The Time Is Now

in #love8 years ago

THE TIME IS NOW ---@cborzbeyond

If you've sat back and watched as the status of our country has perpetually declined in all aspects, then you shouldn't be surprised at the reasonable and present fear that’s been spreading throughout your mind. You’ve let this happen on your home land and it’s embarrassing. You pray it goes away quick, because you know the alternative to change, is something along the lines of, “Worse and Worse”.
While you think about everyone else around you, it’s best to always balance thoughts of yourself; of your own choices, with the thought of what everyone else “could and should” be doing.
Revolutions start, are fought and are won inside the mind of each and every awakening man and woman upon the land they step foot on. (Especially if the land is marked with the territory of an unwelcomed guest and if the land is unfairly taxed.)
Therefore, today, amongst the chaos and fear of the spread of violence and war, I want to talk to you about *you.

You probably live in the suburbs and have never witnessed with your own two eyes a ‘ghetto’ or a ‘hood’. You certainly haven’t been to a third world country and have never seen in person the casualties of war. You may try to picture it now and again so you can mentally “pray” or “feel bad” for the families living in a war zone, or the soldiers. The thought goes in and you move on with your day, blindly a part of the problem.
You assume it’s the homeless man’s fault he’s broke and that anyone with a badge is a moral and decent man. You assume the politician has your best interest and that his smile is real. You assume there’s enough good people at the top making decisions and enough checks and balances in place to trust everything around you at all times. You illogically declare that, “If it’s for sale in the grocery store,” or, “If it’s written into law,” well, then, “It MUST be good.”
I mean, look at all the checks and balances it takes for the FDA to actually APPROve something. Meanwhile, I’m just now finding out that **cow milk isn’t all that great for you. Milk, Ice Cream, Cheese. Mayonnaise. Good job, FDA.
Back to *you: You probably watch the news, knowing damn well they lead with anything heart-wrenching for a reason. You know they rarely, if ever, report on a man going to work and coming home to have a catch with his son in the yard.
Random acts of kindness, good charitable organizations and hard work and labor are all happening around you. They are picking up steam every day, but the majority are not reported on by the mainstream news.
If the news reported on all of the events that were derived from the love of one man to another, there wouldn’t be enough time in the day. It’s happening. Don’t watch the news and ASSUME the world is turning evil day by day. It’s NOT. What is happening around you is a worldwide awakening of the mind and heart.
The younger generations never understood war and always assumed it would just go away over time. It hasn’t. It’s gotten worse. It’s a problem. And people are dying every day for no reason whatsoever.
This revolution is a group of people that preaches respect for others, respect for property, the freedom to choose the security for their own neighborhoods, the freedom to choose to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else and the ******non-aggression principle.
There’s only one small group of people that are evil enough to be at the top and in control. Call them what you want, their most widely known as “The Elite”. I tend to believe that one of these criminals is actually close to becoming the president of the united states. Greed and wrongdoing trickles down from the top into all aspects of government and public services, leaving the people with no voice and no choice.


I rarely voice my opinion on any of these topics, especially in a public setting. There are reasons I believe it was right for me to speak up. I hope no one gets offended because, honestly, if you’ve been offended, then you are probably a bigger part of the problem than you know.
Me, personally. I have friends in jail, police officers as blood, Muslims and Jehovah witnesses as family and friends, drug addicts and rehab counselors as friends, lawyers and judges as family and friends. Teachers, Students and Athletes. Mail men, trash men, repo men and GREAT men as family and friend. Gay, lesbian, straight. All welcome inside my heart until they prove me wrong. And even then, you’ll probably get a few second chances to stay.


I want everyone to take every label away and look every man, woman and child in the eye and heart first. Just picture them naked if you have to. There's SO FUCKING MUCH MORE love in this world than there is evil. It's just hidden under Catholic robes, skin color, culture differences, political party affiliations, job titles, uniforms, financial status and religious affiliation.
We’ve clouded up the purest thing we were given at birth. We’ve shut off love to immediate family and close friends only, judging every other person instantly as they enter our thoughts. We team up mentally with a small group of ‘whatevers’, pointing the finger at anyone outside of that ‘group’ as the problem.

Meanwhile, there's a group of people at the top that are "supposed" to be helping this situation. Instead of helping, they’re making it worse each day. They've put my family and the future of my children at risk way too long with greed, mass control and war.

These people benefit from EVERY SINGLE ACT OF DISTANCE BETWEEN US AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS. It wouldn't work if we saw it happening. It wouldn't work if we could see and love.

