Tomorrow Is an Opportunity

in #love7 years ago (edited)

Life is beautiful when enjoying well. Hehehe that is the motto of my life, maybe that will be down until I die later. Learning is a duty, play it a hobby and success is the purpose of my life. No matter where the thought came to mind, I felt business was my soul mate. My father is an entrepreneur indeed, and mama is a doctor. Having a reliable family does not make me want to waste my treasure or mama's wealth. I always thought that all this time God only entrust me to papa mama and maybe also just luck I can dititipkan on parent like that. But I still thank them deeply. Luv u bonyok, hehehe

Now I'm in the third grade of high school, "I want to go to college nih mbah" said the sate who often pass in front of the house. Emangnya I'm already so old that parents can just call me mbah-mbah. I plan to continue my studies in business and management. Probably because of love in business. Now I have a piece of land on the beach of lombok whose letters and all the trivialities on my behalf "MIA MARIA MIRANDA". It was a birthday gift from papa and mama who was 17 years old last July. He said because I was crazy about the beach and always said to papa and mama like this "ma .. pa .. entar if I've gede, I want to build a house on the sea near the beach, keep pengennya there are two restaurants on the left- right, continue to want a hotel also on the edge of the beach, continue to build small huts nearby, exclaimed ... "I said when I was in high school. And papa was already awake me the house that I jelasin earlier with the design house itself, and I use the debt system he said. Entar if I'm successful I replace the word papa.

I am a spoiled child although not the only one and not the last one anyway, but I am the only daughter of five brothers with three older siblings and one younger brother who all have "NGESELIN" on their foreheads (cuman me who can see). If you think of the profession of mama, not going maybe I have four siblings, by mama's a doctor, but yes so he said busy. Which is now not just crowded but rowdy insane.

good night aunt .. ". I heard my favorite man's voice greet the mama in the TV room. "Night ndra, nyari mia ya? Again bath he said, just sit down ". "Yes auntie" replied the senses polite. Indra is my boyfriend who is four years old from me. Aging yes? But the name of love ya so deh. I was going out with him three years ago, my second brother who introduced him. Papa and mama are familiar with sensory parents. Eat them agree more than me, he said he will not matre because bonyoknya also mostly money. Again the money diomongin. "Hi ndra, brangkat yuk". I withdrew the hands of the senses and said goodbye to my mom and not in papa because papa again abroad.

Apparently the senses invited me to eat at a seafood restaurant which is my favorite place. Er er ... my family means. "He dear, next week exam ya?" Already know nanya basic crazy. "Yes lah, why emang? I already want to go to college, but you already want to pass, ga cool ahhh "I say spoiled quasi that made him a little chuckle. "Yes already want nyelesain thesis next month kok". "Yes ... continue deh. Continue to work on the ground? ". "Yes work in the labor dong, right according to the direction, the working period on your rich beach". Reflex I pinched his arm "ihh .. rese ..". though I know my pinch is not hurt, but he still appreciates it with pain in the face, it really does. "So what's the lecture plan?" Silly question I thought. "Yes in lombok dong, my house is already there". "So far dong ya, how about if I go there once a week?" Crazy times want to come once a week, come once a month already counted the frequency according to me. "Wasting money really deh, once aja aja why the hell? I also want to go back to my parents. Do not worry about it? Let's confess! ". I poked his waist jail "feeling not good aja ngelepasin child sniff on the island that has not guaranteed security". "Ihh .. there are already some security guards same guard house there, so wrote Rempong". "Who knows". I raised my eyebrows and played them, because I knew he would be salting with the high school girl's dead eyes, hehehe.

After eating we still go around the city, because it was still early afternoon out. He gave me a glass drink which he said rubs it can be money that loh, strangely aja ad. Although strange I was still rubbing holograms on the surface of his glass and ... "tereng ... sejuta nih ndra" I showed the glass surface that I am sure his writing "TRY AGAIN". The faces of the senses instantly dumbfounded like a satanic demon. "Mia .. that's a billion not a million". I stare and look at it again "a billion? Buset ... nukernya where ya ". "Asked the supermarket just wrote". And finally a billion can get into my account, not easy anyway. There are procedures that must be followed and have spent money out of my pocket a million times nyampe. And the length is abysmal, three months bo ... but suddenly rich ya.

Two years later, I finally built two restaurants I had been craving all along in Lombok. Of course with the help of rubbing it together with papa and support from my mama and my brother. While studying business I also have good business loh. Two years after the restaurant was over, I could build my own hotel. Amazing ... said my sister who just entered high school. My business runs smoothly because I have several regular customers and every holiday mama and papa always introduce my place to his friends from home to abroad as well. Do not forget the brothers who promote it to their colleagues. And the most exciting is yes my little brother adi. At school, in cyberspace, he always promotes my place where I name "Mia's Dream".

