
in #love7 years ago

9 Easy Ways To Know You Are Already Dating MR.Right,And You Don't Know It.

From the onset of any relationship, be it platonic or romantic;
certain actions are taken by both sexes involved. These
include:physical work out,facial treatment, enlargements,LOL!,having
well defined six packs,etc.All these are no surprises since the first
step in a relationship is the attraction aspect.
Talking from the feminine point of view,though,its not his good
looks,six pack, that matters when the topic of marriage is brought
up.The truth is that women tend to be attracted to certain personality
traits in a man, which makes him a great man and hence,MR.RIGHT!. He
should whether single or married posses these indispensable qualities.
1)Confident Personality: Confidence they say is sexy,and charming as
well.Ever,been approached by a really nerdy guy,who fidgets or is
totally insecure and unsure of himself;sucks right?.A good man will be
confident in himself and who he is.This is very essential, because he
is less likely to change who he is or fake himself for your sake.
2)Maturity: A Mr.Right is able to care for himself, attends to his
problems with a calm and collected approach. He is Independent,and
values what he has.He mustn't be rich,he does not live beyond his
means as well,he completely lives his life in a matured manner.If ya
man still lives with his parents,Ouch!,he isn't mature.
3)Honesty:He always tells the truth,and does not care about your
reaction to it.If he does something wrong,he would tell you the real
truth,and not SLEAZY stories. This trait makes him a genuine
MR.Right,relieving you the stress of guessing about his feelings and
4)Optimistic Mindset:He has an optimistic state of mind,a positive
attitude towards things.Optimistic people do not complain a lot rather
they seek for solutions.He carries himself well,looks for the good in
things and people.He is sure the man,every girl wants because he is
capable of making ya day,and not the negative immature guy!.
5)Ambitious: Your man ought to be true to his word and to himself.If
he tells you that he is going to do something, he actually does
that.Even,If he by some circumstances best known to him is not
financially sound,his ambitious quality and integrity are enough to
convince you that he is gonna be rich someday!!
6)Faithfulness:This is one of the most important characteristics when
looking for the right man to settle with.Although, this can be a
little dicey to ascertain, you sure have to pay keen attention to his
love life.If he has been a cheater,then its in ya best interest to
stay away from him.Men usually cheat due to sex deprival, so to keep
ya man;satisfy him.
7)Good Communication:Every woman loves a man that would look her
straight in the eyes,when he is talking to her.This shows genuine
attention and also interest in what you are saying. Good diction when
conversing with you also matters.A man without this trait exhibits
weakness,am sure you don't want a weak man.
8)Acts Gentlemanly:These days chivalry has become so obsolete.Your
Mr.Right needs to be polite,respectful, considerate,and attentive to
your needs.Even,if he is not naturally gentle, he should at least
acquire some gentleman behaviours like;walking on the car side of the
street,pulling a chair for you,holding back doors for you.Thats so
romantic, isn't it?.Well,he should do these moderately though,else
girls become suspicious of him or take for granted.
9)Courage:It takes ccourage for a man to be selfless,stand up for his
woman,show her respect,control his emotions,temper,sexual desires,also
being responsible for his actions.A courageous man does not really
care about what other people think in his relationship, he just does
what he deems appropriate and normal,at the same time not keeping his
woman uncomfortable.
Last but not the least,he should be Godfearing, so he would make wise
decisions in the relationship either now or in marriage.
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