The law is written in a language that can only be understood with years of frustrating study. Even the best lawyers in the world couldn’t possibly keep track of the number of laws that are written into rule each year. Most of them are unnecessary garbage that are put in place to benefit a few and hold back the rest. A great amount of them impede on the very RIGHTS we were born with as human beings.
The ‘only rule’ we need is the Golden Rule - Treat every person the same way you’d like to be treated. This rule is becoming harder to follow as we distance ourselves from one another.

For some, the situation at hand is going to be hard to admit. They've done so well at occupying our minds with trash, that the reversal is going to take Nth times the depth of the dull. Years have piled up and, through blind faith and nationalism, people are fully unplugged. Filling their days with fake. A slave and he doesn't even know it.


(--- To me, the following section is proof there is a very fixable problem in america that’s being purposely avoided in order to benefit the elite. The only explanation for this problem not being fixed is that the elite are very interested in Keeping. Us. Dumb.
Knowledge is power and the people at the top are outnumbered. They know if we wake up and learn, their days are numbered. ---)
There are countless examples to cite, but I'll try to hit home with a few questions. These two issues are very personal to me and make no sense whatsoever. They both go hand in hand.
---There is no reason why other people should be raising our children. Why do we work so damn hard for so damn little? Billions and billions of people, working 9-5 until 65 years old or later. ****All having to give away their children to unqualified day care strangers at a ridiculously young age in order to keep the fridge stocked and the gas tank filled.
Why is to so important to the country for all classes of america to work so much? So much so, that we risk to ruin the early development of our children?
---There is no reason the education system should even be the slightest bit flawed, or constricted, to or BY ANYthing.
I always thought, other than loving each other, “Letting our kids learn and grow, so WE can learn and grow, to continue to make life a grander and greater place to live”, was definitely a top priority for people.
We are in the most exciting technological revolution of science the world has ever witnessed. As we create new technology, more and more ‘impossibles’ are becoming possible. ***It is no longer a question of how anymore, but a question of when.
Still, the curriculum remains in the past and, somehow, amongst the trillions and trillions of dollars that are spent on war and other ridiculous things, there still isn’t enough money to fix the schools. To upgrade facilities. To pay teachers what they deserve. To bring the internet to every classroom, every home. I know a teacher that had a classroom filled with 60 kids each day. She told me there was no room for education, only discipline. The kids had no chance to learn even if they wanted to.

Is there some sort of problem were all trying to fix here? I thought we had enough weapons? I thought safer, long term natural energy was here and available? I thought there was hemp for plastic and actual spring water to put inside every water bottle? Is there not enough prosperous land? I thought there was enough money for education? For housing?
Is it so desperate that we all have to be at work so much? 3 months for paternity leave, 2 weeks of vacation tops, Monday through Friday taken up. Only to try and squeeze in some family and personal time on the weekend? Oh, don’t forget about church Sunday morning. That part time job you need to stay afloat.
Don’t get it twisted, people. There is PLENTY of EVERYTHING we NEED on this EARTH for EVERYONE to be fed, clothed, sheltered and happy. And I am talking about the happy, that’s happy enough because they are able to travel and enjoy everything the world has to offer. This, opposed to the current situation, where some people can’t even afford clean drinking water or a roof over their head.
Frustrations are rising and the truth is spreading like wildfire. The birth of social media and the internet is allowing us to connect in ways that were completely UNIMAGINABLE throughout history.
The call to action is fairly simple. But you have to open your mind and mend yourself and your thinking first. Then you can reach out and help others that may need to do the same, but haven’t yet.
Consider alternative journalism. Consider love. Consider all factors before judging another human being. Consider the possibility that you may have to change the entire way you’ve been brought up to think and interact as a human being. Consider that you’re paying for it through taxes and that selfish fear is the only reason you continue to feed the monster. Consider the chance that voting doesn’t help at all, or that it may actually add to the problem.
Regardless of what you do, it’s quite obvious to more and more people every day that the time is now for REAL change, not the kind that our current president wrote on his billboards when he was pretending to be the next coming savior of the land.

---R.I.P. to ALL those that have EVER been killed unjustly. And R.I.P. to anyone that is alive but DEAD; suffering through poverty, starvation, abuse, pain and medical issues (especially ones with cures available).

The situation in Dallas is most likely going to be the beginnings of our country going one way, or the other. Either more police and less freedom, or more violence in the streets. Neither of which we want. It's not just Dallas. Open your mind and see that the problem is most likely nowhere near where you think it is.


07/12/2016: In response to the violence in Dallas, Texas on July 7th, 2016.


*You are me, but I can’t assume you know that yet. That being said, this talk is about me as well.
**If you trust the organization known as PETA as a good and moral standing company, then maybe you can trust an article written on their website about milk. (add a / at the very end)
*** This quote was written by myself and you can find more on mine and my associate’s Instagram page.
****When raising a child, the most important years are those first handful or two. And we rip them from home to continue to work for minimal pay.

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