Dedicated all mother...
"๐ท Wah Rehana has become your limit, ๐ท๐ท
Next Mom was aborted ahead of wife!
๐ท With a lot of hard work, ๐ท
๐ท today she became adorable! ๐ท
๐ท and tomorrow's kidnapping, ๐ท
๐ท You are blessed! ๐ท
๐ท Biography and mother became headache!
๐ท ehah Rehana has reached you !! ๐ท๐ท
๐ท Stomach, ๐ท
In Sleeping in the feet!
Limca for the wife, ๐ท
๐ท Mother is crying water!
๐ท No, no one hears!
๐ท Wah Rehana has become your limit !! ๐ท๐ท
๐ท mother pottery, ๐ท
She embellished! ๐ท
๐ท Now you do not mean nuts, ๐ท
Rubs on that! ๐ท
๐ท O death to the world, ๐ท
๐ท where you lost! ๐ท
๐ท๐ทwah Rehman has reached you !! ๐ท๐ท
๐ทAre whose womb grew, ๐ท
๐ท Now his shadow looks bad, ๐ท
๐ท Sit Honda Pe Mehbooba, ๐ท
Hold hands on the shoulder, ๐ท
His memories of the past
๐ท She is the mother of Mohabbatein, all is canceled! ๐ท
๐ท๐ทwah Rehman has reached you !! ๐ท๐ท
๐ท helpless mother now, ๐ท
Bits on the given piece, ๐ท
To Remembering the past, ๐ท
To your love moves to get in! ๐ท
๐ท Hey trouble, who picked up, he himself got in trouble!
๐ท ehah Rehana has reached you !! ๐ท๐ท
๐ท Mother is the flower of the paradise, ๐ท
๐ท love is his theory, ๐ท
๐ทThe mood of the world is fizzling, ๐ท
That all prayers of mother are confessed, ๐ท
To your mistake ๐ท
The soil of Paradise, โค
๐ทIf love with my mother then ๐ท
To Send all your friends, otherwise
๐ทThis message is nasty for you "- Today you will know how much you love