Don’t Leave Me..

in #love7 years ago

I do not know why things in class are not what they used to be. Now it's boring. Moreover Rina still looks cool to me. Somehow that happened. I feel like I've done something to her, but what? I do not know.

Learning at school seems to be very boring. From morning till afternoon just learn it. No one else. Somehow when I do not speak and no longer chatingan with Rina it seems strange. Like the spirit I once lost.
I usually do homework at home, not now. I put all the pr at school together. That too cheats. I felt starting to get out of myself. Where is my always diligent self? Is it possible for me to change because of Rina? I have no idea.

At the first lesson suddenly Mrs. Caca went into the class in a flash. His face looked flushed. Looks like he wants to get angry. Somehow?
"Mother told me, if the class should be cleaned every day," said Mrs. Caca while hitting the table. "Now what? The class is such a mess. Garbage everywhere. Who is responsible? "All the students were silent no one dared to answer. "If so clean section just aja. Where is he?"
"I'm Mom." I stood up from my seat. "I am responsible for all this."
"Okee .. Now you go directly to the mother field." Bu Caca exit class out, followed me behind her.
When I left the class I did not look at my friends in class at all. I do not know what I'm doing is right or wrong.

Resignedly I followed Bu Caca to the field. He certainly wanted to punish me. Mrs. Caca runs very fast into the field. He seemed to want to punish me quickly.
"Here you are Aldi." Mrs. Caca brought me in the middle of the ceremonial court. You see the sun right? "
"Liat Bu."
"Still early morning is not it? If it's a good morning for sports? "
"Yeah, Mom. Good. "I replied while putting my head.
"Then you run 5 around." Hearing only 5 around my heart a little relieved. "Plus, skotjam while muterin field 5 puteran, same road squat 5 puteran!" Looks like my legs will be dislodged.
"Ready Mom," I replied with a wet face.
I had to comply with all that. I can not make excuses anymore. Mrs. Caca just looks very angry, if I make excuses she will definitely add to her punishment.

Actually I'm not sexy hygiene in class. In fact I do not have any position in class. Actually I do this because I know that Rina is sexy clean. Somehow I want to do this? Actually I also feel a little guilty, because yesterday after school I did not picket. Yesterday was my picket schedule.

Just 4 rounds I ran, it was tired. Moreover, I wear gray white clothes. It feels very hot. The sun shone brightly, making this sweat continue to flow. But no matter how I punish this punishment.
On the edge of the field there is Mrs. Caca watching me. He does not seem to want to let me off this punishment. At the edge of the field there are also some 10th graders who seem to be cool to see me punished. It feels a bit embarrassed, but what to do next?

After running 5 rounds I rested for a while. I do not even know where I'm sitting, dirty or not, hot or not, sitting is important. Now there are skotjump and jog running that I have to pass. Spirit!

