An Inside Look Into My Family Life and An Introduction To My New Paradigm Perspective On Parenting and Education

in #love7 years ago


Super grateful to be here on Steemit. There is so much of importance to me and so much experience to write about. I seem to have nowhere close to enough time to write about all the stuff that I feel is of value, so deciding what to write is a tough decision. 

Because I have had so much to write about of interest to this community, and because it didn’t seem like the topic of parenting was very popular, I have not written much about my family, parenting, or my relationships. 

Yet this is the biggest part about my life these days, as I now have 3 children and live in a community of 15 plus people on a daily basis. 

So not only is parenting a huge part of my life, but I also have found that it just may be the most important/influential part of life and thus deserves WAY more exploration and evolution. 

Parenting is the foundation of all of our lives, for better or for worse. 

I also said that I was going to make a blog recapping my extensive travels in South America these past months. Because I took my family with me, I feel it’s very important to address some of the core consciousness in regards to parenting/family, as our adventures through South America were highly dictated by this. All actions I take go through the filter of does this benefit my family and live up to my ideals or not. 

So I am going to dedicate this time to make a post about why I feel parenting is of such great importance and give some insight into what results I have had improving my life and the lives of many others so much over the years. After this post I will make a few posts introducing my children so you can get to know them also, as I would like to start posting about it much more. 

So first off, I want to say that I have always been around children. I had younger siblings as a child and started a very successful “baby sitting” gig when I was about 10-12. I did that quite regularly until I was 16 or so and could make better money for my time elsewhere. 

I have also been speaking at conferences on parenting/education since I was 18. Even though I didn’t have children until I was in my late twenties, parenting has been of great importance to me because I know the great influence it has on our lives and have also felt that the way education and parenting is handled in this world—especially this country—needs MAJOR improvements. 

While speaking at conferences on parenting but not having kids, I have met some resistance from parents saying things like “when you have had children for 15 years then talk to me about it” or “how can you talk about parenting if you don’t have children?” etc etc. My response has always been “I was a conscious child, and because of that remember what worked and what didn’t work and also what it’s like being a child in an adult-controlled world. I also have been around children with great success for my whole life.” 

Despite not having children myself, I have had a lot of experience and great success helping other parents and families greatly improve their lives. The people who were able to sense that have reaped the rewards through my talks or private consultations. I even had @adamkokesh film a TV show at my eco village one time, and he was blown away by the competence and responsibility of such young children. I will make a post with that interview sometime also. 

Now it’s true that it is way different being a “parent” as opposed to being a “baby sitter”. Just because children have always tended to like me more and listen to me better than their own parents, that does not necessarily mean it could or would successfully apply to them as “parents”.

However, now I have 3 children of “my own” (I do not believe parents should “own” children or treat them as “property”) and have also had children living under my roof at The Garden of Eden for many years. 

I have had great success with all the children that have come here. Not only getting along with them playing and such, but more importantly helping greatly improve their behavior and overall capability. We have 4 year olds in diapers, children with tantrums, children incapable of doing almost anything but making messes etc etc. In very little time in this environment they evolve leaps and bounds. 

“My” 3 children are also quite exceptional, and I credit that less to their genes as I do their upbringing. 

So the question may now be “well what is exceptional and what makes them exceptional?” So I will take some paragraphs to list some of the “achievements” that I deem to be successful and be worth the word “exceptional”. Obviously success is relative, but I think everyone can agree that happiness, health, and responsibility are of the utmost importance. 

All 3 of my children, including my very first, were born naturally without any professional influence. No doctor, midwife, doula, or even books on the matter were used nor needed (I will make a post specifically about natural birth and even a post about giving birth in a third world country). None of my children have ever had a shot, a doctor check up, or taken any kind of western medicine ever—of course that means no vaccines or immunizations. Despite this, they have always been and are currently exceptionally healthy, smart, and strong. None of them have ever been seriously sick with anything more than a runny nose and cough. 

All 3 of my children have been going pee and poo in the toilet since they were 3 weeks old. They of course were not strong enough to take themselves to the toilet, but were conscious and smart enough to be able to do it on command VERY consistently since that age. This is one of the greatest proofs that I use to try and get through to parents just how much potential children have and just how misunderstood their potential capability is. 

