Tita Juls' Reply to: Love It/Shove It Challenge: Tita Juls gets real

in #loveitshoveit7 years ago (edited)

Tita Juls thanks @simplymike for challenging her in writing this. She found it fun and therapeutic, and please excuse her if there are any she needs to change/edit let her know :)


So what do you really love? What would you rather not have in your life? These are the little things that make us unique! Get creative, and feel free to explain your reasons! The rules are simple!

List five things that you love

List five things that you really dislike

Use the tag loveitshoveit

Edit: rule change, I've seen comments of people saying they wish they could tag more than 5, so now you can tag whoever you want to get to know better! As many people as you want! And remember anyone can join! If you're reading this, and you want to create a love it/shove it post, I would love to see it! It's been so much fun reading them all!!

She's not sure who has joined but will tag the following to get into this challenge:

@wanderlass - sorry!
@davemccoy - apologies if you've done this! (Ok, she has just saw that you have, please ignore!)


  1. Family

As childish as it sounds, Tita Juls cannot imagine life without the Parental Unit. There was a time when she rented out an apartment with her friend (best roomie ever), but found herself going back to her parent's house every Friday. She realized it was never the same without the fussy Seniors at home. There was always something cooking, someone who watered her plants, and fed her pets (best of all she had no chance of being afraid of the House Ghost - more on that maybe around Halloween).

As with every family, this would include the noisy cousins, and the even nosier aunts and uncles who are always badgering Tita Juls about getting a boyfriend, getting married, then suggesting to praying the novena to help get a boyfriend and a marriage proposal.

They could annoy Tita Juls to no end, but in the end they are still family and can be counted on.

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  1. Pets

Tita Juls loves animals - at one point years ago, she had a cat, two dogs, a rabbit, some gold fish, and a pair of love birds all at the same time.

Now she has mostly cats, as you will see in future posts. She absolutely adores them!


  1. Friends

Now that Tita Juls is all growned up, she keeps a select number of friends she can share her thoughts and quirkiness with. It used to be important to her to many friends around, but soon found out along the way that some were only seasonal friends, but a few were Friends Forever.


  1. Chocolate and Coffee

Tita Juls did mention to one Steemian that she was in an on-again-off-again with all types of chocolates - this is the same with coffee. To heck with the doctor who tells her to lay off the caffeine!


  1. Reading and Writing

Reading and writing is Tita Juls first love growing up (more on that soon). She practically lived in the Recreational Library, and read everything from Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Enid Blyton, R.L. Stine, and let's not forget Sweet Valley High. This was also during the days of glamorous magazines - Seventeen, the Rolling Stones, MOD, and on occasion the geeky National Geographic.

Then a friend also introduced her to the likes of Danielle Steel, Sandra Brown, Jude Deveraux, Julie Garwood, Judith McNaught, you name it. Embarrassing? Yes, but entertaining all the same!

Good thing in school, she learned about the sensible stories like Of Mice and Men, Little Women, Three Musketeers, and the creepy book, "The Lord of the Flies".

As for writing, Tita Juls wrote short stories, poems, and articles for the high school newspaper. Lately, she had been thinking of writing again - her last poem was circa 2000-2001. As usual, life got in the way, so here we are.



  1. Past Friend

Tita Juls had a very good Past Friend - they have known each other for almost a decade, from their first jobs. As time went by, however, they slowly drifted apart, and made different friends with different interests. They tried to keep in touch but found that they now disagreed on certain perspectives. A touch of office gossip added strain on their friendship.

Only a few months ago, they crossed paths in the office and Tita Juls asked Past Friend if she'd like to down to the coffee shop for a quick breakfast. They had not seen each other in months, after all, she stayed in another office location. Past Friend declined because she had a very important meeting (it was before 7am, highly unlikely, but sure, why not.)

It was downhill from there. They met again in the elevator and Past Friend acted like Tita Juls had the zombie virus. Then, Past Friend decided to meet with everyone they mutually knew, and proudly posted it on FB for everyone to see.

The following day there was a gift from Past Friend waiting on her desk.

What, she couldn't give this to my face?!, Tita Juls fumed, and decided that she had enough. She read the short message that was stuck on the gift (which was too stupid) and tossed it angrily into the nearest trash can.

She found everything that Past Friend ever gave to her and into the trash can they all went. She brushed away the angry, bitter, and most of all, the sad tears but felt a little better.

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  1. Littering

Sure, Tita Juls is a messy person. Her things are strewn everywhere, because for some reason she can't think when everything is neat and perfect. However, one thing she cannot abide by are people who litter on the street.

This one guy threw is bus ticket over his shoulder, and Tita Juls glared at him, and he had the gall to ask, Did I hit you with the paper?

To which she scathingly said, No, but the trash can is right over there.

It's just a small piece of paper, her replied.

Mister, that's wrong and you know it! She cried indignantly.

Obviously, it was a silly argument to have with a stranger, but it really bother Tita Juls. The man muttered something incomprehensible and she turned her back and marched off.


  1. Office Politics

Ugh. Tita Juls can't even begin with this one. The Concrete Jungle is exactly like the Rain Forest: Abundant with green foliage, and lush, bright, exotic flowers - beautiful and pleasing to the eyes.

Once inside, if one wasn't careful you might step into a nest of vipers in one area, be confronted by a group of mountain apes in one corner, and be chased by a pack of hyenas. On occasion you might meet a group of peaceful elephants and watchful wolves, however it is still as primitive.

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  1. Black propagandists and Fake News

Tita Juls rarely ever watches the news. Who has time to sort this out, anyway?

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  1. ???

To be honest, Tita Juls couldn't think of the fifth one on her Shove It list. She realized that she liked a whole lot more things than disliked. So what do you say we leave this for later?

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Note: Pictures taken by Tita Juls from her very own photo album and from Photofy (Free) Stock Photos, and then edited with Photofy and Prisma. Credits also to the Dilbert comic strip by Scott Adams, which was photographed from a newspaper.


Hello Tita Juls! This is a funny write up combined with some beki words (Parental Unit). :D I can relate to some of these especially littering and office politics . Good job in confronting that guy at the bus!

You will do really well here with your stories and poem. I encourage you post them here :)

This is my 3rd nomination. First one was from @kismet2018 and the 2nd from @tifaong. They are also part of the #newbieresteemday community. I think I should really post mine lol.

The third time is always a charm 😉

Agreed 😊

Yes please you should. Btw I shall read the guide :) 😙 thank you!

Hey @titajuls, your name is kinda similar with mine "Tita" and "Tifa" XD
I really enjoy your way of writing, it has a sense of humor, playful yet down to earth.

You have a lot of potential and talent. Keep writing, steem on!

Hi @tifaong lovely to meet you! Thanks a million, your support means a lot to me 😊 usually I would answer in character/third person but my brain cells need to be recharged. Steem on!

Hahaha I hope you're recharged already and rock Steemit!

Btw indeed we are Tifa and Tita! 😁👌


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