chuvi) , covering the Alvaro Cunqueiro and Meixoeiro. The Salamanca Street Hospital receives 540 euros per year per user. It does not matter who never go to the doctor or have to operate several times. The hospital charged separately for drugs for hospital use and for patients who have not assigned but Sergas sends the reference to specialties that no other hospitals, such as the burn unit or hand surgery.

Povisa maintains a conflict with the Sergas for the allocation of the population. The agreed limit is 139,000 and hospital officials insist that this should be the number of people assigned to the company, which belongs to Nosa Terra Group does not enter into the red. When the new concert came into force, the hospital was responsible for 134,793 health cards, which translates into an annual income of 72.79 million. Actually, it is a little less, because during 2015 died or were retired for example, by transfers-other 950 people. 139,000 patients would mean an income of 75.06 million a year.

The struggle for the population continues. November is the month in which citizens can request a change in hospital. In the last year, it coincided with the chaotic launch of Alvaro Cunqueiro Hospital and Povisa strengthened its campaigns to attract users. More than six thousand asked to be changed, but only authorized Sergas half. Currently, the private hospital is responsible for 137,068 people, away from the top, representing an income of 74.02 million euros.

The situation has other underlying causes. One is the rise of health VAT in January last year. Another is the steady loss of the portfolio of private clients. Since 2008, the hospital lost 25% of its business with insurers. So Sergas depends on 80% of their income.

In 2013, the Hospital Povisa declared an unprecedented benefit: no less than 11.34 million euros, the largest of its recent history. That year, the hospital bills reflected extraordinary income of 12.7 million euros. However, the number of business-or is, revenue relating to daily Empresarial unchanged. The extra income meant that between 2001 and 2005 Povisa served more citizens who had then agreed with the Sergas, so he sued the health authorities before the High Court. The judges sentenced in their favor in 2009. The Sergas started paying in 2013 and had to pay 633,000 euros extra each month for twenty to Povisa. He claimed between 2013 and 2014, but were reflected as income in the 2013 accounts.

In addition, in February last year Sergas Povisa paid 4.3 million referred to a pharmacy spending that exceeded what was agreed. There are still outstanding amounts.


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