Why do porn-stars' life expectancy is short and how does this relate to an ancient Native American faith and to you personally?

in #lovushacademy3 years ago

If you have time to read just one of my posts this year, then I highly recommend that it would be this post.

Disclaimer: what I am writing below will probably make most of you uncomfortable. I do not have a particular agenda, certainly not a judgmental one, and I do not come to tell you how to live your life. My goal, in every post that I write, is to shed light on the issue at hand and to give you, my readers, additional options to choose from beyond those you are aware of. I am neither righteous nor a preacher and I do not hold any absolute truth, if such exists at all.


Sex is a wonderful thing. The experience in its pure form conveys a delightful and healthy energy that animates the body and mind. But in today's world, sex has been distorted and become a prominent manifestation of energy stealing.

If you have not noticed yet everyone is busy stealing energy. It starts with telling stories on the psychologist's couch, moves on to sexual exploitation in semi-legal and criminal ways and reaches the point of a global energy crisis with skyrocketing product prices. Humans, and the collective consciousnesses they make up, do not know how to obtain energy from within and so they turn outside and steal it from others.


Credit: spokanefavs.com

There are many reasons why pornography is inappropriate. It is said that it exploits weakened women, that it is immoral, that it is contrary to a divine commandment, that it destroys families, that it sabotages children's chances of finding a relationship in adolescence, and so on and so forth. My readers know though that I am not content with explanations that are sourced in the outer world, and rather always seek to understand the reasons underlying the events. The same reasons that are deeply rooted in the consciousness and in this case, in the consciousness of the pornographic sexual energy.

The consciousness of pornography

Pornography is a crude and dark form of energy stealing. Those actors, professionals or amateurs, who stand (lie) in front of a camera, have sex in different forms and versions and then broadcast the pictures and videos to the world for viewing by millions of people, stealing energy. From whom? From you, the viewers. They use their bodies to attract your sexual attention and your own energy. The problem is that this energy is distorted, dark, coarse. It is not a nourishing and healthy energy, so in the end it does not contribute anything to those actors and actresses. Then, those come to realize that they don't receive the doze of energy they had wanted and so, in order to feed themselves, they resort to other means - drugs, alcohol or more distorted versions of pornography.

This is the effect on the people in front of the camera. The effect, however, goes beyond to the entire production team involved in creating pornographic materials.


On viewers the effect is similar.

Ostensibly you may ask "Where is the harm? I watch one video a week, get satisfaction and that's it. It's over. Isn't it better than deluding someone with loving words when the goal is just sex?". But you too are involved in the energy stealing. When you watch an actress having sex you are feeding-off of her energy, you are stealing her life energy, and when millions do it, it is no wonder that the lifespan of porn actors is significantly shortened. There is no nice way to say it - when you watch porn you are hurting another person!

Sadly, that does not end there because the effect is two-way. When you watch porn you take that distorted energy from the players and then assimilate it into your mind and soul. This energy is expressed in feelings of guilt and shame. Something as beautiful as love and sex becomes something to be ashamed of. The dark and constraining energy you put into yourself while watching is addictive, and not only does it block your spiritual growth but also shortens your lifespan. In watching, you not only contribute to shortening the life of the actresses but also yourself. I do not like in my posts to use fear or intimidation but there is no other way to tell this truth. And it's time for the truth to be know.

If one thinks about this principle of energy stealing and how it is expressed in today's virtual worlds then one realizes that every innocent image and video that we upload to the web, and which then can be used by others to reach some satisfaction, to be fed off of us, have the same effect. Did you upload to Instagram, or looked at, a picture of a woman in an exposed swimsuit, and then sexually relish it? You, along with the model in the exposed swimsuit, are complicit in the theft of energy. She stole from you and you from her.

In the Native American culture (the Indians) it is widely believed that a person's photography takes part of their soul. Now you can understand why.

Unfortunately, everything I have written has no awareness in today's world-view where pornography is penetrating the mainstream and average perosns become amateur porn actors. The advertising media also sells using sex because it knows how much sex feeds us and attracts our attention. It is highly doubtful whether the advertisers and models are aware of the consciousness behind the sexual images they publish and the stealing of energy that takes place. Had they been aware of the impact on their longevity and mental health, they might have stopped doing so. The same goes for any public figure (actors, singers, preformers) that use their sexuality to market themselves to the masses.

But at least you are now aware. And you can now ask yourself whether you think this energy exchange is an appropriate thing and whether you are willing to take part in it.


What do you think? If you agree or sympathize consider reblogging and sharing so more people can make informed choices in their own lives.


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