Today Indra comes here. It's been a year since I met him, because a year ago I was back to Jakarta and he never came to my place again after I went to Jakarta that time. And I wanted to pick her up at the airport this afternoon, but since I'm in college today all my wishes just stuck. It's very difficult to have a very busy boyfriend and it's hard to meet. He only has two holidays a year, even if there is no additional work. Sometimes I start to worry about my own feelings, will I stick with them?

After going home from college, I went straight home, because I'm sure the senses are at home. And rightly my guess, he was sitting in the living room while watching. "Senses ..." I ran and straight in position on his back that I'm sure did not have osteoporosis. "Are you coming home? Tired not? "Again a silly question, yes yes is already home, yes tired too, crazy aja ya yes! Distance from here to campus not deket times, drive itself too, my mind ngomel-ngomel. And I only answer with eyebrow lifting, it is customary and obligatory. "Eat gi .. I've already eaten first. Abis it temenin a walk huh? ". "Sip boss" with the style of military quasi really I held up my two thumbs and not aware of my big toe also lifted himself behind the shoe.

A sense-driven walk is the thing I like the most right now. Though he's practically too grown for me, I feel he can understand what I want. But its too jealousy that makes me lazy. I've had several breaks with him just because of his jealousy with my male friends, whereas he is always surrounded by a woman who is prettier than me to see myself who messed up beuts the word mama who was then infected adi. The afternoon was so beautiful, I sat with him on the beach. Enjoying the gentle breeze that brought me into a fantasy far into the beautiful future with someone who might be my life companion later, but strangely, whenever I imagine the man who was with me someday, I never imagined the senses in it . But I always think positively that it's just an unimaginable fantasy.

I see the senses are cool to swim from the beach. He's happy? Yes it looks like that. Then he came over to me and sat next to me, "photos yuk .. keepsake" he said later. "Yuk .." I took the camera and I'm also the photo. And I got a brilliant idea that might be considered childish "ndra gini deh, I put sand on your chest, keep on writing MIA" I said as I practiced what I said. "Ihh really tacky .. rich kindergarten children wrote". I stared at her with my most powerful pitiful stare and she gave up "okay .. okay .. photo deh, photo together or alone ya?". My smile immediately brightly "alone first deh, keep new together". Finally he wants to follow what I say, from roots to new shoots.

After he was swimming, I walked with him and buukkk. Someone bumps into me, whose body I'm sure is the same field as the senses. I look at his face carefully, oh here. I often see him with his friends. "Sorry mba mia, sorry yes" he said politely who seems to have known me. "If the road is careful, if he fell how?". I immediately took the senses away because I was sure the senses would get angry and I saw the man smiling kindly to me. "Indra ihh, not need to sewot so napa .. not why-why too". "Yes so that dianya be careful, what if that hit by grandmother?" I smiled at him who seemed to hold back his laughter. Indra .. senses .. so funny.

During the senses here, he lives in my hotel because it is unnatural that there are unmarried sons and daughters living in the same house. Plus housekeepers and house keepers will report to Daddy. Even though they are working with me, they have been taught to be obedient to my parents not to me.

Still early in the morning I had a morning walk. Ordinary looking for inspiration for new business. Indra already I call as many stars but still not wake up. Stars when again very beautiful dawn yes, plus the sound of waves that play like follow the rhythm of the wind so piercing to the bone. Being cool, someone patted me on the shoulder. "The one yesterday yes?". "Yes .. kenalin me ka". I'm surprised to hear his name "ka? u're name is KA? K.A? serious?". "Yes .. my name is ka .. lo mia right? Who's got this, "he said, pointing around. "Yes so deh" I said do not want to look arrogant. "Why duh-dawn already the way?" I asked him was silent. "Nyari wind kok, every day emang emang rich too". "Oh .. member here right?". "Yes same temen-temen also". "Would you like to see it? Free deh ". "May" he agreed to my offer.

Three days after knowing ka, I felt he could be a good friend to me. And as I suspected, the senses must be jealous again. The proof in the morning he already sms I make ketemuan, not kayak usually. When you want to meet the senses, ehh hell ka emerge, the emergency really not. "Is this what you've been doing?" The voice of the senses rises, not usually he talks to the logue-logue kayak it. "What the hell ndra, do not understand deh". "Do not have to pretend not know and do not understand. I never once loathed you! All the girls I reject for you, and this is what I get. Shit !! ". I'm embarrassed, so far I'm not there anything the same ka. I'm basically spoiled, can not talk and cry. Indra go so aja. Stay behind me and ka who persuaded me here. "Mia do not cry dong, just tell me the real deh". I left him with words that might be a bit painful "all because of you".

