The Real Meaning of Love — And Their Types

in #love3 years ago

Love is a feeling of deep affection and solicitously.

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Love is a feeling of deep affection and solicitously. It can arise out of kinship, recognition for attractive qualities, or even the sense that you are one with another person.

Some people think that love is a feeling of attraction and personal attachment. The idea of “love at first sight” implies love without any prior acquaintance. The word love can also refer to a positive emotion, such as from the fondness one might have for a child or from admiration for pleasing or admirable qualities.

According to me

“Love is the most powerful human emotion. It is what makes us human. All living beings need Love to survive and thrive. Without it, we can’t survive on this planet. Love is something we all want and need in our lives at many different levels, but often we don’t know how to find it and keep it for ourselves.”

“Love is not just a feeling. Love is a strong, passionate, or romantic attachment to someone or something.”

“Love is not just an emotion. Love is something that you do. We can love our spouses, children, parents, God, friends, and even strangers that we meet on the street.”

There are different kinds of love for different relationships in our lives. We can have “brotherly love” for someone who isn’t related to us by blood or “sibling love” for someone who shares DNA with us but wasn’t born into our family.

There are also “love languages,” which are how we express and receive love in relationships with people in our lives. The five primary love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, quality time, and acts of service.

Understanding your partner’s love language can create a deeper bond and make your relationship thrive.

Types of Love:

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. It can be sexual, spiritual, or both.

1. Infatuation
Infatuation is the feeling of being in love or having a romantic interest in someone. Infatuation can be described as an intense passion for someone or something, typically with a short period.
It is always associated with feelings of attraction and desire for someone/something, typically with a short period. Infatuation can happen to any person, regardless of age. It does not matter if they are 13, 40or 60 years old; they can still experience this feeling towards what they find attractive.

2. Romantic love
Romantic love is strong, deep, and usually non-sexual or may be sexually attached to another person. It is a type of love usually felt for a long time and in many different relationships.

3. Friendship love
Friendship love is the feeling of closeness and camaraderie associated with a friendship that can sometimes grow into love.
The term ‘Friend’ is derived from the Old English word ‘friend,’ which means to love or favor.
The term “Friendship Love” was initially coined by Sigmund Freud when he claimed it is a type of love in which two people share a deep, emotional bond and spiritual attraction.
Friendship love often grows from the feelings of familiarity and comfort in platonic relationships, such as those between family members or friends.

4. Companionate love
Companionate love is a type of love that develops gradually over time. It is characterized by feelings of fondness, attachment, and — in many cases — empathy.
Two people in love with each other may not feel the same intensity of passion or sexual desire that they experienced in earlier relationships. However, they may continue to care deeply for each other and enjoy one another’s company even though their feelings are not as intense as when they first met.
Companionate love often develops over time because it takes more than sexual attraction and romantic intensity to sustain a satisfying relationship over the long term. Companionate love evolves gradually because people’s needs for emotional intimacy change throughout their lives.

5. Empty love
Empty love is a feeling of being in love with someone for who they are as an individual and not for what they can give to you. It’s a feeling of wanting for that person to be happy and not considering their happiness.
Empty love is love with someone even if the other party does not feel the same way. It’s a feeling of giving your heart the same way you give your time, energy, and resources without expecting anything in return. It’s also a feeling of unconditional acceptance of all about that person, including but not limited to their flaws, mistakes, quirks, and preferences.

6. Fatuous love
Fatuous love is a state of infatuation with another person, typically arising from sexual attraction.
Infatuation is the state of being infatuated or charmed by an object or person.

Which Type is An ideal Love Relationship?

Screenshot by Author

So Consummate love has all three elements of love which are {intimacy, passion, and Commitment} We can consider Consummate love as an ideal love relationship.

Is Love is Lust?

Lust is a desire of the feminine body of a sexual nature, while love is a deep affection, attachment, or commitment. Lust is sometimes called an intense or overpowering desire, while it is often considered normal for people to fall in love with one another quickly.

It’s important to note that lust on its own is not usually enough to sustain a lasting relationship on its own. Partners may need something more powerful from their relationship than mere lust to keep things going.

Love is just one possibility that can be attained if both partners are able and willing to give themselves entirely rather than holding back some part of themselves for fear of being vulnerable and rejected by the other person they’re with.

Love is not often seen as an emotion felt at the beginning of relationships but instead developed over time. This is because it takes a very long time to get to know someone well enough for them to become important in your life and vice versa.

Originally Published on my blog [medium]