Bell break the second was reads. all students flocking to go to the cafeteria. but, not with me. I went to space school health. there is also there must be drinking and my body is it felt sick all. so I want to lie briefly in the UKs. there is no mind to return to the class. not because i'm embarrassed, but it's i've not strong again. Moreover, after the break into two there lessons of physics. might I punished because sleep in class. I think the trials today is enough. whether how many hours I continue to run earlier. it's all ototku cramps. I can do this time is the bed in the UKs. somehow imagined Rina in my brain. is Rina thinking of? previous me and Rina is very close. and therefore that made me like him. he's not too beautiful, not too smart, even many other women are more than him. but somehow I always thought about it. maybe this is what if I like someone. I will not let go of bayangku and will not be there is another in my heart. unless there is someone who has to have it, I will definitely go. this time I think is home. it I wanted to bath and sleep. maybe my will not a short time in the House. obviously I like this. i've been thinking about home but hours still shows 13.00. still 2 hours. 2 hours it was like 2 days if it is like this. somehow I still think about why I do that. not usually. never even, new this time only. after a couple of minutes I lie in the UKs. I decided to return to the class. usually on hours lessons last no teacher. so I could be wrong-wrong ago home. when running it stagger, such as want to fall. but I try to stay strong. my clothes also have a dry of sweat. but the smell of sweat this abiding. when passing through the halls class I walked a bit to the edge. so that when I falls I can bersender to the Wall. when up in the classroom, I directly to sit in bangkuku. as i've said. there is no teacher in hours lessons last. friends one my class see me with a pity. not a bit of them asking punishment I can. but I don't care about them. I simply bed in table. my eyes have can't again open. there was already afternoon. finally I was awakened of my. Ohh Yes, I forgot if I sleep at school. I immediately see hours with face still sleepy. hours hand has been shown at 15:58, means already hours 4pm. this hour definitely school is a quiet. when I looked around class was still there are people in the class. Rina, Yes Rina. Rina sitting on the bench front while playing handphonnya. shortly I walk to the direction with carry bag that I carried next door. "rin! Lo Kok still in the school sihh?" I asked sitting next to. "baseball, not why-why. emang not be Yaa?" "must-be just the hell. but right not usually. Lo waiting I Yaa?" I take my glance to his face "iyaa. I waiting Lo." responsible Rina still play handphonennya. "my goodness rin. not goes without waiting Lo times. Lo home wrote, not Papa." "but why was Lo forward? emang Lo sexy it clean in this class? emang Lo wrong?" asked Rina with gaze serious. "Ahhhh, emang not be? must-may just right." I said that also looked at him. "but right if so Lo same Aja ngorbanini self-Lo own di. Clay now Lo rich how? Lo kecapean. home Lo right too far. what strong Lo home sendiriian? I worry know not. Lo not need to be in ngelakuin so far." "rin. I ngelakuin all of this because I like the same Lo. I can't Nahan sense of this again. I can't constantly Lo ignore. emang why with me, I ngelakuin error same Lo?" "but, Lo not need to segininya. this already beyond the limits know not sihh." Rina looked forward. "but why? why Lo ignore me? I can not if a day not say the same Lo." I continue to see in the direction of Rina. "Aldi." Rina back to exert gaze at me. "I just don't want to ngerasain fracture heart. I think already pretty all." suddenly Rina cry. "I know rin. but right we both know. if we are equally ever made a broken heart of the same person. I right ever ngerasain, so I will not ngelakuin the same Lo." "but, I have not as perfect as what Lo think." "I know why. I don't need to be perfect person, I don't need a girl beautiful, which Pinter, rich, anyway that everything Deh. I don't need it. I just need to Lo. with the Lo I feel life I perfect, life I so more means, so better. it all because Lo." I hold both the shoulders of Rina. "quiet Aja rin. I don't force Lo to be able to like the same I also really. but please biarin I continued like the same Lo." "but ..." I cut spiel Rina unfinished. "I do not ask answers rin. I just want to Lo not ignore me again. Lo anggep wrote my friend Lo the rich the other. or Lo anggep wrote my friend new Lo know. we start from scratch again. honest, I miss the same Lo the first. Lo often staring I do not clear, which often nyubit but oath I miss the same pain. anyway seterah Lo Deh." I said with a tone half serious. "......" Rina hold laughter. "lahh, Kok laugh. emang funny Yaa?" I said wonder. unknowingly Rina cry laughing. I am so afraid to see it. what he possessed? Ah not possible. "right I already been said di. if pinch I tuhh will definitely Lo kangenin." said Rina while removing her tears yourself. "if so I pinch Yaa?" Rina without a sense of pity pinch arm with fast. as a result I shouted with fast. it turns out it was still like first. but this time it was more soft.

"Sick not?" Rina asked as she frowned.
"Awk ... More dong! But just slow yaa hehehe ... "
"Well here's his hand!" Rina is ready to pinch again.
"No. I do not want to ahhh. "I ran away from his pinch, and Rina was chasing me.
Rina and I are playing chasing in class. Looks like he also wants to pinch me again. Maybe for him 1 pinch is not enough. I also miss the pinch, but still it hurt.

Somehow that afternoon became a beautiful afternoon. Finally this problem is solved already. I think I will continue dicuekin Rina. If that keeps happening I do not know what else to do.
Maybe, dating is not the best way for me and Rina. Indeed, I really want to get it. But when there is a meeting there must be a separation. I'm just afraid someday he'll lose her. Maybe with him beside me is enough to make me happy.
Maybe it was because Rina and I were both heartbroken, so we were both hesitant to dating. I can only surrender to the circumstances. Either the future will be like, I do not know.

Now Rina will always be there in my prayer. Do'a after my prayer. I will always pray that later I will be reunited with him. When I was ready to face the world alone, when I was able to make my parents happy, when I could get all my dreams.
"I love you, and I need you. Do not leave again. "From my deepest heart.

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