I've Been MIA Because I Lost My Password!

in #lost6 years ago

I'm so sorry I have not posted in awhile. My computer crashed after the latest Microsoft update, and I lost everything trying to recover from that. I had saved my pw somewhere (I thought it was in my email folders) but could not remember where I had copied it. I just now found it. I see where I started a post about The Human Race being brainwashed, and it was supposed to be 3 parts, but I only wrote the first part of it and I made a mistake and said in the post it was part 3. I think I made a pretty good point that we have been brainwashed, and I am going to therefore abandon the idea of doing 2 more parts because I have more important things to write about. I will leave a link to the brainwashing post below if you did not get to read it, but I warn you, I did not proof read very well, and there are a few typo's in it. I see I have some people following me, and to you guys, I truly apologize I have not written lately because of what happened. I can only do my best to make up for it now. I can tell you some really exciting things are happening behind the scene's here in America, and our country is about to change for the better. I have been online since 1999 so I have some very good reliable source's of information, and they are all agreeing that something big is about to happen to change things for the better. And, the things I am seeing in the news ( not the lame stream media news) are happening just like they said it would. One thing I heard about months ago was that Trump would get North Korea to denuclearize, and now that has happened. I am now hearing he is going to make a peach deal with Russia, thru Putin. I do believe this will happen, but I won't go into the details of why for now. Anyway, it's great to be back on Steemit and I have my pw secured in several places so I won't loose it again, and I am excited to be writing again about my life experiences and what I have learned from my sources online. Hope everyone is doing very well. Drop me a line via reply if there is something specific you would like me to address. Everyday, I go to 7 different underground websites to get a good grasp of what is going on. Now, mind you, some of these websites have been infiltrated by the enemy and have lots of misinformation, but I have learned the art of discernment and I also know how to check truth with a pendulum, so I have no problems getting to the real truth. I can spot a fake news story a mile away.

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