Both my 5 and 3 year old have been voluntarily helping out with chores since they were about 2. They are great at doing dishes, putting away toys, sweeping, dusting, wiping, and any kind of general cleaning tasks. They know how to and help us properly plant and harvest our food. They know what all the edible plants are and also what the non-edible plants are on our land. They even know the names of many of them! 

3 children having fun while washing mason jars, using well water from our land!

They both help with the preparation and cooking of food. They both have been using very sharp kitchen knives with extreme competence and responsibility since they were 1.5-2, chopping vegetables, and even dicing garlic! They can even  fry their own eggs over open fire flames. 

They learn things very, very fast and have very good memories. They are generally capable of doing whatever it is they want to do, and they are excellent communicators with a great depth of vocabulary. 

They eat very healthy foods, take natural medicines or supplements if necessary and its not an ordeal. 

They hardly ever whine, almost never fight and are fully capable of having "adult conversations" about important matters. They are very reasonable and when it comes to some kind of a debate they agree with logic and reason and also use arguments based on logic and reason. They even compute mass amounts of information and come to deductions on their own about life matters on a regular basis. 

I could go on and on listing things they have done that I find extraordinary, but what is actually most important to me is their well being. They are VERY happy, honest, free, healthy, responsible and still innocent. They have a great love for people and themselves. They have not been broken or scarred. 

I have found that “parenting” is a very touchy subject kinda like religion and politics because its so personal. While I disagree with most parents, I also respect that every parent has the freedom to parent as they see fit. I have not tried to change parents but to be there with love and wisdom for the ones who are ready to be responsible and present parents. I am not here to say what's right or wrong, or even to give advise. Just simply to share my REAL life experience and the super extraordinary results I have gotten. This revolutionary perspective has changed lives and been a great benefit to those in alignment with such perspective. 

"Quinn Eaker is an inspiration! Through his words and his actions as a rad daddy, he reminds me to look to the children as examples of free living, free thinking, freewheeling...

We at Wild Family Studio are grateful to have his superb contributions in film and book projects, and we're lucky to have his philosophy on record."

-Kabirin Lindsay

Director at Wild Family TV

Because of my very alternative lifestyle living in an eco village and my unorthodox parenting style, I unfortunately have had CPS (child protective services) on me multiple times because of reports from haters trying to hurt me. Yet every single time I have handled them with great success, without having to compromise. In fact, there are hundreds of people that would testify to these children being as happy, healthy, and capable as any children they have EVER seen. I even have affidavits used to deal with CPS, not just under penalty of perjury, but also pains of death saying that I am the best father they have ever met and wish they had me for a father. 

I feel that the most influential changes humanity can make for a healthier and happier future lie in the evolution of parenting/education. Because of this, parenting is of the utmost importance to me and I feel it is one of the most valuable contributions I can make to the world. 

In future posts I hope to share what parenting is like from my perspective and how parenting can be not only successful, but enjoyable as well. At some level, all parents want is for their children to be a success. Unfortunately, the way parenting/education is generally addressed does not result in real success, especially success that guarantees health, freedom, fulfillment and happiness. 

I really hope this topic and my perspective on the matter is of interest and value. Please comment and let me know. 

Almost all the world’s problems start with parenting, thus the solutions to the world’s problems lie in New Paradigm parenting~*~


I am absolutely in awe of you and your parenting examples. I learned so much from one conversation 3 years ago and I've been lucky enough to have you be a part of my family and have individual attention from you which make an incredible difference in just a day or two. Our family is so grateful to have had your influence. You're by far the greatest parent I've ever seen or heard of.

I am super grateful for this testimony as I really want to be able to share as much New Paradigm Parenting Perspective as possible as I feel it truly is of the utmost importance. The receptive and supportive the community is the more it will motivate the exploration and conscious evolution of this great issue.
Your support means a lot to me but honestly I am just grateful that what you say is true. That I am able to help people and whole families in such profound ways in the areas of greatest importance. I have been dedicated to this for almost 2 decades and it motivates me on its own. As long as I can make such a difference I will continue on despite widespread support or not!
Bless it be~*~

hi quinneaker! I'm wondering if you would want to stop by and say hi to my friend Lily who just made her first Steem post. She's a wonderful Appalachia forest garden Mama, and I just want her to meet some people here that she will be inspired with.

