No opinion, No problem.
There are Zen masters from the ancient scriptures that speak of simply dropping all views and all opinions and enlightenment will then be a breeze.
I find this a tantalizing prospect. There has always been a sense that ever since I formed strong opinions about what needs to occur and what doesn't need to occur that it was the very day I began to suffer. Thus, I dropped all opinion. But, the energy of one's particular point of view is always going to be strong and full of life. How does one drop that?

No particular concern as children
In my personal experience, when I was a child, there was absolutely no problem at all. There was no reason to have an opinion about politics, spirituality, philosophy at all, because all was taken care of. Simply, I was purely myself and was able to enjoy existence as is. At the exact moment my mother brought me to school I realized that I was not where I wanted to be. I began forming concepts of the world that were "serious".
The strongest opinions as a child were trivial, such as favorite color or animal. No problem there because everyone has their favorites. But, then when I started to play video games I had a favorite video game that could actually be in opposition to another person's favorite. It could literally make someone angry if you even mentioned your favorite video game. How strange! How unusual! A subject is now made into an object. It is being objected to by someone outside myself. Though confusing, I don't remember any conversation being too traumatic. But, for whatever reason, video games actually caused the first sign of divisiveness in my consciousness.
The Worldview begins to form
All the way up till college I had complete apathy for the outside world (I enjoyed that ignorance). But, then I started watching documentaries, political commentaries (unfortunately), and different perspectives and philosophies all centralized around the human condition on Earth. This solidified the common perspective of the world that we all share in. The condition that is known as life on Earth, where individuals defer communication for argument and lock themselves in a cycle of negative thinking in order to appear more intelligent then whom they are speaking to.
The worldview then becomes not simply a trivial identity but seemingly the identity that defines one's life. Which is so crazy! So absolutely crazy! My life, of course, is now as I am writing these words. My life is the good energy I feel in my body. It has nothing to do with Red or Blue politicians or the price of potatoes in Idaho. Nor does it have anything to do with my particular perspective on factory farming or gun control. Every single thing one says or does is because they are attempting to receive the love that they refuse to give to themselves. Opinions are no different. Yes, one can actually have the desire to aid people in the way they think is best. But, if one doesn't see how separation and division is the problem they are attempting to "fix" with their "correct view", then one is still in the trap.
Those lines aren't meant to confuse the reader or make them have a vague feeling that the writer is not saying anything, but it is just what is subjectively happening in human consciousness. What is happening is that one's own consciousness is dividing itself and trying to get back what it lost through admiration of one's divisive mindset. The rush of excitement one gets through argument is an addictive quality when there is no knowledge of what one is doing. In actuality, the world's problem is only one's own.
Dropping all opinions
What I am doing now is actually a contradiction. By expressing my story and my opinion of "no opinion" it gives me a sense of validation for who I am in the moment instead of simply being who I am in the moment without concern for what others may think. Though, the idea is that I am simply doing this right now and that as soon as I am done writing I will begin the next thing without second thought or consideration for what I had just written. I trust the reader will do the same. When reading these words there may be thoughts of agreement or rejection. Why bother with that? Simply post a comment in the moment and think nothing of it. That is how one drops all opinions. That is how one can express themselves until the ostensible need to validate one's own views becomes a pointless act. For it is the individual who validates their own perspective intrinsically anyways. Thus, why bother expressing anything at all? Except, perhaps:
"I love this life! I love everything! All is beauty undefinable and one day all will know what I feel without me saying a word!"
Follow me on Twitter: @Rokazulu7
Podcast: Aura Mystica
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This is really good. I think almost all people are seeking approval. This platform is such a great example of that. But your points are very valid, we don't need approval from others only from ourselves. The only reason I express this is to reaffirm your post, not to seek your approval~ 😉
Yeah, almost all for sure. I can understand why! Which is why I approve of them all. And I approve of your post though I know you don't need it, I also know you don't mind.
(P.S) - Sedona is pure magic.