Love and Sacrifice both things are very close to each and inter-related. Love is the name of care respect and also a name to give sacrifice, but in this world the concept of love has been changed by the means of given take. People thought that if you love some one you will get him or her or you'll get something in return. While love is about to be given and not hoping for any return. When you love someone its really a good feeling that comes from your heart. Many peoples love like a game that changes its level day by day. When love is being done at once whom you get it or not. Love is a sacrifice because when you love anyone you are not sure to get any return. Some times we love any one and that person love another so if our love is pure then we move backward, which means to sacrifice our love. We become happy to see our beloved being happy. Peoples think its foolish to give your love to someone else or sacrificing it is foolish think but i say they haven't yet loved truly to someone.