thanks for letting me butt in...! also now that I'm here I totally just have to blurt out that I feel kind of intimidated by you, you're always so generous and BIG, and man, lol, I dunno...I only say it in hopes that maybe it seems sillier afterwards somehow. I think I pride myself on being generous, it's totally part of my identity, and also sometimes people are generous in really different ways. ANYWAY. I can't believe you have three kids...!! I have the idea in my head that kids = no time. I suppose it's all about what rhythyms are flowing...

best wishes,

Your family is so beautiful. I cannot have kids and probably won't want to anyhow due to many circumstances but I will admit seeing your beautiful family and how you raise your kids really makes my heart almost ache. Thanks for being such a great parent you are bringing up some amazing humans to bless the world with for many years. :)

When I was younger and could have kids the main issue with any boyfriend I had being the father was them being wildly against my "unorthodox" idea of how to raise them which was mainly just hack schooling, no organized religion, and probably a pescetarian type diet until they are old enough to choose if they want land animals in their diet.

Wow Laura~
I really appreciate this comment, I want you to know that. I get so many comments that really "mean nothing" this one I FEEL.
You made the right choice, because the only thing worse than not having a family is having a family in the wrong circumstances. Most children have a really horrific life (I'm sure u know about that) and most parents don't get along and most kids spend their life doing things they HAVE to do and never being truly honored as fully empowered beings.
I appreciate your support and really hope that I can bring more content that is inspiring and worth your time.
Please be in touch, it means a lot to me~*~~

Yeah, I had one of those horrific, REALLY horrific childhoods and it is why I decided not to have kids of my own unless I was perfectly ready financially and emotionally and I don't think it will ever pan out at this point. I am so glad I didn't compromise though and have one with one of the several guys that wanted to start a family and seemed to put NO thought into what goes into having a family.

I am glad you could see my comment was genuine and I know what you mean about getting comments that mean nothing. Sometimes it is completely obvious the people didn't even read more than the headlines on my blogs.

I will keep in touch. I find you and your family beautiful and can live vicariously and brighten my days. :)

Yet AGAIN I am so grateful to FEEL your comment here. Yes I know the truth of matters that present the self because I have mastered intuition.
Despite your difficult start u have done a great job of making something of it and I very much appreciate your honesty here.
you always have someone to talk to/connect with in me and if you ever need something let me know. I somehow have a way of providing solutions for any problem~

P.S - I would upvote your comment but I somehow let my voting power get super low and now I am struggling to get it back up. <3

Well just so u know voting power increases by 20% a day....Using 10 full power votes decreases it a little less than that....So if ur lower than u want to be u get 20% a day back minus what votes u put out....The actual contest is not yet....This is just the qualifying post and there will be a post that I have to get votes on to actually win....hahahaahahha so MOSTLY appreciate ur consideration and hope that MAYBE u will actually be able to help me ;-)

Ps I have voting power so will up vote ur comment ;-)

I am raising two little ones under completely opposite circumstances -- in a high-rise apartment building in a crowded (though beautiful) city. Although I love where we live, and the many opportunities it gives my children, there are days when I dream of them being able to have the freedoms your children enjoy. I look forward to reading more!

Yes, well we must find a way to make the best of what we have, yet also not be complacent or stagnant. Anything is possible when we fully commit.
I appreciate the support and hope I am able to bring inspiring content!

City kids can learn to enjoy nature if we as parents cultivate it in them. I am a new mom and also look for a best way to balance it. Hopefully our steemit blogs grow so popular that we can enjoy nature as much as we wish!
upvoted and following ;)

I see you live in Vancouver too! We are very fortunate to live in such close proximity to wilderness, aren't we?

definitely... I love it here!

I am one of the hundreds of people who will testify that your children are the happiest, healthiest, and most capable children I have ever seen -- it is truly extraordinary to see children so ALIVE and aware!

In my almost 3 years at the GOE, I have never once seen you yell at them, use coercion or manipulation, raise a hand against them, or judge or ridicule them. It's different than any other parenting style I have been exposed to, and we see a decent amount of alternatives with just the people who come through your ecovillage. You give the children information, and trust them to make their own decisions--and because they are treated as competent, responsible individuals, they ARE competent, responsible individuals!