I'm sorry, maybe I'm too close to you until he gets so mad at me. He was jealous, already know so still I'm angry. I tried to call him, repeatedly, but he just replied "We break first". if it's angry dozen me aja, cowardly basis. And finally reply "break again? Boseen! ". Somehow he said break to me, so often I get sick to hear it.

Indra vanished from lombok, she left me with the break status she gave me. Four years have passed and I've finished college. Until this moment I still can not believe he left me for this little thing. She is selfish, but I love her. The pictures are still neatly in my room. To be sure I'm still waiting for certainty from him, go on or break up. Since he left, his number has never been active, and social media can not make me communicate with him. My sister alone is a friend of his office never gave me information. I'm still close to Ka, I've often heard him expressing his love for me and I can only reply with a smile. He now works as an architect, and he is a class with me.

The holidays are coming again, and as always, I always wait for them from work inside my dominant glass house. Maybe someday he will come to me and apologize to me for all the mistakes that happened first. But this time the sureprise is different. Mama, papa, adit, boy, gino and adi came to visit me. Makes my floating house heavier. He said they missed me, because some of their holidays spent it abroad without me. Rame really know not, my sisters are already married and already have children again. I live and adi who have not, and I already urged for marriage. Mama is afraid if I work, I will not care about the same name as marriage. I do not understand what I'm waiting for. Finally I kenalin ka with the whole family who came, embarrassed hell, but what can be made rather than urged not clear. And their comments are good about us. Until ka even home I still be material taek. "Your boyfriend is very handsome huh?" Said mama started the battle. "May also tuh prospective husband" papa began to attack. "Ngalahin I deh rich" said adit. "Architect tuh, wake up a new house can ya?" Commented gino. "Not polite lo gin, I used to comment that time .. but more handsome I right?" Ya hih rese start talking. "Where is my boxing fighter?" The little boy started nyerocos. I just dumbfounded, basic family marsupilami alias strange.

Sitting in a private room is cool? Can ngelamun as much as possible. I'm starting to realize that I've been wasting my time thinking about the unclear senses. Since last night I started thinking to open my heart to others. Hearing what the boy said I started to realize. "Yaaa ... you have to dare to take a decision, why do you expect someone who clearly left you and wasted the one who is always there for you? I'm sure it's God's way to show you if there are still little things you need to believe. Your life is still long! Why cape-cape nungguin senses? Not really function! ".

I took my handphone and kelpik SMS for ka "ka .. why me? In this world just emang me ya? ". Not until a minute he replied "mia .. why else? Any problems? Indra? ". I wonder why you always calm down if I think about the senses, I tell you about the senses, he always listens well. I miss the senses he is always ready to accompany. Is this what is called true love ?. Kubalas smsnya "you want to give me a chance? I want to try to love you, can you? ". "Anything for you yes .."

The love goes with time. Our time together, at the time together can make us happy. Maybe that's true .. because I've started loving ka, people who are always with me not just when I'm happy, but there when I need a backrest that can support me until I can stand up straight again. But I still need one thing, that is sensory certainty, it always makes me hesitate.

All my doubts disappeared as I walked by that afternoon. I was cool sitting in a restaurant, and a little boy about five years old approached me. "Brother .. brother who has a house there huh?" The boy asked with a cheerful face. "Yes .. it's who you know you love?" I glanced at the smiling ka seen me. "Brother is his brother om boy, om boy is my friend's classmates". "Oh yes?". The little boy I saw like a little elf nodded. "Va .. reva .. here dear". Perhaps her mother called the child, and I glimpsed. The woman must be with her husband. "Mama .. this kak mia ..". the little boy introduced me to his mother "Rose .. this is my husband ..". I saw his face and took me into the past five years ago, when I was happy with the person I loved. "Senses .. how are you doing?". The voice is still the same, the call is still the same. But I just know myself and introduce ka to him "oh well kok. this is ka, my husband's candidate "I said politely. All my hesitations vanished and I'm sorry why not from the first time I received ka.

I walked and maybe you realized I was stunned "mia .. I'm willing kok how you choose your own way. Had you asked for certainty, I was ready to accept it. Maybe you can be happy to be with someone you really love, and if it's not me I'm ready ". I looked at him and hugged him tightly. I do not know what else to say, but really I love him, his sincerity, his innocence, his honesty, his humility, I love everything he has. "If I could choose again, I would still choose you, because yesterday will not come back, today only once, but tomorrow is an opportunity. And you think of me as tomorrow which is a chance from God to improve my life. I love you so much ka, i'm really really love you now and ever ". Ka returned my words with the sweetest smile I had ever seen in the world. Believe me .. every word ending, there must be a new beginning. So do not be afraid to start something.


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