Even though I don't have children, I really look forward to more "parenting advice" from you, as I think there's a wealth in it for everyone. And I'm really excited for Steemit to meet your children! They are the brightest, smartest, most responsible & thoughtful children I know, and I believe they will inspire many to the real potential in this life.

I really appreciate your testament here @saramiller it means a lot to me and I really hope the community here is open and supportive of these explorations as I truly believe they are of the utmost even world changing importance.
What I have also found is that because we ALL were children and regardless of if we were in an orphanage or in a situation like my children we all had "parent figures" and had to go through the conditioning of the system. So we can ALL potentially benefit greatly from these insights into consciousness and life it self.
Bless it be~*~

From reading this, you're a good parent , love it !

Thank you!

I am SUPER stoked to see all the support for this post and for what you have to bring to the table, especially about parenting. What is truly needed most is the honor you share with your children as the divine beings that they are. The way you parent is miraculous, your example so profound, and your children so happy, healthy and truly ALIVE!!! They are the most conscious children I have ever known. Their love for you and their love for life says it all!

I am blessed to witness and be a part of this New Paradigm parenting with you everyday, and also blessed by the free flow of love that is a result of such incredible happiness. If people really knew how to be with their children in love, the entire world would change. I hope you get to share the depths of this most stimulating subject, as I agree, it doesn't get any more important than that.

YAY!!! Making radical change in our parenting styles is the most valuable thing we can do. Bring it on @quinneaker. Give the world a good dose of that joy! <3

Insightful post, awesome to see your family.

Thank you!
I hope to continue to bring content of real value!

This is Beautiful, you should be very proud of your happy, healthy, down to earth children who seem content and well balanced.

What you have done for your children will benefit them for the rest of their life's and will be past down to their childrens children.

I do believe it starts at birth, and a natural home birth is without a doubt the best start for child and parent, with a great start in life the rest should just flow naturally. Our first child was born in a hospital, back when we was still very much in the system, the whole experience for mother and child was horrific and it takes a long time to repair the damage that was done in the delivery room.
We learned our lesson and never stepped foot in a hospital again.

After reading this post I see many similarities in the way we raise our children, we are not quite on your level as we are still learning to shake off the system that has infected our minds for so long, but we are getting there.

This post has been super beneficial to us and after reading part 2, I will be glued to the this blog ready and waiting for the next installment.

I believe what you have is a natural gift coupled with a real understanding of how to give children the knowledge and tools they need to live a happy, stable and prosperous life.

You are very generous in sharing this valuable information with us for the cost of an upvote, I praise you for this.
You Sir are a role model.

Ahhhhhhh This is the best comment I have had from a "stranger" in a while.
I would live this way and share it regardless because I believe so strongly and am so passionately committed, but it is very fulfilling to read a comment such as this. Besides living up to my ideals THIS right here is the most important reason I do what I do.
If I am truly able to help just one child, one family really be free, together in love to LIVE THE DREAM. It is all worth it!
The potential for life is so truly profound. Unfortunately almost all of us are broken from day one.
As you say the hospital is not only a horrific place but diabolical.
I won't get into it to much here as the red pill/rabit hole is intense but I believe you grasp the essence of what I am getting at. The system/matrix is designed to program and keep that program running.
I wish you the best, and comments like yours motivate and inspire me to get working on the next post!
Hope to see you soon!

Wow, this is the best article I`ve read so far about parenting. Thanks for the infomation, It will help with my future children. Cheers and congratulations @quinneaker

SO great to hear this! This is just a little introduction. I have been in deep contemplation and experimentation of parenting/education for decades and have so much to share about it. I truly do find it to be of the utmost importance and hope that it is supported here on steemit so I can contribute a lot of content on it. I have a few i am planning on doing soon.
Thanks for the support and comment!

This is one of the most beautiful post I have read on steemit. Thank you so much for taking such great care of your children and treating them as super intelligent from the beginning. So many parents think it has to be the exact same way and they "can't" do certain things till a certain age, which is limiting them. So proud and happy that I came across this article, it gives me so much insight for when I have children. Thank you :) Followed!

I couldn't hope for a better result from this writing. This is EXACTLY why I wrote this and hope to write a lot more on this topic as I truly find it to be of the utmost importance.
Thanks for the comment and support, it will motivate more posts of this nature!

YES pleasssse keep writing about this information- it is well needed in our world!

Heard and agreed!

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